We now invite users to participate and vote on the first batch of Vote to List projects.
How to Vote: - Each user can vote for up to 5 projects, with the option to vote for fewer if desired. Each verified account can only allocate one vote for one project. - Users must be logged in to their verified Binance accounts and hold a minimum of at least 0.01 BNB in their master accounts throughout the Voting Period for their votes to be eligible.
Vote Period: 2025-03-19 17:00 (UTC) to 2025-03-26 16:59 (UTC)
The first batch of Vote to List pool is exclusively for BNB Chain-based tokens. Future voting rounds will expand to include all tokens featured in Binance Alpha.
Disclaimer: While we value and will take into consideration the vote results, they are for reference only and do not determine any decision or action Binance may or may not take. Monitoring of the project is still undergoing evaluation, and the decision will be determined by Binance based on our official review processes and standards. Project description is for reference only. More details: [[T&Cs and Disclaimers](https://www.binance.com/en/support/announcement/detail/08c08f06bec24d91a60a0ce8c48a3a76)].
加密 KOL Beanie(@beaniemaxi)戏谑的表示当 Dave Portnoy 都开始扮演正义的爆料 KOL 时,你就能想象这件事到底有多深,以及「战壕」里究竟有多肮脏。(作者注:Dave Portnoy 曾推出恶搞 meme 币 JAILSTOOL,此前,CZ 还曾转发 Dave Portnoy 的推文,「给所有现在哭喊的 meme 币玩家:我们都清楚游戏规则,大家都是来赚钱的,没人欺骗任何人。如果你在买卖垃圾币,就该做好亏光投资的准备。这就是风险。」)