Binance Square
M Crypto Expert
BNX surged 100%. At that time, two spot layout ranges were given. When it fell, it was criticized. Several people almost published it in the newspaper. Now I come out to show off, right? Chain games are waiting for an explosion, including pixel. In this market, spot buying, ten days and a half months back, a little drop will make you cry, how to turn over the warehouse. Who is numb? Who~~

BNX surged 100%. At that time, two spot layout ranges were given. When it fell, it was criticized. Several people almost published it in the newspaper.

Now I come out to show off, right? Chain games are waiting for an explosion, including pixel. In this market, spot buying, ten days and a half months back, a little drop will make you cry, how to turn over the warehouse. Who is numb? Who~~

Aviso legal: Se incluyen opiniones de terceros. Esto no respresenta una asesoría financiera. Puede haber contenido patrocinado. Lee los TyC.
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