Binance Square
Want to win $10 for free? Here is how you can do it. Step 1 - Set up your Binance Square profile (i.e., your nickname, avatar and bio). Step 2 - Create one post or article on Binance Square. Step 3- Like and comment on five different posts or articles on Binance Square. Step 4 - Gain three new Binance Square followers. Step 5- Follow ten accounts on Binance Square. Tip : your binance square account is already setup, scoll down a little bit on your binance discover page you will see a plus (➕) sign on your right bottom - Go there and setup your profile as mentioned in step 1 Good luck đŸ€

Want to win $10 for free?

Here is how you can do it.

Step 1 - Set up your Binance Square profile (i.e., your nickname, avatar and bio).

Step 2 - Create one post or article on Binance Square.

Step 3- Like and comment on five different posts or articles on Binance Square.

Step 4 - Gain three new Binance Square followers.

Step 5- Follow ten accounts on Binance Square.

Tip :

your binance square account is already setup, scoll down a little bit on your binance discover page you will see a plus (➕) sign on your right bottom

- Go there and setup your profile as mentioned in step 1

Good luck đŸ€

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