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September Chester sITL
Hurry to get a chance to win up to 5 usdt
BPU9CQ14KS is the red packet code
plz hurry
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September Chester sITL
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THE ice open network is back with sunwaves mining app Sure listing will take place just download sunwaves app from play store enter Ur email enter "wabsmash" as referral code then start mining
this Binance new lit referral is sort of a nonsense , imagine a 0.01 percent boost after all it efforts
Sometimes hoping for much , seems difficult , but try this strategy
THE 3 TIPS TO BEAUTIFIFY UR SPOT TRADING JOURNEY As the crypto world is gaining more and more attention , it better to approach it with better tools like of which I have got u here , 1) Greed and Fear Well , greed simply means FOMO and Fear is FOLV( Fear of losing value ) To benefit from these few , you should always be the opposite . If there is greed , be fearful and vise versa. 2) Always buy the dip ,This will help u secure more profits in Ur portfolio and avoid unnecessary losses 3) Endeavour using DOLLAR COST AVERAGING , I got this covered in the previous post 4) Hire a spot trading robot like 3 commas , Royal q , Utrading , Crypto hopper and many more , these will help automate Ur trades and secure greater returns . Follow for more
THE MAGIC OF DOLLAR COST AVERAGING What is DCA? DCA is simply the act of spreading the buys or sells if a particular asset over a long period of time and high price ranges? Here are the advantages of DCA Cinder traders A and B each with 1000usdt to invest in solana at a price of 100 usdt Trader A fully places an order of 10 sol but due to market volatility , the price of solana drops to 98 dollars and later 95 dollars This hence means that the The trader made a loss of 50 dollars. On the other hand consider Trader B placed an order to buy 2 sol at price of 100 usdt. As usual prices fall to 98 , and then he places and order of 2 solana . Meaning the average price is now 99 . So trader B is in loss if only 4 usdt . Again the price drops to 95 and so he places an order of 2 or more solana averaging the price of the whole purchase to 97 , As you can see if prices bounce back to 98 , the trader B gains which A still in loss And so you can apply this in Ur spot trading .
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