Binance Square
Despite growing concerns over central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), some policymakers are turning to open-source coding for transparency. While this move is welcomed, it's not a foolproof solution. Brazil's central bank, for example, published the source code for its CBDC, only for people to discover surveillance tools embedded within the code. The U.S. Federal Reserve also developed an open-source CBDC model, but has since seemingly abandoned the project. While transparency is a step in the right direction, it doesn't solve the fundamental issues with CBDCs, such as the risk of centralizing money and giving the government unlimited power over citizens' economic choices.

Despite growing concerns over central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), some policymakers are turning to open-source coding for transparency. While this move is welcomed, it's not a foolproof solution. Brazil's central bank, for example, published the source code for its CBDC, only for people to discover surveillance tools embedded within the code. The U.S. Federal Reserve also developed an open-source CBDC model, but has since seemingly abandoned the project. While transparency is a step in the right direction, it doesn't solve the fundamental issues with CBDCs, such as the risk of centralizing money and giving the government unlimited power over citizens' economic choices.

Avertissement : comprend des opinions de tiers. Il ne s’agit pas d’un conseil financier. Peut inclure du contenu sponsorisé. Consultez les CG.
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