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*fed pivots*
👉 Arus masuk BTC: +252 juta (peningkatan +240%)
👉 Arus masuk ETH: -5,7 juta (🤔)
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i'm out of my ETH longs bc my stoploss told me it was a stupid-ass decision
there's going to be a perp dex that has had up to 450% apys on your stables and nobody is talking about it.
Some points I found interesting from Lighter's first AMA The Tech Lighter is a custom L2 built on Ethereum with ZK proofs Breaking that down: 1. Building on ETH offers the security and bridging of ETH assets to trade and use as collateral. If the Lighter L2 stops, then assets can be retrieved on ETH. 2. The custom L2 offers the scalabilty. Lighter currently runs at ~1000tps, but it's flexible and can reach 1m if there is demand for it). Latency when colocated is 5-10ms. 3. The ZK proofs allow for verifiability of the trades The sequencer is currently centralized like other L2s, but the zk circuits make it easier to decentralize. Decentralizing the sequencer could be implemented by eoy. Building custom apps on the L2 is not easy atm as you need to build custom ZK circuits This could become easier in the future with the partnership with succinct labs However most trading related features will be availble through apis, so telegram bots, analytics etc are possible. TGE Hints that it happens within the year VCs A16Z invested when Lighter was an AI company They were supportive of the pivot and participated in the round after the pivot too There will be an announcement of another round with highly reputable VCs involved. Vlad and the VCs understand that a large portion of the tokens being distributed to the community is crucial for a decentralized perp exchange to succeed. I personally thought the community was going to get 10%. Vlad on the call loosely mentioned 50% 👀 Upcoming Features Using the LLM -currently doing 407% apys- as margin for trading could be implemented within a few weeks(unique to Lighter) Using ETH assets as margin coming soon Side note. Vlad kinda sounds like Elon Musk when he speaks😅
There is something seriously wrong with ETH if Cobie publicly buying leads to higher returns on SOL/BTC
before Cobie's tweet : scalping ETH on 5m charts after Cobie's tweet : long ETH on daily chart.
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