$BOME whales are buying guys Don't sell here u already new these are the same people who force to sell your Solana at 8$ now where solana is bome will repeat it INSHALLAH
I know we all are in a major loss but right now we cannot turn our portfolio from zero to hero buy converting into new coin just hold it , new guys stay away 😔
$FET Best time to long in parts fet , will explain why am saying this
yesterday btc dropped 20 percent , eth drop 21 percent but our Fet dropped only 14 percent this shows that strength is immense just accumulation phase between 2-3$ as we know fet/btc break historical resistance and fet also a Ai leading catalyst in crypto right now , remember remember remember only nerrative works in crypto #ETH #BOME #crypro 😉
$SUPER keep buying super Don't ask me why gaming industry will blast soon gala, super are the old gem 💎 maximum pain point can be 0.80$ but higher high is programmed for super
$RONIN bag some Ronin but for long term not for short term in short term it might see 2$ again but remember GTA six is coming crypto is only running on nerrative gaming industry is hot will blast anytime and ronin will lead the show just Coinbase also announced we love ronin a little bit
$KAVA Aoa, let's talk about kava technically on a good area kava will shoot later or sooner u can bag some know patience is the key to success in crypto, in only two days people start to blame bome but now bome up 80 percent quick money gained
$FET Best time to long in parts fet , will explain why am saying this
yesterday btc dropped 20 percent , eth drop 21 percent but our Fet dropped only 14 percent this shows that strength is immense just accumulation phase between 2-3$ as we know fet/btc break historical resistance and fet also a Ai leading catalyst in crypto right now , remember remember remember only nerrative works in crypto #ETH #BOME #crypro 😉