In general cryptocurrencies with very high #market values are the ones that have the most money invested in them, therefore they are much more well known than others. However, in terms of valuation they usually provide less #financial return. This happens because with such a high market value it would be necessary to double that value, which is already quite high, for the price to follow the same trend. In practice this is much more difficult to achieve, for example it's much easier for a coin that costs 25 cents with a low market capitalization like nuls to reach 1 dollar than for one that costs $1000 with a huge market capitalization to double its price to $2000. I'm not saying that this is impossible, but it would require a great demand from people and a lot of financial resources for it to happen.
Want to know more about Nuls? Then visit its official YouTube channel called "NULS Blockchain" and learn more.
Felelősségkorlátozó nyilatkozat: Harmadik felek véleményét tartalmazza. Nem minősül pénzügyi tanácsnak. Szponzorált elemet tartalmazhat.Lásd a Feltételeket.
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