🌟 **Trust and Responsibility**: I understand some of you might feeling uncertain about the recent market movements and my MAV signal. It's important to remember that the MAV signal is a tool, not a guarantee. Just like a weather forecast, it can give us an idea of what might happen, but it's not in control when Market goes sudden opposite.

📌Sometimes the market doesn't go our way.

Please tell me if only the Mav signal has reversed ? if the market is stable then if one coin reverses then yes it is my fault.

See if the rest of the coins fall too badly, is it my fault or is it because of BTC?

If you have lost too much, the rest of my other coins call have also given you a good profit, so I will try to recover your loss.

But if you can't trust me anymore, you can unfollow me, I can't force you.😇

📉 **BTC Trimming**: The recent drop in Bitcoin prices, known as a "BTC trimming," has affected many coins , not just the ones we traded. It's like a big wave in the ocean – it impacts all boats, not just ours.

🛡️ **Liquidations**: When the market moves against traders, liquidations happen to further losses.

💼 **Exchanges and Money Management**: 2 days ago , i watch video about why liquidate people and how exchanges manage money to run their system.You search YouTube and see ,( GNL Learning)creator channel, they explained about how exchanges manage money. how they collect money from traders to liquidate .

You will be clearly understand.

🤝 **Community Understanding**: It's important for our community to understand that market events like BTC trimming and liquidations are not our fault. They're part of the risks of trading. We're all in this together, learning and adapting as we go.

🌊 **Navigating the Waves**: Trading has its ups and downs, and it's not about avoiding waves but learning to ride them. Let's keep learning and adapting, and thank you for your understanding and support.

Remember, trading always involves risks, and no tool or signal can eliminate those risks entirely. It's about managing them and making informed decisions.