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🧐酷,UXLINK正式推出全球首个 #AI 驱动的用户增长智能体,融入了最近火爆的 @deepseek_ai 技术引擎,作为Web3社交增长层的领军项目,UXLINK 这次又走在了行业最前沿,用AI技术重新定义了用户增长的玩法 @UXLINKofficial 这两天市场大跌, $UXLINK 的虽受到冲击,但是价格已收复了0.6的失地,目前价格0.622,从第二轮投资释放后,价格波动不大,还一度拉到 0.7,证明机构跟散户对其未来的前景依然看好 题外话:这次利好会不会要拉盘,还有筹码的可以期待下 AI增长智能体带来了什么核心价值: 🔸基于 @deepseek_ai V3技术,打造了一个Web3增长的“超级大脑”,用AI驱动用户增长,效率直接拉满 🔸自动化处理80%的重复运营工作,解放团队的时间和创造力,让大家能专注于更有价值的事情 🔸从策略制定到用户激励,构建了一个完整的增长闭环,让社交生态实现自循环,真正实现可持续增长 作为一个长期关注UXLINK的人,社区通过“INSIDE-OUT”的AI 增长方法论,将自身验证的高效AI能力赋能整个生态,展现了其自信和野心,同时也为潜在用户和合作伙伴提供了信任感 目前有30天免费使用,赶快来试试: 传送门:
🧐春节后打开交易软件,发现山寨跌麻了,可喜的是 $UXLINK 0.45附近触底反弹,将近翻倍,表现优异,可惜这波没有抓住! 过个年就跟喝酒断片了一样,重新梳理了下UXLINK最近的动态 1⃣与AEON合作,代币将在东南亚数十个国家的线下店进行付款使用 2⃣推出Social Growth Layer测试网,简化跨链操作,同时推出PayFi应用和UXLINK信用卡,融合社交与金融服务,提供无缝支付解决方案 3⃣UXLINK质押计划吸引7万用户,总质押量550万枚代币,市值800万美元。Sol Protocol、DuckChain等已为质押用户提供或计划代币空投 当然所有的利好最终要体现在代币价格上,根据今天数据显示,Upbit交易所24小时交易量达37.19亿美元,XRP、UXLINK 和 BTC 分别以29.66%、8.81%、7.65%的成交量占比位居前三,反映其韩国市场的热度 根据图表显示,价格已经阶段性走出下降趋势,可以看回踩力度后介入,跟韩国社区的朋友交流中,他们都很看好 $UXLINK ,认为短期将重回1.2附近 韩国人炒币很FOMO, $UXLINK 去年的价格超出了预料,期待今年破新高,更优异的表现
🧐没想到UXLINK 基金会投资了这么多优质的生态合作项目,投资战绩优异 @UXLINKofficial @UFLY_Labs 根据官推信息,投资了Solv Protocol、DuckChain、SonicSVM, 这三个项目都是参与过撸空投的,要么上了币安,要么OKX 跟 UPBIT。项目回报高达8倍,基金整体实现现金年化ROI约为2倍,YYDS 同时Matrixport 跟 SevenX Ventures 官推也给UXlink点赞并表示支持UXLINK2025年的发展 目前币价回落到1.3附近。希望韩国人继续给买起来,冲破前高,成为2025的百倍币
✍ Major Breakthrough Coming in RWA and DePIN Fields! PinLink's RWA tokenized DePIN market will release its v0-Alpha version on January 20th, marking the first opportunity for the public to experience PinLink's fractionalized products. The launch of this testnet allows participants to experience the fractionalized purchase process of DePIN assets, understand how to profit from equipment, and learn about the workings of the tokenized market. Additionally, a new product will be introduced, expanding its ecosystem. Don't miss out! Let's briefly understand PinLink: 1️⃣ It combines the RWA transaction model with DePIN principles, enabling users to purchase fractionalized shares of income-generating equipment (such as GPUs, mining machines, and nodes). These shares are represented as ERC-1155 tokens. By holding these tokens, you become eligible for a portion of the equipment's earnings. 2️⃣ The fractionalized ownership model solves infrastructure challenges, providing individuals with a transparent and secure way to obtain a high-income stream. Transaction fees will be invested into a user service feedback fund. Together with partners like Pendle and Maple Finance, PinLink invests in providing discounts for AI developers, lowering DePIN costs, and promoting enterprise-level applications. 3️⃣ PinLink integrates multiple ecological assets, including Aethir,, Akash Network, etc., potentially becoming a one-stop service point for DePIN. From the launch date, it will list over $2 million in assets for users to choose from. 4️⃣ As the first platform to apply RWA tokenization and fractionalization to DePIN assets, PinLink is reducing costs for both DePIN and AI developers. By combining the fields of AI, DePIN, and RWA, it has the potential to enter three trillion-dollar markets! The testnet launch not only provides users with the first opportunity to understand PinLink's capabilities but also lays the foundation for its mainnet release. It's worth looking forward to whether PinLink can lead the trend when DePIN becomes mainstream in 2025.
日均交易额维持在2亿美金左右,Social赛道当之无愧的第一 是谁? 当然是uxlink,日均交易额排名在CMC 全球top 50名左右 ,代币发射以来一路拉,牛不牛 目前价格在0.6U附近,看技术指标,在布林带底部并且在MA100线上得到支撑 $UXLINK 及UXUY 已部署在#BSC,将支持多链,“One Account, One Gas”, $UXLINK 成为生态通用燃料 ,这个利好将进一步推动代币拉升
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