Binance Square
💬 Samson Mow, CEO of Jan3 and Bitcoin advisor during El Salvador's Bitcoin adoption, criticizes JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon, stating, "Banks that delay embracing cryptocurrency risk falling behind," emphasizing the need for banks to become Bitcoin-friendly and adapt to the evolving financial landscape. 🏦🪙 #Bitcoinworld

💬 Samson Mow, CEO of Jan3 and Bitcoin advisor during El Salvador's Bitcoin adoption, criticizes JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon, stating, "Banks that delay embracing cryptocurrency risk falling behind," emphasizing the need for banks to become Bitcoin-friendly and adapt to the evolving financial landscape. 🏦🪙 #Bitcoinworld

Aviso legal: Se incluyen opiniones de terceros. Esto no representa asesoría financiera. Lee los TyC.
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