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🔔 Grayscale's GBTC Bitcoin ETF Sees $63 Million Inflows, Breaking 78-Day Outflow Streak ! Grayscale's GBTC spot bitcoin ETF saw its first daily net inflows since it converted, ending a 78-day outflow streak. GBTC had $63 million inflows on Friday, while U.S. spot bitcoin ETFs had $378.3 million inflows, the largest since March 13. #altcoins #BlackRock #MicroStrategy #eth‬ #buythedip

🔔 Grayscale's GBTC Bitcoin ETF Sees $63 Million Inflows, Breaking 78-Day Outflow Streak !

Grayscale's GBTC spot bitcoin ETF saw its first daily net inflows since it converted, ending a 78-day outflow streak. GBTC had $63 million inflows on Friday, while U.S. spot bitcoin ETFs had $378.3 million inflows, the largest since March 13.

#altcoins #BlackRock #MicroStrategy #eth‬ #buythedip

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