According to Odaily, the IRIS Network community has initiated a new proposal, Prop#88, suggesting the approval of binding ERC20 contracts with its native token, IRIS. If the proposal is approved through voting, IRIS and its ERC20 contracts could be seamlessly exchanged at a 1:1 ratio.

In other news, it was announced yesterday that IRISnet 3.0 has been launched on platform X. This update is significant as it marks a new phase in the development of the IRIS Network. The details of the new features and improvements in this version have not been disclosed yet.

The proposal and the launch of IRISnet 3.0 are seen as strategic moves by the IRIS Network to enhance its platform and increase its competitiveness in the market. However, the final decision on the proposal will be determined by the community through a voting process. The outcome of this vote could have significant implications for the future direction of the IRIS Network.