Binance Square


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$YGG is dog coin going down
$YGG is dog coin
going down
$BURGER is in monitoring now it will b delist from binance soon dnt buy it
$BURGER is in monitoring now it will b delist from binance soon
dnt buy it
$YGG think and noticed that no more bull in Alts 2025 only bearish in 2025
$YGG think and noticed that no more bull in Alts 2025
only bearish in 2025
$FIDA a big dump coming to .10
$FIDA a big dump coming to .10
$FIDA lost my 40% portfolio cheat coin
$FIDA lost my 40% portfolio
cheat coin
$FIDA another big dump coming now it goes to .09
$FIDA another big dump coming
now it goes to .09
$FIDA wake up please Fly 🚀to moon
$FIDA wake up please Fly 🚀to moon
$FIDA i don't think that Fida bullish to 1$ this coin only bearish from last few months and now this coin is bottom lower and shows power for underground
$FIDA i don't think that Fida bullish to 1$
this coin only bearish from last few months and now this coin is bottom lower and shows power for underground
$FIDA What you think
$FIDA What you think
Fida Fly to moon 1$
Fida sink the boat to bottom
dnt knw
113 votes • Vote fermé
$FIDA what's wrong with you where are your wings?
what's wrong with you
where are your wings?
$FIDA bad coin only down down down
$FIDA bad coin only down down down
only in dreams
only in dreams
$FIDA going to 1.5$ in few days best opportunity to DCA
in dreams only . this shit coin not even touch to .35 and your dreaming for 1$
in dreams only .
this shit coin not even touch to .35 and your dreaming for 1$
co len ma
Target $1
$FIDA bad coin
$FIDA bad coin
$NEIRO see the vol fake pump happening
$NEIRO see the vol
fake pump happening
any one here to give me spot signals.i will pay him from proft %
any one here to give me spot signals.i will pay him from proft %
$NEIRO this all dump is fake when real dump comes value also dump but still 199Ml invested then how price is gone .0009
$NEIRO this all dump is fake
when real dump comes value also dump but still 199Ml invested then how price is gone .0009
$NEIRO vol too high and value gone crashed now no more 🚀
$NEIRO vol too high and value gone crashed now no more 🚀
$NEIRO any guess
$NEIRO any guess
1 votes • Vote fermé
$NEIRO fly to moon it's time please fly fly fly
$NEIRO fly to moon it's time please fly fly fly
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