Binance Square
#Bitcoin halving is coming !!!😍

#Bitcoin halving is coming !!!😍

Binance added the bitcoin halving countdown to our homepage.
What happens around Bitcoin Halvings?
I can’t predict the future. This is my experience based on the past 3 halvings.
1. The few months leading up to the bitcoin halving (from now), there will be more and more chatter, news, anxiety, expectations, hype, hope, etc.
2. The day after the halving, the bitcoin price won’t double overnight. And people will be asking why it didn’t.
3. The year after the halving, bitcoin price hits multiple ATH (all time highs). And people ask why. People have short memories.
Not saying there is proven causation. And history does NOT predict the future. 
If you don’t know what bitcoin halving is, click on the ❓
Aviso legal: Se incluyen opiniones de terceros. Esto no respresenta una asesoría financiera. Puede haber contenido patrocinado. Lee los TyC.
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