After distributing NEAR For Gas Fee 🪂 this is what we have left
We have over 100(+) wallet address below the $HOT Airdrop post , this are people who are interested in participating in the $HOT Airdrop but do not have money for GAS Fee , we have given Gas fee to about 56% of people who commented their address (you can go through the comment section of the attached post below )
We see the potential in $HOT Airdrop, and we want each and everyone of us to earn a minimum of $12 when the Airdrop is over
A few weeks ago, people made over $100 - $500 with $HOT airdrop
Here is how:
[Tap Here To Read](
Right now we have exhausted our Gas fee in our wallet and here is what we are going to do,
we are going to wait , in the next 3 days (24th) we are going to gather the money we received from Tips and convert it into Gas fee and keep distributing to as much as possible
We want you to know that as far as you commented your wallet address on the main post , you will receive your gas fee
Do your very best to accumulate as many $HOT as you can
So far, we say a big Thank you to you all
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We really appreciate your support ❤️✨