Binance Square
🚀 Ripple and Chainlink are collaborating with banks and traditional payment companies to develop the financial infrastructure of the future! 💼 - Ripple won a partial victory against the SEC, sparking hope for more banks to adopt XRP for money transfers. - Chainlink successfully conducted experiments with Swift and numerous financial institutions. - Crypto firms like Fireblocks, R3, Fnality, and Zodia Markets are also working closely with financial institutions. What do you think about this collaboration between blockchain firms and traditional finance? Let us know in the comments! 👇

🚀 Ripple and Chainlink are collaborating with banks and traditional payment companies to develop the financial infrastructure of the future! 💼

- Ripple won a partial victory against the SEC, sparking hope for more banks to adopt XRP for money transfers.

- Chainlink successfully conducted experiments with Swift and numerous financial institutions.

- Crypto firms like Fireblocks, R3, Fnality, and Zodia Markets are also working closely with financial institutions.

What do you think about this collaboration between blockchain firms and traditional finance? Let us know in the comments! 👇

Aviso legal: Se incluyen opiniones de terceros. Esto no respresenta una asesoría financiera. Puede haber contenido patrocinado. Lee los TyC.
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