Elon Musk Fires Twitter Employee On Twitter, Who Is Right?Elon Musk Vs Twitter Employee, Who Is right?March 7, 2023Story - Jai PratapA Twitter employee took to Twitter to ask Elon Musk about his employment. What followed was a bizarre exchange between an employee and an employer.Haraldur Thorleifsson tagged Elon Musk in a tweet and asked about his employment status.Recently, Twitter had laid off 200 more employees, or 10% of its workforce. Thorleifsson revealed he was not informed whether he had been fired.Elon Musk replied asking Thorleifsson what work he does at the company.Thorleifsson replied with his job profile and the specific work he was doing at Twitter.After a little back and forth about work, Elon Musk replied with laugh emojis.Twitter chief also replied with a clip from American black comedy Office Space, mocking the employer.Read More Stories