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#SatoshiNakamoto 👤 📅 Ahora 13 años de su desaparición... 🙄 En su último correo electrónico del 23 de abril de 2011, a las 13:43, Satoshi Nakamoto declaró que había "pasado a otras cosas" y expresó su fe en la comunidad, destacando a Gavin, para continuar con la evolución de Bitcoin. Esta despedida marcó un momento crucial para $BTC, pasando sus riendas a la comunidad de desarrolladores. La salida de Nakamoto sigue siendo un misterio, lo que se suma a su enigmático legado en la esfera tecnológica. Su identidad y paradero siguen alimentando la especulación y la fascinación. Confía siempre en#Bitcoin💯✔️🙏 #Megadrop #BinanceLaunchpool #bitcoinhalving

#SatoshiNakamoto 👤

📅 Ahora 13 años de su desaparición... 🙄

En su último correo electrónico del 23 de abril de 2011, a las 13:43, Satoshi Nakamoto declaró que había "pasado a otras cosas" y expresó su fe en la comunidad, destacando a Gavin, para continuar con la evolución de Bitcoin.

Esta despedida marcó un momento crucial para $BTC, pasando sus riendas a la comunidad de desarrolladores.

La salida de Nakamoto sigue siendo un misterio, lo que se suma a su enigmático legado en la esfera tecnológica. Su identidad y paradero siguen alimentando la especulación y la fascinación.

Confía siempre en#Bitcoin💯✔️🙏

#Megadrop #BinanceLaunchpool #bitcoinhalving

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Bitcoin to $350,000 by August 25, 2024: A Speculative Prediction 🎯 📊 Predicting that Bitcoin will reach $350,000 by August 25, 2024, is a bold speculation and an opinion, not a lie. While it may seem like a tempting prospect, it remains a prediction about the future, which inherently carries uncertainty. My Take on Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies 📈 I have a strong desire for Bitcoin to hit $350,000, and I hold this as a hopeful target. While my confidence in Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana is high, it's important to recognize this as a dream, a wish, and a speculative target rather than a guaranteed outcome. Why Continue Investing? 💡 I continue to buy more Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana because I believe in their potential for price appreciation. However, my confidence doesn't stem from an absolute certainty about these cryptocurrencies' futures. Rather, my confidence is grounded in my assessment of current leadership and economic management. Concerns About Leadership 🏛️ My confidence in cryptocurrency investments is, in part, driven by my views on the current leadership: - **President Biden** - **Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen** - **Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell** I believe these leaders, whom I metaphorically refer to as the "Three Stooges," exhibit incompetence in economic management. This perception fuels my confidence in the potential rise of assets like gold, silver, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana. Final Thoughts 💬 In conclusion, while the prediction of Bitcoin reaching $350,000 is speculative, my strategy to invest in these assets is rooted in a broader economic perspective. I advocate for protecting oneself by diversifying into assets such as gold, silver, and prominent cryptocurrencies. Stay informed, make calculated decisions, and safeguard your investments against potential economic mismanagement. - Robert Kiyosaki $BTC #bitcoin #Binance #robertkiyosaki
In the dynamic world of cryptocurrency, Shiba Inu (SHIB) is making waves! 🌊 The digital token has seen a **whopping 10% price jump** today, making it a hot topic among altcoin enthusiasts. 🚀 Here's the scoop in a fresh style: - **Transaction Tsunami**: SHIB's daily transactions have skyrocketed by 99%, hitting an impressive $135 million. This surge is a clear sign of investors diving in with enthusiasm. 📈 - **Token Torch**: On June 4th, a scorching burn rate of over 10,000% incinerated about 370 million SHIB tokens, potentially pumping up the token's value. 🔥 - **Shibarium Speed**: With Shibarium's tech, over five million blocks were processed by the end of May, boosting SHIB's transaction speed, slashing fees, and scaling up operations since its summer debut. ⚙️ The price spike has placed SHIB in the limelight, trading at approximately $0.00002612 per token. This uptick aligns with a surge in transaction volume, indicating that SHIB is not just barking up the right tree but also attracting significant 'whale' investors. 🐳 These crypto giants are making a splash, controlling about 73% of SHIB's circulating supply, and many investors are riding the wave to profit. 💸 Driving this rally are several factors, including the token burn mechanism, which has been on fire, especially on June 4th. This led to a reduction in SHIB's supply, potentially boosting its value for the long haul. 📊 Stay tuned as SHIB continues to navigate the high seas of the crypto market! 🧭 $SHIB #shiba⚡ #Shibalnu #SHIBAUSDT #shibatrend #SHIB

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