Binance Square
🦊 The number of MetaMask users is 100 million. MetaMask product manager Lex Jupiter said that 30 million users use the wallet every month and the total number of accounts is 100 million. According to him, the company is already looking at expanding to other chains besides EVM-compatible ones. He also emphasized that MetaMask currently has no plans to issue its own token, as it will have no actual use. Do you use MetaMask Wallet? Yes - 👍 No - 👎 #metamask #wallets

🦊 The number of MetaMask users is 100 million.

MetaMask product manager Lex Jupiter said that 30 million users use the wallet every month and the total number of accounts is 100 million.

According to him, the company is already looking at expanding to other chains besides EVM-compatible ones.

He also emphasized that MetaMask currently has no plans to issue its own token, as it will have no actual use.

Do you use MetaMask Wallet?

Yes - 👍

No - 👎

#metamask #wallets

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