Binance Square
ATTENTION $HFT 1/ Two days ago, the #Jump wallet sent 13.75M tokens to the Binance cold wallet through #GSR. => The action of depositing on the exchange and withdrawing to the cold wallet with the same quantity indicates a possible agreement for token trading or OTC. 🧐 2/ In addition, #Wintermute has also deposited 1.5 million tokens on Kraken, and #GSR has recently accumulated a large number of tokens in the wallet. => Suddenly, market makers are showing strong activity, suggesting there may be insight news.


1/ Two days ago, the #Jump wallet sent 13.75M tokens to the Binance cold wallet through #GSR.

=> The action of depositing on the exchange and withdrawing to the cold wallet with the same quantity indicates a possible agreement for token trading or OTC. 🧐

2/ In addition, #Wintermute has also deposited 1.5 million tokens on Kraken, and #GSR has recently accumulated a large number of tokens in the wallet.

=> Suddenly, market makers are showing strong activity, suggesting there may be insight news.

Aviso legal: Se incluyen opiniones de terceros. Esto no respresenta una asesoría financiera. Puede haber contenido patrocinado. Lee los TyC.
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