What is Arkham?

The etymology of Arkham is the city that is the background of the fictional myth 'Cthulhu Myth' created by an individual in the 20th century.

This myth created by Lovecraft has influenced numerous creations since then and still inspires a lot. Among them, I think the most influential was the Batman series. Gotham City is a famous proper noun, but Arkham is not, right? Arkham, in simple terms, is Gotham City's prison camp for villains.

The proper noun Arkham, which also appears in many other works, is generally used to describe a place full of confusion and chaos.

Features of the Arkham project

At the same time as the launchpad news, interesting content was posted on the official Twitter. Arkham announced that it is a system that allows you to place a bounty on the target you want to track, beyond simply visualizing the trajectory. On-chain hunters need to stake Arkham Tokens to get the full rewards, which seems pretty versatile. We are talking about hacker tracking and honey wallet tracking, but wouldn't it be possible to outsource the attack catch through platformization?

The connection between existing transaction chasers and white hackers or blockchain companies seems excellent. It seems to be an evolution of the next generation of visual transaction.