Higher education institutions face a critical enrollment cliff, and it’s not just about declining numbers. The real challenge lies in addressing the needs of adult learners and returning students. This article explores the pressing issues and necessary changes universities must undertake to ensure a prosperous future for all learners.

The looming enrollment cliff

Colleges and universities across the United States are grappling with a significant challenge known as the “enrollment cliff.” This phenomenon refers to the impending decline in the college-age population, resulting in decreased enrollments. While this issue is widely discussed, a deeper concern often goes unnoticed – the impact on adult learners.

Rising tuition costs, mounting student debt, questions about the value of a degree, and the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence have created a perfect storm for higher education institutions. Amid this storm, adult learners and returning students find themselves at risk. They face unique hurdles, and it’s crucial to understand their needs and concerns.

National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) data reveals a stark reality. Between Fall 2010 and Fall 2021, total undergraduate enrollment in degree-granting institutions decreased by 14.6 percent. The college enrollment rate for 18–24-year-olds dropped from 41 percent to 38 percent. Moreover, only 22 out of 100 high school students eventually secure a “good job” with a degree.

A missed opportunity

Consider this – 67 out of 100 students entering high school will not earn a degree, missing out on the promise of higher education. The National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) estimates that over 40 million Americans have some college experience but no degree, a significant barrier to economic mobility. It’s time to focus on this enrollment cliff that hinders access to higher education for tens of millions of potential learners.

The AI revolution

As the workplace evolves due to the increasing influence of AI, the demand for advanced knowledge and skills is rising. Workers with degrees are better positioned to navigate this transformation. However, the use of AI is also set to disrupt millions of jobs. Up to 375 million jobs may become obsolete, requiring extensive retraining and reskilling.

To address the enrollment cliff effectively, universities must focus on a student-centered approach. This means breaking down barriers to access, nurturing talent, and supporting learners in their journey to attainment and advancement. It’s not just about traditional students; adult learners, working professionals, and those with some college experience also need attention.

Key considerations for adult learners

Recognizing Differences: Adult learners have distinct needs and expectations. They bring valuable real-world experience and seek tangible outcomes. Universities must acknowledge these differences from the outset, from recruitment to orientation.

Reducing Bureaucracy: Streamlining admissions, financial aid, and course evaluation processes is essential. Adult learners value efficiency and convenience, and institutions must respond accordingly.

Credit for Prior Learning: Assessing and accrediting prior work experience is critical. A “C” earned years ago should not hinder progress. Competency-based learning and bridging the knowledge gap are alternatives to repetition.

Flexible Learning Structures: Traditional semester-based systems may not suit motivated adult learners. Universities should offer flexible timing, shorter-term programs, and multiple start dates to accommodate busy schedules.

Modularity of Offerings: Modular courses and prior knowledge assessment can accelerate learning. This approach benefits not only returning students but also personalizes education for all.

Financial Aid: Financial support is essential for adult learners with family responsibilities. Tailored financial aid policies are necessary, as one size does not fit all.

Clear Career Pathways: Adult learners seek clear pathways to better jobs and careers. Universities should integrate career development resources and industry partnerships into their programs.

Network Building: Adult learners often need help building networks and support systems. Universities should facilitate intentional networking opportunities and support services.

A step towards a more inclusive future

In embracing these changes, higher education institutions can address the enrollment cliff and create a more inclusive and effective system. Adult learners, who bring diverse life experiences, can enhance the educational environment.