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márc. 14.
márc. 13.
Tantangan Prediksi Harga Spesial Ramadan Sesi Ke-2 telah dimulai HARI INI! 👇😎


Periode : 13 - 19 Maret 2025

Tantangan Prediksi Harga Minggu ini adalah "Prediksi Harga XRP di tanggal 20 Maret Pukul 06:00 WIB

Sebagai bagian dari rangkaian #TantanganSpesialRamadan , kami dengan gembira meluncurkan kampanye Prediksi Harga Mingguan untuk melihat seberapa terampil Anda dapat memprediksi harga kripto!

Rain Hadiah Bersama setiap minggu senilai 400 USDC!

🏆 Top 5 peserta tercepat dengan prediksi paling akurat mendapatkan masing-masing 20 USDC
💰 Semua pemenang yang memenuhi syarat akan berbagi hadiah dari total 300 USDC.
(Pemenang adalah mereka yang melakukan ketiga langkah (komen prediksi harga + voting + post di feed) dan memilih jawaban yang benar berdasarkan harga dan kategori.

Cara berpartisipasi:

✅ Follow akun resmi Binance Square  @Binance Indonesian
✅ Berikan prediksi harga di kolom komentar pada postingan ini untuk prediksi harga XRP (Berikan prediksi harga dalam USD). Misal harga: 2.99
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Baca syarat dan ketentuannya di link berikut👉

Ayo ikutan sekarang!

Ingat Prediksi di Kolom Komen + Vote + Post. Mulai prediksi hargamu sekarang! 😎
febr. 21.
Welcome to real market, Pi😄neer ! Supply + Demand = ???
Welcome to real market, Pi😄neer !
Supply + Demand = ???
febr. 21.
Biggest Legal Scam of Crypto History by DEXs
How the decentralized exchanges(DEXs) are trying to scam Pioneers?
These exchanges (OKX and Bitget) are scamming pioneers of their hard-earned Pi. The most frustrating part is that they are scamming pioneers in such a legally twisted way that Pi Network can't do anything now to stop them.
According to Dr. Nicholas, Pi is designed in such a way that its price is always going to be determined by pioneers. Before the main net launch of Pi Network, more than 90 percent of pioneers agreed on GCV, which is 1Pi=314159$. So in ideal circumstances, Pi's price should be this. Here is what happened after the launch.
According to Pi Network's official Pi explorer, the amount of Pi available for trade(unlocked circulating supply) is 159+ Million which is in possession of pioneers. However, After the launch of exchanges, Suddenly, the Supply of Pi coins on these exchanges started to skyrocket, which destroyed the price of Pi coins. Now here's the twist. Still, Pi Explorer is officially showing that the total Unlocked circulating supply of Pi is 159+ Million, but the supply on the Market has exceeded 256 Million.
The question is why these exchanges are showing such a huge difference in their amount and the Official Pi Explorer amount.
The answer to this question is simple.
These exchanges and whales have recognized Pi coin's potential. They know it's gonna surpass Bitcoin due to its technology, ecosystem and biggest verified community in the history of crypto. So, they are manipulating the supply and turnover through these exchanges, and also they are buying and dumping the Pi from the Pi core team's 20 percent reserves. Dr.Chengdiao has made it clear that 80 percent belongs to the community and 20 percent belongs to the Pi Core team.
And these exchanges and whales just didn't stop there. When a lot of pioneers deposited their Pi on these exchanges but didn't sell due to its manipulated price and wanted to get their Pi back into their Pi wallet so they could hold or sell to local/black market buyers at higher prices, these exchanges didn't allow them to withdraw their Pi and you can still confirm this on OKX which holds the most Pi right now.
All of these tactics are being done just to exploit loyal and hard-working pioneers so these whales and DEXs(exchanges) can fill their ugly bellies.
On the other hand, the majority of pioneers supporting GCV from China, Indonesia, and the Philippines, and some pioneers across the globe have totally boycotted these exchanges. They have expressed their concern about such a price which is being controlled by exchanges. They are still implementing the GCV and keeping their trades according to it in their businesses. Now, the local market/ black dealers are using this opportunity to buy Pi from pioneers at a price that is higher than exchanges and get their profit by selling those Pi in GCV-implemented areas. They are not buying from exchanges because they can't withdraw that Pi.
That's it, folks. This is all the fuss that has been created due to the greed of some exchanges and whales. Be sensible.
If you still wanna sell your Pi, at least sell it at a higher price to local market buyers.
febr. 21.
Uang saku misua bolelah 😜
Uang saku misua bolelah 😜
febr. 21.
ini benar benar uang gratis dari binance saya tidak perna penggunakan uang dapur Rp1 pun
febr. 18.
🐾RyanChow & SOLV benar-benar sampah !!! Modal BTCB dalam event stake solvBTC tidak kembali. Dan kita mendapatkan sampah. Dijual pun rugi waktu & biaya. 👻
🐾RyanChow & SOLV benar-benar sampah !!! Modal BTCB dalam event stake solvBTC tidak kembali. Dan kita mendapatkan sampah. Dijual pun rugi waktu & biaya. 👻
Az idézett tartalmat eltávolították
febr. 11.
Head of Ecosystem Alita Mikirno mengumumkan bahwa akun X [@AlitaExchange] telah diretas dan menghimbau kepada semua orang agar jangan mengklik tautan apapun yang di posting pada akun X tersebut. source: X #BTCvsInflation #Binance
Head of Ecosystem Alita Mikirno mengumumkan bahwa akun X [@AlitaExchange] telah diretas dan menghimbau kepada semua orang agar jangan mengklik tautan apapun yang di posting pada akun X tersebut.

source: X

#BTCvsInflation #Binance
febr. 5.
#L1X - Welcome to the Quantum world with LayerOneX . LayerOneX with multi-chain technology, transaction speed in miliseconds, execution accuracy and ultra-low cost, absolutely LayerOneX will killing conventional bridging systems. #AltcoinRevolution2028
#L1X - Welcome to the Quantum world with LayerOneX .
LayerOneX with multi-chain technology, transaction speed in miliseconds, execution accuracy and ultra-low cost, absolutely LayerOneX will killing conventional bridging systems.

febr. 5.
Congrats! Save your initial capital and multiply the profit with the result
Congrats! Save your initial capital and multiply the profit with the result
Az idézett tartalmat eltávolították
febr. 5.
I thinks SOLV too much drama 🤔
I thinks SOLV too much drama 🤔
febr. 5.

The market is pulling back, and SOLV is ready to explode! 📈🔥 After a long bear trap, the coast is clear, and SOLV is primed for a massive breakout! 💥

🔥 Why Buy SOLV?

🐻 The bear trap is over – the market is bullish now! 🐂💥
🚀 SOLV is set to soar – massive growth potential ahead! 🌙
💰 The blockchain space is booming, and SOLV is positioned for success in the DeFi ecosystem! 🌐
🌍 Get in early and HODL to watch your investment grow! 📊💸
With SOLV leading the way in DeFi, this is the perfect time to get in before it explodes. Big gains are on the horizon as SOLV gets ready for takeoff! 🚀

🌟 SOLV to the moon – don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity! 🚀

#SOLV #BuySOLV #Crypto #DeFi #Blockchain #ToTheMoon #HODL #CryptoGains #TrendingCrypto #SOLVRising #bullmarket
febr. 4.
febr. 4.
Unscramble This Word:

" H I S T O A S "
febr. 3.
GongXiFatCai - Wish You All The Best
GongXiFatCai - Wish You All The Best
jan. 29.
时代浪潮席卷而来的2024年,区块链世界有人被风暴吞噬,有人逆风执炬。这一年,比特币冲破10万美元大关,用一串代码向世界宣告共识终将劈开阴云;川普高调推出“Trump Coin”,政治与区块链的碰撞擦出荒诞却真实的火花;CZ回到社交媒体继续絮絮叨叨,接手Labs更名为YZi Labs还是那个一直唱多比特币的少年。币安在沉默中潜行,全球注册用户突破2.5亿,现货和衍生品总交易量达到100万亿美元大关,每一笔数字背后都是无数个不眠的夜晚,今年币安员工员工超过了5000人,币安的年终奖高于100万人民币的有172人,高于10万人民币的有3271人,最高奖金是1020万,我们希望给市场最好的人最优的待遇,够强你就来,来逐浪啊!

代码能解决效率问题,却解不开人性的贪婪;当价值资产变成稀缺品,Meme的狂欢像是一场无法解构的意识流行为艺术,而交易之外,而真正的变革,永远发生在那些不经意的瞬间——当街头下棋的大爷用币安Academy反驳传销盘,退休大妈Binance earn理财,当我们在BNBchain用0 Gas费给Siyuan发起的博士捐赠汇出第一个200 U,当区块链技术服务用户才是我们攻城略地的意义,这样走虽然慢,但慢就是快。
何 一

febr. 1.
febr. 1.
Join our livestream and grab a share of the $10,000!

Rewards will be explained and distributed during the livestream.

How to participate:
1️⃣ Follow @BNBCHAIN , @BNBCHAINZH, and @LordCheems_bsc
2️⃣ Reshare this post
3️⃣ Share your BSC wallet address in the comments

A total prize pool of $10,000 worth of tokens will be shared among 200 winners, distributed in $KOMA or $CHEEMS tokens.

🎉 Happy Lunar New Year!
febr. 1.
add something nice to everday
add something nice to everday
febr. 1.
Special Lunar New Year Live Broadcast is coming 🐍

Participate in our live stream to get a chance to share $10,000 in tokens! 🧧

The guests are @BananaS31_bsc and @Stake_Stone! 🤩

📅Sunday, February 2
⏰9 PM UTC+8
jan. 31.
Dimanakah kotak layanan pelanggan untuk memudahkan user komunikasi di wallet dengan CS/CTO jika mengalami masalah? Dan yang kutemukan hanya kotak feedback saja.
Dimanakah kotak layanan pelanggan untuk memudahkan user komunikasi di wallet dengan CS/CTO jika mengalami masalah?
Dan yang kutemukan hanya kotak feedback saja.
jan. 31.
New integrations are now available on #Binance Wallet for cutting-edge tools and seamless trading.

Explore 9 newly integrated dApps: PiperX, TonAI,, PinGo, BSX, Smash Quest, Unizen, Jumptask and Turtle Club.

Discover them now! ⤵️
jan. 31.
$SOLV masih mati suri disaat $BTC sebagai bapak angkatnya asik bermaen rollercoaster. Ayoo bangunlah.... 🫣 jangan kecewakan kami !
$SOLV masih mati suri disaat $BTC sebagai bapak angkatnya asik bermaen rollercoaster.
Ayoo bangunlah.... 🫣 jangan kecewakan kami !
jan. 31.
well.... seperti pembegalan akan terjadi lagi atas nama meme dan investor akan menangis karenanya. Sayangi uang jerih payahmu dan hindari geomeme politikus,gaess !
well.... seperti pembegalan akan terjadi lagi atas nama meme dan investor akan menangis karenanya.
Sayangi uang jerih payahmu dan hindari geomeme politikus,gaess !
jan. 31.
Elon Musk: the $200 million memecoin to finance the Musk Institute
The father of Elon Musk, Errol Musk, has announced his support for a new memecoin, called MUSK IT, with the goal of raising up to 200 million dollars to fund engineering and innovation projects. According to early reports, the funding will be allocated to the creation of the Musk Institute, a think tank that aims to go “beyond rockets”, focusing on flying vehicles and other futuristic technologies.

The Musk Institute: beyond rockets, the memecoin on Elon Musk begins

The initiative comes at a time when the memecoin market continues to demonstrate a surprising fundraising potential, despite the volatility and concerns related to possible pump and dump schemes.

Errol Musk and his business partner, Nathan Browne, seem aware of these issues and have stated their intention to avoid any short-term speculation. “This cannot be a pump and dump,” they reportedly emphasized before confirming their collaboration with the creators of the token, who are based in the Middle East.

The goal of Errol Musk is ambitious: the Musk Institute should serve as a platform for the development of advanced engineering projects, including flying vehicles and other scientific innovations. However, the involvement of Elon Musk in this initiative remains uncertain. Despite the distancing between father and son, the surname Musk remains a brand with great appeal in the world of technological innovation and finance.

Errol Musk defended the decision to use his name for the promotion of the project, stating to Fortune: 

“I am the head of the family. It all started with me in our family: I worked for years”.

Doubts and opportunities in the crypto market

The use of the name Musk for a memecoin raises questions about the legitimacy and effectiveness of the initiative. 

In recent years, numerous criptovalute inspired by prominent personalities have experienced strong value fluctuations, often due to short-term speculations. However, the direct involvement of Errol Musk could give MUSK IT greater credibility compared to typical meme-based crypto.

The industry of memecoin is constantly evolving and projects like this could demonstrate if such assets can have real utility beyond mere speculation. If the Musk Institute manages to realize its ambitions, the initiative could mark a turning point in the combination of blockchain, engineering, and scientific research.


The announcement of the MUSK IT token and the Musk Institute brings with it many questions and expectations. On one hand, the credibility of the Musk family could play a key role in the success of the project, while on the other hand, the speculative nature of memecoin could make the path anything but straightforward.

Beyond the initial enthusiasm, the true test will be the ability of the Musk Institute to translate the hype into real scientific innovations. 

The construction of veicoli volanti and other technological advancements requires long-term investments, specialized skills, and a clear roadmap. If the fundraising through MUSK IT proves to be transparent and well-managed, the project could gain the support of more institutional investors and consolidate its position in the advanced engineering landscape.

However, several question marks remain: will Errol Musk’s team be able to ensure solid governance and an ethical use of the resources collected? Will the involvement of the blockchain bring real advantages or will it just be a speculative financial operation?

It remains to be seen whether this initiative will be a true catalyst for innovation or simply yet another attempt to capitalize on the Musk name in the crypto market. One thing is certain: with the growing interest in cryptocurrencies and new technologies, Errol Musk‘s project will not go unnoticed.
jan. 31.
$XRP terus bergeliat jelang #XRPETFIncoming? Mampukah bersaing dengan Kripto mapan lainnya? Cari tahu bagaimana dengan prospek Layer One X #L1X jelang listing.
$XRP terus bergeliat jelang #XRPETFIncoming? Mampukah bersaing dengan Kripto mapan lainnya?
Cari tahu bagaimana dengan prospek Layer One X #L1X jelang listing.
jan. 31.
#XRPETFIncoming? adalah kuda hitam yang berkilau dan siap bersaing dengan Kripto mapan lainnya. Mari cari tahu prospek Layer One X #L1X menjelang listing.
#XRPETFIncoming? adalah kuda hitam yang berkilau dan siap bersaing dengan Kripto mapan lainnya.
Mari cari tahu prospek Layer One X #L1X menjelang listing.
jan. 31.
Layer One X | Bluechip CryptoLayer One X (L1X) adalah proyek blockchain yang berfokus pada pengembangan infrastruktur Layer 1 yang lebih cepat, lebih aman, dan lebih skalabel. Fitur Utama 1. Arsitektur Modular : Layer One X memiliki arsitektur modular yang memungkinkan pengembang untuk memilih komponen yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan mereka. 2. Konsensus Proof of Stake (PoS) : LX1 menggunakan algoritma konsensus Proof of Stake (PoS) yang lebih hemat energi dan lebih aman dibandingkan dengan Proof of Work (PoW). 3. Skalabilita

Layer One X | Bluechip Crypto

Layer One X (L1X) adalah proyek blockchain yang berfokus pada pengembangan infrastruktur Layer 1 yang lebih cepat, lebih aman, dan lebih skalabel.
Fitur Utama
1. Arsitektur Modular : Layer One X memiliki arsitektur modular yang memungkinkan pengembang untuk memilih komponen yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan mereka.
2. Konsensus Proof of Stake (PoS) : LX1 menggunakan algoritma konsensus Proof of Stake (PoS) yang lebih hemat energi dan lebih aman dibandingkan dengan Proof of Work (PoW).
3. Skalabilita
jan. 29.
Hmmm... flagship' sepertinya ada 2 indikasi antara token palsu dan token hasil dari kejahatan
Hmmm... flagship' sepertinya ada 2 indikasi antara token palsu dan token hasil dari kejahatan
jan. 28.
Hi. Anyone guide me I can’t use my fund for further transaction. I swap my usdt with usdc but now I can’t process transaction as it is marked as scam ( the sender address)
jan. 26.
$SOL Blockchain yang penuh kejutan diantara Kripto mapan lainnya. Selanjutnya spesifikasi Kripto macam apa yang akan menjadi primadona sebagai aset masa depan?! Bagaimana dengan Quantum techno, kripto apa saja yang siap bertempur di era Quantum akan datang ?? Bagaimana peluang Kripto yang mengadopsi teknologi kecerdasan buatan ?? #Write2Earn
$SOL Blockchain yang penuh kejutan diantara Kripto mapan lainnya.

Selanjutnya spesifikasi Kripto macam apa yang akan menjadi primadona sebagai aset masa depan?!

Bagaimana dengan Quantum techno, kripto apa saja yang siap bertempur di era Quantum akan datang ??

Bagaimana peluang Kripto yang mengadopsi teknologi kecerdasan buatan ??

A további tartalmak felfedezéséhez jelentkezz be