According to Odaily, Alchemy Pay has announced a partnership with Metis, a second-layer blockchain network. Metis is the first decentralized sorter of the Ethereum Layer 2 Rollup platform. In addition to this partnership, Alchemy Pay has also expanded its cryptocurrency withdrawal and deposit solutions to include support for Metis' native token, METIS.

The partnership between Alchemy Pay and Metis signifies a significant step in the expansion of both platforms. Alchemy Pay's decision to support the METIS token within its solutions further solidifies this partnership and provides additional options for users of both platforms.

This collaboration is expected to bring about mutual benefits for both Alchemy Pay and Metis, enhancing their respective platforms and expanding their reach within the cryptocurrency market. The details of the partnership and the extent of the integration of the METIS token within Alchemy Pay's solutions are yet to be disclosed.