Binance Square
A short review of Binance Cloud Mining, a profit or 👎🏻? In my opinion after checking the info on Earn > Cloud Mining Its actually have risk. Why? First you need to pay electricity fee and other fees to binance in order to mine BTC Yeah fair enough to get the hash rate. But by the time btc is 45K You need to spend on the fee and will only get back all you capital (break even point) at least 46.5 K to cover all the cost. You will only earn some profit if BTC reach more than 47K at the day 90D are finish. What if on that day the btc goes down to below 45K? Then it will mean you will need to bear some cost of loss since it will convert the $BTC into USDT at the day of redemption. So, the final words, it's better you just go and buy Bitcoin instead of mining through this option. If you bought bitcoin you have the flexibility to sell at you will (on the top) and not limited in 90D. Flexible is way of profit If you think this post is useful, please do like and follow. Thanks!

A short review of Binance Cloud Mining, a profit or 👎🏻?

In my opinion after checking the info on Earn > Cloud Mining

Its actually have risk. Why?

First you need to pay electricity fee and other fees to binance in order to mine BTC

Yeah fair enough to get the hash rate.

But by the time btc is 45K

You need to spend on the fee and will only get back all you capital (break even point) at least 46.5 K to cover all the cost.

You will only earn some profit if BTC reach more than 47K at the day 90D are finish.

What if on that day the btc goes down to below 45K? Then it will mean you will need to bear some cost of loss since it will convert the $BTC into USDT at the day of redemption.

So, the final words, it's better you just go and buy Bitcoin instead of mining through this option.

If you bought bitcoin you have the flexibility to sell at you will (on the top) and not limited in 90D.

Flexible is way of profit

If you think this post is useful, please do like and follow. Thanks!

Aviso legal: Se incluyen opiniones de terceros. Esto no respresenta una asesoría financiera. Puede haber contenido patrocinado. Lee los TyC.
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