2024 Price Prediction
Based on technical analysis, the price of Pepe in 2024 is projected to reach a minimum value of $0.0021, with a maximum estimate of $0.0025, and an average around $0.0022.
2025 Price Prediction
Pepe coin has only 13% of Shiba Inuâs holders and 4.1% of Dogecoinâs holders. It also garners about 15% of their follower base, representing 20% of SHIB's market cap and 15.6% of DOGEâs market cap.
In 2025, Pepe's price is anticipated to start at a minimum of $0.0031 and may climb to a maximum of $0.0037, averaging $0.0033 throughout the year.
2030 Price Prediction
Looking ahead to 2030, Pepe's price is predicted to range from a minimum of $0.0207 to a maximum of $0.0249, with an average of $0.0215.