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El león de las criptomonedas
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Just a few minutes ago, President Trump signed an Executive Order to establish a Strategic Bitcoin Reserve. The Reserve will be capitalized with Bitcoin owned by the federal government that was forfeited as part of criminal or civil asset forfeiture proceedings. This means it will not cost taxpayers a dime. It is estimated that the U.S. government owns about 200,000 bitcoin; however, there has never been a complete audit. The E.O. directs a full accounting of the federal government’s digital asset holdings. The U.S. will not sell any bitcoin deposited into the Reserve. It will be kept as a store of value. The Reserve is like a digital Fort Knox for the cryptocurrency often called “digital gold.” Premature sales of bitcoin have already cost U.S. taxpayers over $17 billion in lost value. Now the federal government will have a strategy to maximize the value of its holdings. The Secretaries of Treasury and Commerce are authorized to develop budget-neutral strategies for acquiring additional bitcoin, provided that those strategies have no incremental costs on American taxpayers. IN ADDITION, the Executive Order establishes a U.S. Digital Asset Stockpile, consisting of digital assets other than bitcoin forfeited in criminal or civil proceedings. The government will not acquire additional assets for the Stockpile beyond those obtained through forfeiture proceedings. The purpose of the Stockpile is responsible stewardship of the government’s digital assets under the Treasury Department. PROMISES MADE, PROMISES KEPT President Trump promised to create a Strategic Bitcoin Reserve and Digital Asset Stockpile. Those promises have been kept. This Executive Order underscores President Trump’s commitment to making the U.S. the “crypto capital of the world.”
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