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Stacks Network
Stacks a constaté une forte augmentation du nombre de nouveaux portefeuilles créés sur le principal Bitcoin L2 en 2024 🟧
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Stacks Network
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stx is crucial for unlocking the digital economy on bitcoin. sbtc is the most decentralized way to move your btc to a bitcoin layer and make it productive (earn yield). this is because of a large decentralized transparent network of signers stacking stx, earning btc.
come to stx & accumulate more btc. 1. stack stx. earn btc. 2. hold sbtc. earn btc. 3. lend out sbtc. earn sbtc. 4. pool / farm sbtc. earn sbtc. stacks makes your btc productive capital.
How Stacks is winning in 2025. What's next: speed improvements, sBTC, integrations, BD goals, institutional efforts, DeFAI, BTCFI & much more. Hear from the Stacks Foundation, STX Asia Foundation, Bitcoin L2 Labs, Hiro, and many builders. Register 👇
decentralization is the core ethos of bitcoin. 1. sbtc is the most decentralized way to move your btc to the l2 2. stx eco has a strong group of dexs (alex, bitflow, velar, etc.) 3. different entities with stx core engineers 4. decentralized governance (sip) similar to bitcoin
stx buidl szn. these are some of the projects submitted for the stacks hackathon attended by hundreds of builders.
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