Having 1 dollar may seem like a lot to someone with nothing.

Having 10 dollars may seem like a lot to someone with 1 dollar.

Having 100 dollars may seem like a lot to someone with 10 dollars.

Having 1,000 dollars may seem like a lot to someone with 100 dollars.

Having 10,000 dollars may seem like a lot to someone with 1,000 dollars.

Having 100,000 dollars may seem like a lot to someone with 10,000 dollars.

Having 1,000,000 dollars may seem like a lot to someone with 100,000 dollars.

In other words, it's essential to remember that people have different financial situations, and what might seem like a small amount to one person could be a significant achievement for another.

It's important to empathize with others and not underestimate their financial struggles or goals.