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🚀Grayscale prĂ©vient que la demande croissante de Bitcoin dĂ©passe l'offre disponible !đŸ”„đŸ’° La rĂ©duction de moitiĂ© du Bitcoin Ă  la mi-avril aggravera la pĂ©nurie d’approvisionnement et augmentera massivement les prix !📈 Les chiffres parlent d’eux-mĂȘmes : les fonds nĂ©gociĂ©s en bourse (ETF) Bitcoin cotĂ©s aux États-Unis achĂštent chaque jour plus de $ BTC que ce que le rĂ©seau crĂ©e. Depuis fĂ©vrier, ces ETF ont gĂ©nĂ©rĂ© en moyenne 3 500 Ă  4 300 piĂšces par jour, dĂ©passant largement les 900 piĂšces gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©es par le rĂ©seau Bitcoin. Zach Pandl, responsable de la recherche chez Grayscale Investments, explique le phĂ©nomĂšne en dĂ©clarant : « Il n'y a tout simplement pas assez de bitcoins pour rĂ©pondre Ă  toute la nouvelle demande, et donc la dynamique naturelle de l'offre et de la demande fait monter les prix. » La hausse pourrait se poursuivre en raison de la prochaine « rĂ©duction de moitiĂ© » du BTC en avril. AprĂšs cet Ă©vĂ©nement, l'offre quotidienne de nouvelles piĂšces sera rĂ©duite de 900 Ă  450đŸ‘», poussant les prix encore plus haut.🚀 BTC a rĂ©cemment atteint 64 000 $, se rapprochant de son niveau record. Avec un gain de 42% en fĂ©vrier, il est en passe de rĂ©aliser sa meilleure performance mensuelle depuis dĂ©cembre 2020. Nous sommes actuellement dans une position privilĂ©giĂ©e car il n’y a pas assez de Bitcoin pour rĂ©pondre Ă  la demande. Beaucoup pensent dĂ©sormais qu'un objectif de prix de 160 000 Ă  180 000 dollars pour cette annĂ©e se profile Ă  l'horizon et qu'un objectif Ă©poustouflant de 350 000 Ă  450 000 dollars par piĂšce en 2025.đŸ˜€đŸ’” Cependant, la crise de l’offre a d’autres facteurs qui contribuent. Le gouvernement amĂ©ricain dĂ©tient 215 000 BTC et les acheteurs institutionnels comme MicroStrategy acquiĂšrent des montants importants, limitant encore davantage l'offre.đŸș Pourtant, la vente potentielle de BTC dĂ©tenus par le gouvernement ou la prise de bĂ©nĂ©fices institutionnelle pourrait modifier cet Ă©quilibre. Certains pensent que la reprise actuelle n’est pas uniquement motivĂ©e par les fondamentaux, car des facteurs psychologiques, comme la peur de rater quelque chose (FOMO), jouent un rĂŽle important. Au milieu de cette poussĂ©e, les ETF ont rendu le bitcoin plus accessible Ă  une base d’investisseurs plus large. Alors que le marchĂ© de la cryptographie continue d’évoluer, l’interaction entre l’offre et la demande reste un moteur clĂ© de la hausse sans prĂ©cĂ©dent des prix du Bitcoin. PrĂ©parez-vous pour le plus grand transfert de richesse de l’histoire de l’humanité ! Quel moment pour ĂȘtre en vie !✹ #TrendingTopic #BTC #ETH #sol #Portal

🚀Grayscale prĂ©vient que la demande croissante de Bitcoin dĂ©passe l'offre disponible !đŸ”„đŸ’°

La rĂ©duction de moitiĂ© du Bitcoin Ă  la mi-avril aggravera la pĂ©nurie d’approvisionnement et augmentera massivement les prix !📈

Les chiffres parlent d’eux-mĂȘmes : les fonds nĂ©gociĂ©s en bourse (ETF) Bitcoin cotĂ©s aux États-Unis achĂštent chaque jour plus de $ BTC que ce que le rĂ©seau crĂ©e. Depuis fĂ©vrier, ces ETF ont gĂ©nĂ©rĂ© en moyenne 3 500 Ă  4 300 piĂšces par jour, dĂ©passant largement les 900 piĂšces gĂ©nĂ©rĂ©es par le rĂ©seau Bitcoin.

Zach Pandl, responsable de la recherche chez Grayscale Investments, explique le phénomÚne en déclarant : « Il n'y a tout simplement pas assez de bitcoins pour répondre à toute la nouvelle demande, et donc la dynamique naturelle de l'offre et de la demande fait monter les prix. »

La hausse pourrait se poursuivre en raison de la prochaine « rĂ©duction de moitiĂ© » du BTC en avril. AprĂšs cet Ă©vĂ©nement, l'offre quotidienne de nouvelles piĂšces sera rĂ©duite de 900 Ă  450đŸ‘», poussant les prix encore plus haut.🚀

BTC a récemment atteint 64 000 $, se rapprochant de son niveau record. Avec un gain de 42% en février, il est en passe de réaliser sa meilleure performance mensuelle depuis décembre 2020.

Nous sommes actuellement dans une position privilĂ©giĂ©e car il n’y a pas assez de Bitcoin pour rĂ©pondre Ă  la demande. Beaucoup pensent dĂ©sormais qu'un objectif de prix de 160 000 Ă  180 000 dollars pour cette annĂ©e se profile Ă  l'horizon et qu'un objectif Ă©poustouflant de 350 000 Ă  450 000 dollars par piĂšce en 2025.đŸ˜€đŸ’”

Cependant, la crise de l’offre a d’autres facteurs qui contribuent. Le gouvernement amĂ©ricain dĂ©tient 215 000 BTC et les acheteurs institutionnels comme MicroStrategy acquiĂšrent des montants importants, limitant encore davantage l'offre.đŸș Pourtant, la vente potentielle de BTC dĂ©tenus par le gouvernement ou la prise de bĂ©nĂ©fices institutionnelle pourrait modifier cet Ă©quilibre.

Certains pensent que la reprise actuelle n’est pas uniquement motivĂ©e par les fondamentaux, car des facteurs psychologiques, comme la peur de rater quelque chose (FOMO), jouent un rĂŽle important.

Au milieu de cette poussĂ©e, les ETF ont rendu le bitcoin plus accessible Ă  une base d’investisseurs plus large. Alors que le marchĂ© de la cryptographie continue d’évoluer, l’interaction entre l’offre et la demande reste un moteur clĂ© de la hausse sans prĂ©cĂ©dent des prix du Bitcoin.

PrĂ©parez-vous pour le plus grand transfert de richesse de l’histoire de l’humanité ! Quel moment pour ĂȘtre en vie !✹






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Institutional Investors Eye Bitcoin: Prices Could Soar Beyond $400,000! 🚀 Bitcoin is gaining traction as institutional investors recognize its potential. With the advent of spot Bitcoin exchange-traded funds (ETFs), investing in Bitcoin has never been easier, setting the stage for a massive price surge. The Path to $400,000 and Beyond 🌟 Simplified Access: Bitcoin ETFs make it easier for investors to enter the market without navigating complex crypto exchanges or digital wallets. This accessibility is a game-changer, especially for large institutional investors like pension funds, retirement plans, and hedge funds. Institutional Influx: Currently, around 700 professional investment firms have invested $5 billion in Bitcoin ETFs. Big names like Millennium Management, Morgan Stanley, and the State of Wisconsin Investment Board are leading the charge. Millennium Management, for example, has allocated 3% of its $64 billion portfolio to Bitcoin ETFs. Why It Matters 📈 Institutional investors currently make up only about 10% of total ETF ownership, but this number is growing. Their rigorous due diligence often leads them to conclude that Bitcoin's unique properties make it an essential part of their portfolios. The Big Impact đŸ’„ Even a small allocation of institutional funds to Bitcoin can have a huge impact. If institutions allocate just 5% of their $129 trillion in assets to Bitcoin, its market cap could exceed $7 trillion, pushing the price beyond $400,000. Some experts, like ARK Invest, argue that an optimal portfolio could include up to 19% Bitcoin for the best returns. Looking Ahead 🔼 As more institutions see the benefits and follow suit, Bitcoin's role in financial portfolios is set to grow. This trend could propel Bitcoin to unprecedented heights, making it a pivotal asset in the investment world. Get ready for the potential of Bitcoin soaring to $400,000 and beyond as institutional interest continues to heat up!#MarketSentimentToday #ETHETFsApproved #btc70k #bitcoin #BTC $BTC
5 Token Unlocks to Watch This Week📉 Token unlocks are when previously restricted tokens are released into the market. This can influence token prices and market dynamics, especially if there's a surge in supply or early investors decide to sell. Here are five significant token unlocks happening next week: 1. Optimism (OP) - Unlock Date: May 31 - Tokens Unlocked: 31.34 million OP - Current Circulating Supply: 1.08 billion OP Optimism is a Layer-2 scaling solution for Ethereum, enhancing transaction speed and reducing costs. On May 31, over 30 million OP tokens will be released, mainly to investors and core contributors. 2. 1inch (1INCH) - Unlock Date: June 1 - Tokens Unlocked: 98.7 million 1INCH - Current Circulating Supply: 1.15 billion 1INCH 1inch is a decentralized exchange aggregator that finds the best trading rates across various DEXs. The token unlock on June 1 will release nearly 100 million 1INCH tokens. 3. dYdX (DYDX) - Unlock Date: June 1 - Tokens Unlocked: 33.33 million DYDX - Current Circulating Supply: 279.8 million DYDX dYdX is a leading decentralized perpetual futures trading protocol. The upcoming unlock will distribute most of the 33.33 million DYDX tokens. 4. Sui (SUI) - Unlock Date: June 1 - Tokens Unlocked: 65.08 million SUI - Current Circulating Supply: 2.33 billion SUI Sui is a high-performance Layer-1 blockchain using Proof-of-Stake consensus. On June 1, a significant portion of tokens will be released. 5. Ethena (ENA) - Unlock Date: June 1 - Tokens Unlocked: 53.6 million ENA - Current Circulating Supply: 1.47 billion ENA Ethena is a synthetic currency protocol on Ethereum, providing a crypto solution independent of traditional banking. On June 1, over 50 million ENA tokens will be unlocked for ecosystem development. Other Notable Unlocks Next week will also see unlocks for Yield Guild Games (YGG), SingularityNET (AGIX), Echelon Prime (PRIME), Manta Network (MANTA), and Acala (ACA). The total value of these unlocks exceeds $380 million. Remember not to be married to any project! #ETHETFsApproved #EarnFreeCrypto2024 #altcoins $ENA
3 Best Cryptocurrencies to Buy for Big Profits This Week Looking for the next big opportunity in the crypto market? Here are three cryptocurrencies that could deliver substantial gains this week: Shiba Inu (SHIB), Bonk (BONK), and Retik Finance (RETIK). Shiba Inu (SHIB): Riding the Hype Wave - Community Power: Known as the “Dogecoin killer,” SHIB has a huge, active community. - Innovation: The launch of ShibaSwap, a decentralized exchange, adds value with features like staking and yield farming. - Marketing Push: Strategic partnerships and strong social media presence keep SHIB in the spotlight. Current Status - Price: $0.00002547 - Market Cap: $15.01 billion - Potential Gains: Analysts predict up to 900% gains with the launch of ShibaSwap and ongoing bullish sentiment. Bonk (BONK): From Meme to DeFi Star - DeFi Evolution: Originally a meme coin, Bonk has grown into a DeFi contender with BonkSwap. - Community-Driven: Emphasizes decentralization and user control, setting it apart from other meme coins. - Solana Ecosystem: Leveraging the expanding Solana network for growth. Current Status - Price: $0.00003678 - Market Cap: $2.47 billion - Potential Gains: Projected up to 750% as BonkSwap gains traction and Solana ecosystem expands. Retik Finance (RETIK): Democratizing DeFi - Innovative Solutions: Offers DeFi products like AI-powered lending, smart payment gateways, and multi-chain wallets. - Community Engagement: Strong user involvement through governance voting and participation programs. - Mainstream Adoption: Products like Retik DeFi debit card and Retik Pay aim to attract a wider audience. Current Status - Price: $3 - Market Cap: Nearly $3 billion - Potential Gains: Experts predict up to 1000% gains with recent exchange listings and innovative product launches. SHIB, BONK, and RETIK are poised for significant gains this week. Whether it's SHIB's meme coin charm, BONK's DeFi innovations, or RETIK's groundbreaking financial solutions, these cryptocurrencies offer unique opportunities for investors seeking high returns! #ETHETFsApproved #altcoins #buythedip
Is Shiba Inu about to skyrocket by 600%? This analyst thinks so! Shiba Inu, the "Dogecoin Killer," might be gearing up for a major price jump. Market expert Ashish has made a bold prediction: the meme coin could soar by a whopping 600%, potentially hitting $0.000075. Why the optimism? Well, Ashish points to a recent breakout from what he calls a two-year-long snooze in a consolidation pattern. In December 2023, SHIB finally broke free, smashing through a crucial resistance line. This sparked a rally that saw a 370% surge, reaching its peak of $0.000045 in March 2024. But then came a reality check. The price corrected, prompting Ashish to pinpoint strategic buying zones between $0.000022 and $0.000025. SHIB's Flag Pattern According to Ashish's analysis, there's a bullish flag pattern forming on the 1-hour chart. This pattern often signals a breather after a sharp price hike, hinting at another upward swing. Despite a slight dip today, Shiba Inu still seems primed for growth. The daily RSI hovers around 48, suggesting the coin isn't overbought or oversold. This middle ground leaves room for upward movement, backing Ashish's prediction of another surge. Price Predictions What's in store for Shiba Inu? CoinCodex predicts a 220% rise, possibly hitting $0.00008089 by June 24, 2024. Currently, their technical indicators show a neutral stance, while the Fear & Greed Index signals extreme greed. In the last month, Shiba Inu has seen green on 40% of days, with a volatility of 4.40%. These metrics highlight the coin's buzz in the market. Extreme greed indicates high enthusiasm among investors, though it also calls for caution due to potential mood swings. Shiba Inu's moderate volatility and frequent green days suggest a steady climb, though it's still unpredictable. With 20 bullish indicators out of 28, the overall sentiment is cautiously optimistic, reflecting the rollercoaster nature of crypto. In short, Shiba Inu is one to watch. Its potential for a massive rally, combined with market dynamics, makes it an intriguing asset for the foreseeable future. #SHIB $SHIB
Big Names Score $2.6 Billion in Discounted Solana from FTX Auction: Any Impact on Solana's Price? In a dramatic conclusion to weeks of auctions, bankrupt crypto exchange FTX has sold $2.6 billion worth of Solana tokens at a deep discount. Figure Markets and Pantera Capital were among the key players snapping up these discounted assets. Figure Markets secured 800,000 Solana tokens for around $80 million, translating to just $102 per token, significantly below the market price of $168. Kyle Chasse, founder of Master Ventures, highlighted the significance of these deals for FTX’s liquidation process. “This marks a pivotal point in FTX’s asset liquidation,” ChassĂ© remarked. Pantera Capital also participated, although their purchase details remain undisclosed. Their ongoing interest in Solana, despite market volatility, underscores their strategic investment vision. Earlier, Pantera aimed to raise $250 million to buy Solana from FTX, reflecting their confidence in its future. Interestingly, this sale did not trigger a massive sell-off. Solana is trading at $168.5, showing a minor 1.73% loss in the last 24 hours, according to BeInCrypto. FTX’s Bankruptcy and Recovery FTX’s downfall, linked to founder Sam Bankman-Fried’s financial mismanagement, has been a major crypto scandal. The exchange owes over $11 billion to more than two million customers and other creditors. Despite this, FTX has uncovered a surplus cash reserve of $16.3 billion, which bodes well for repaying creditors, including interest. FTX’s proactive asset liquidation and the discovery of surplus cash are positive signs for its recovery. The exchange’s revised Chapter 11 plan, pending court approval, aims to ensure fair asset distribution among customers. #buythedip #altcoins #ETHETFsApproved #SOL #EarnFreeCrypto2024 $SOL
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