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Abu Saad77
ما هو مخطط بونزي؟ 🤔💰مخطط بونزي (Ponzi Scheme) هو نوع من الاحتيال الاستثماري يعد المشاركين بأرباح عالية وسريعة دون وجود نشاط استثماري حقيقي. يتم دفع أرباح المستثمرين القدامى من أموال المستثمرين الجدد، مما يجعل المخطط يستمر فقط طالما أن هناك تدفقًا مستمرًا من الضحايا الجدد. كيف يعمل مخطط بونزي؟ ⚠️ 1️⃣ وعد بعوائد خيالية: يعد المخطط الناس بأرباح كبيرة في فترة زمنية قصيرة، غالبًا بدون مخاطرة تُذكر. 2️⃣ جذب المستثمرين الجدد: يتم إغراء الضحايا الأوائل من خلال الدفع لهم من أموال القادمين الجدد، مما يجعلهم يثقون أكثر ويجلبون مستثمرين إضافيين. 3️⃣ انهيار المخطط: بمجرد أن يتوقف تدفق المستثمرين الجدد، أو يحاول عدد كبير من المستثمرين سحب أموالهم، ينهار المخطط ويخسر معظم المشاركين أموالهم. أمثلة شهيرة على مخططات بونزي 🕵️‍♂️ 🔹 قضية بيرني مادوف: واحدة من أكبر عمليات الاحتيال المالية في التاريخ، حيث خسر المستثمرون مليارات الدولارات. 🔹 بعض مشاريع العملات الرقمية الوهمية: هناك مشاريع تدّعي أنها استثمارات في الكريبتو، لكنها تعمل وفق نموذج بونزي، حيث تدفع الأرباح من أموال القادمين الجدد فقط. كيف تحمي نفسك؟ 🛡️ ✅ احذر من العوائد غير الواقعية: إذا كان الاستثمار يعدك بأرباح كبيرة وسريعة بدون مخاطر، فكن حذرًا! ✅ تحقق من نموذج الربح: أي استثمار يجب أن يكون لديه مصدر دخل حقيقي، وليس فقط من تدفق المستثمرين الجدد. ✅ راقب التنظيمات القانونية: تأكد من أن الشركة مرخصة وخاضعة لجهات رقابية موثوقة. ✅ لا تستثمر بناءً على الإغراءات فقط: قم دائمًا بالبحث والتحليل قبل الدخول في أي استثمار. الخلاصة 🎯 مخططات بونزي قد تبدو مغرية، لكنها ليست سوى فقاعة مؤقتة تنفجر بمجرد توقف تدفق الأموال الجديدة. الاستثمار الذكي يعتمد على الفهم والتحليل، وليس على وعود زائفة بالأرباح السريعة! ⚠️ إخلاء المسؤولية: هذا المقال لأغراض تعليمية فقط ولا يُعتبر نصيحة استثمارية. قم دائمًا بإجراء أبحاثك الخاصة قبل اتخاذ أي قرارات مالية. #ponzi #ponzischeme #Alert🔴 #Binance

ما هو مخطط بونزي؟ 🤔💰

مخطط بونزي (Ponzi Scheme) هو نوع من الاحتيال الاستثماري يعد المشاركين بأرباح عالية وسريعة دون وجود نشاط استثماري حقيقي. يتم دفع أرباح المستثمرين القدامى من أموال المستثمرين الجدد، مما يجعل المخطط يستمر فقط طالما أن هناك تدفقًا مستمرًا من الضحايا الجدد.

كيف يعمل مخطط بونزي؟ ⚠️

1️⃣ وعد بعوائد خيالية: يعد المخطط الناس بأرباح كبيرة في فترة زمنية قصيرة، غالبًا بدون مخاطرة تُذكر.
2️⃣ جذب المستثمرين الجدد: يتم إغراء الضحايا الأوائل من خلال الدفع لهم من أموال القادمين الجدد، مما يجعلهم يثقون أكثر ويجلبون مستثمرين إضافيين.
3️⃣ انهيار المخطط: بمجرد أن يتوقف تدفق المستثمرين الجدد، أو يحاول عدد كبير من المستثمرين سحب أموالهم، ينهار المخطط ويخسر معظم المشاركين أموالهم.

أمثلة شهيرة على مخططات بونزي 🕵️‍♂️

🔹 قضية بيرني مادوف: واحدة من أكبر عمليات الاحتيال المالية في التاريخ، حيث خسر المستثمرون مليارات الدولارات.
🔹 بعض مشاريع العملات الرقمية الوهمية: هناك مشاريع تدّعي أنها استثمارات في الكريبتو، لكنها تعمل وفق نموذج بونزي، حيث تدفع الأرباح من أموال القادمين الجدد فقط.

كيف تحمي نفسك؟ 🛡️

✅ احذر من العوائد غير الواقعية: إذا كان الاستثمار يعدك بأرباح كبيرة وسريعة بدون مخاطر، فكن حذرًا!
✅ تحقق من نموذج الربح: أي استثمار يجب أن يكون لديه مصدر دخل حقيقي، وليس فقط من تدفق المستثمرين الجدد.
✅ راقب التنظيمات القانونية: تأكد من أن الشركة مرخصة وخاضعة لجهات رقابية موثوقة.
✅ لا تستثمر بناءً على الإغراءات فقط: قم دائمًا بالبحث والتحليل قبل الدخول في أي استثمار.

الخلاصة 🎯

مخططات بونزي قد تبدو مغرية، لكنها ليست سوى فقاعة مؤقتة تنفجر بمجرد توقف تدفق الأموال الجديدة. الاستثمار الذكي يعتمد على الفهم والتحليل، وليس على وعود زائفة بالأرباح السريعة!

⚠️ إخلاء المسؤولية: هذا المقال لأغراض تعليمية فقط ولا يُعتبر نصيحة استثمارية. قم دائمًا بإجراء أبحاثك الخاصة قبل اتخاذ أي قرارات مالية.
#ponzi #ponzischeme #Alert🔴 #Binance
🚨🚨India's $100 Million Ponzi Scheme: Thousands of Investors Left Scrambling ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thousands of investors in India have fallen victim to a massive Ponzi scheme, losing nearly $100 million. Falcon Invoice Discounting promised high returns, claiming to connect investors with big brands like Amazon and Britannia. But here's the shocking truth: the company used new investors' money to pay off older ones, and diverted the rest to shell entities. The founder, Amardeep Kumar, is now on the run. Many victims, including a jeweler and a tech employee, have spoken out about losing their life savings. "It's my hard-earned money. We don't know when and how we'll get it back," said one victim. Indian authorities are cracking down on fake investment schemes, but it's essential to stay vigilant. Remember: if an investment seems too good to be true, it probably is. Stay safe, and stay informed! #InvestmentScams #ponzischeme $LTC #FTXrepayment
🚨🚨India's $100 Million Ponzi Scheme: Thousands of Investors Left Scrambling

Thousands of investors in India have fallen victim to a massive Ponzi scheme, losing nearly $100 million. Falcon Invoice Discounting promised high returns, claiming to connect investors with big brands like Amazon and Britannia.

But here's the shocking truth: the company used new investors' money to pay off older ones, and diverted the rest to shell entities. The founder, Amardeep Kumar, is now on the run.

Many victims, including a jeweler and a tech employee, have spoken out about losing their life savings. "It's my hard-earned money. We don't know when and how we'll get it back," said one victim.

Indian authorities are cracking down on fake investment schemes, but it's essential to stay vigilant. Remember: if an investment seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Stay safe, and stay informed!

#InvestmentScams #ponzischeme $LTC #FTXrepayment
🚩2021 - To-Date SCAMS , SECURITIES FRAUD, PYRAMID SCHEME AND PONZI SCHEME WARNING LISTS (503 LIST):Below you'll find both active, inactive, dormant, rebooted, rebranded and collapsed businesses (503):(majority of these lists has either rug pull or rebranded their names & company websites altogether but by their same tales you shall know them 😆😅)• 1044Pro• 5 Billion Sales• 50/50 Crowdfunding (reboot to CoopCrowd)• 4QLife• 8 Figure Dream Lifestyle• ABA Marketing (rebooted to 7 Flags Club) • ACN• Affluence Network• AI Marketing (reboot to CashBackPro)• Alliance In Motion Global (AIM Global)• AirBit Club• Alcor Trade (former Antares Trade)• Algotech (rebooted as WinWheel)• Allied Wallet• Alluyssian Sciences• Alovea• Aluva• Antares Trade (reboot to Alcor Trade)• AmpLIFEi• Antis Capital• AntUSD• Apex Financial• Aplex VA  (part of Throne Legacy Capital)• Appi Travels• Arctic Nutrition• Areons• Artery Network• Assure For Life• Atteva• AuBit (rebooted as Freeway) • Average Joe Profit System • AuLives (acquired by Validus, merged)• Aura 4 Finance• AutoTrade Gold (Panthera Trade Technologies, LegoMarket LLC, Pansaka)• Auvoria Prime •Baccarat• Bakuhatsu • Belfast Capital Group • Bastion Invest• BE, Be Rules or Be Factor (former Mellius)• Be International• Bedrock Experts• Better Globe (prev Green Planet) • Beurax• Beyond• Bitassets Venture• BitClub Network • BitCoiin• BitcoLoan• BitConnect • Bitflow Asset• Bitles• BitLocity• BitPayProfits• BitPlam• BitRobot• BitWings• Bixo Money (former BixoTrade)• BlackOxygen Organics• Blessings In No Time (BINT)• Blockchain Capital• Blockchain Global (ACX)• Block Consult• BloxTec• BNB33 Club• BNBBusiness • BNB Profit• BNB Stake• BoldGains International• Bomb Party• BotTronic• Bruxis Trading• Bulavita• Juuva (former Wakaya Perfection)• BullRun• Cannerald• CashBack Marketing• CashBackPro (former AI Marketing)• Calerie• Carcoin• Cash Forex Group (CashFX)• CBI Global (reboot from Uhuru Tribe)• Centurion Global (former Ducatus Network)• CHY Mall• ClearUnited• CoinChain Digital• CoinOption• Cloud Horizon • Cloud Token• ClubShop• Commodum• Common Sense Wellnes Worldwide• Conligus (sold to OneCoin)• CTCoin (Control Traders)• Control Finance• Coop5050 (former CoopCrowd and 50/50 Crowdfunding• Cooperative Crowdfunding• CopyProTraders• Corsair Group (Cloud Horizon) • Crowd 1 (Planet IX) • Crowdbridge Global • Crunchi• CrypArena• Crypto Advice (Mended Minds, Secugenius, QuickX)• Cryptoberg• CryptobestFX247• Cryptolon• CryptoSook• CryptoSpot• CubeBit (reboot to CubeBit 2.0)• CVC Funding• CyberChain • DagCoin • Daisy AI • Daxio• DDKoin• DeFiNatics• DigiCoin• Digital Income Systems• Digital Money Markets• Digital Profit• Direct Cellars• Divine Prosperity Blossom• doTerra• Driven Properties• Ducatus Network (reboot to Centurion Global)• DuoLife•Eclipcity Global• Eaconomy (partnered with Beyond Wealth)• Easy1Up• EclipCity Global • EcoTrade• eComelize • Edain (EAI token)• Elamant• Elevate Pass• Elixoo• Elon Musk scam• Elysium Capital• Elysium Network • EndoTech• EmpiresX • Empowered Consumerism (AIM Global)• Enigro Group (rebooted to The Opportunity Network)• eOracle (reboot to Espian Global)• Epika Global• Espian Global (former eOracle) • EtherScan • EtherConnect• Evo Binary• Evolution Gifting Community• EvoRich (Skywaay Capital / NEEW) • Exove Investment• Exp Realty• Expo R&M• F2S Fund• Family First Life• EzyTRX (reboot to EzyTRX II)• Finalmente Global • Finance & Business Consulting (FBC)• Financial Education Services• Finiko• Flexkom (rebooted to Weeconomy)• Fola Global (FamilyMart)• FomoEx• Forsage BUSD  (former Forsage, Fortron, Forsage Tron, Forsage XGold)• Freebay (former G999) • Freedom Group• FirstCoin Club • FutureNet• Future Maker Life Care• Futurion Finance•Gameas• Ganancias Deportivas• G999 (GSPartners, in partnership with Driven Properties)• GainBTT• GetOn Global • Gifting Community• Gift Of Legacy• Global I Gold Online (GIG-OS) (former EmGoldex and Global InterGold)• GladiaCoin• Globalytics Tech Research (rebooted from Jubilee Ace) • Global I Gold Online • Global Investment Trading (dba Liyeplimal)• Global Sponsorship Network (GSN) reboot from OneLink• Global Technology & Innovation • Global Trading Club• Go9Tro• GoFounders• GreenChoyce• GreenGold• GriddyPro•Headway Capital (clone of Ax Trader)• Hulsa• Hustle With Us• HybridTech Global • HyperFund (former HyperCapital)• HyperMining (HyperTech)• Hyperverse/ HyperVerse Ecosystem, short VerseEco, consists of Nebula, Galaxy Decentralized Capital and VerseDAO, HyperCash, HU, MOF, HVT, HDAO, partnership Genaro Network (GNX token)•IAM Worldwide• iBG Finance• iBuumerang/Ellev8 (former Countdown4Freedom)• IDentityUSA• i-Fern• iGenius• iHub Global• Ilgamos (reboot to ILGON)• Impero Solutions• (reboot from EurekaCoin)• INB Network (CashBackPro, former AI Marketing)• InCruises• Indusviva• Infinity Global (Bitex)• Infinity2Global• InnerQuest Global • IM Mastery Academy• Impero Solutions• Incomatrix• Innov8tive Nutrion• Intelligence Prime Capital (IPC Trade,  IPCapital)• Intense Live• International TEFL Organization• Investrix• Investview (reboot as Kuvera Global, brand iGenius)• Infinity Loops• iPro Network (ProCurrency, PROC)• IQ Chain (rebranded to IQ Legacy) • IQ 5050 • iQuandex• Isagenix• iX Global• IX Inversors•Jaa LifeStyle• JetCoin• Jeuness• JN Jewelry• Jonny Blockchain• Jubilee Ace • Just Been Paid 2020• Karatbars International (LifeBase, G999, Freebay)• Kevlar Gifting Communities (reboot to Gifting Communities)• Kindred Hearts• King Finance• KOK Play• Kripto Future• Kryptogenex• Lifestyle Marketing Group• Kuailian Eco-system• Kynect Energy (acquired by ACN)• Laetitude• Learn Build Lead (LBL)• LeoTrade• Level Up 247• LifeBase • Lion's Share• Liv Labs• Liyeplimal Crypto MLM System• Lobto• Longrich• Lucky Dozens• Lueur Lauren International• LuLaRoe• Lyconet• Lyoness• Mag Markets• Majesty Hash pro• MarfinFX• Maskcara (rebranded as Seint) Matt Bot AI• Matic Business• Matrix Pro• Matrix Pro Leads• MBI International• Medical Marketing Project (MMP)• Mfinity Global (former Bulavita)• Mido Finance• Mindset 24 Global• Mined• Mined Capital• Minerva Trading Bot (CMC Invest)• Mining City• MineRift• Mint Builder• Mirollex• Mirror Trading International • MMM Global• MOBE (QualPay)• Model Farming• Monat• Monetize 911• MoneyTime• Monk Trading Investment• MultiplyWESA• MVR Life• My Blockchain Life• MyCOM• MyCryptoWorld• My Daily Choice• My Freedom in 365• MyGBit Mining• My Passive Trades• myWorld  (Lyoness)•Nacometa• Namiro • Nano Club • Nano Crowd • Navan Global (sold to Ariix)• NBH Finance (NBH Group)• Ncrease• Neora (formerly Nerium International) • NewChoyce• New Economic Evolution of the World (NEEW)• NextLevelX• Nexyiu• Nimbus Platform• Nominex• NortheStar• Nowsite Marketing• NRGY GO• NuSkin• Nussentials• Nu Xtrax• Nutonic•Omega Digital• Omegapro Forex • OneCoin • One Eco System (rebranded to OneLife Network) OneDealer AS Norway • OneLife Network • OneLink (Global Sponsorship Network) • OnPassive • Onward Capital• Oola Global• Open Alexa• Opportunity Network (sold to OneCoin)• Orientum • OrbiXVictus (AIM Global) • Orion Finance• Ormeus Global • Oro One• OSM Software Solutions• O'Snap• OXO Worldwide•PandaTron• Paparazzi Accessories• PartyLite• Passive Tron Profits• Paytron BTC• PBX Trading (former Premium Business)• PetronPay• Phenomenal Club• PIE 24/7• Pipz• Post 2 Profits• Praetorian Global International (PGI)• PlusToken (World Blockchain Forum)• PowerPost Profits• Powur• Primary the Ruling Class • Premium Business • Prime International Club• PrivaFund• Prizm• ProCash• Profit Connect• Project Lantern•QNet (rebranded from GoldQuest) • Qtrex• Quaestor Solutions (Quaestor Coin)• QubitLife (rebranded from QubitTech)• Questra World•R Network• RE247365• Recylix• Redwood Scientific Technologies• RengaLife• Riseoo• Riway• Robot22 Trade• Rostek Global• Royal Returns• Roy Club• Royal Q (Sec gov ph)• Safir International • Salvia• SamKoin• Scentsy• Scout & Cellar• SDK Meta• SeedChange• Senexa• SHA-256• ShynXL• Silver Icing• Silver Partners for Profits• SilverStar Live (renamed AI Global, and then again to Ai Expert Advisor)• Silwana Global• Sincere Systems (rebooted as S-Group)• SiteTalk • Six Sigma Trade• SkyWay Capital, CryptoUnits (rebooted to Unitsky String Technologies) • SmartHashes• SmashFund• SnapBots• Snap Delivered• SofTrade AI• Solar Group• Solar Oil Project• Solmax Global• Solvasa• Speed Finance Club• Success By Health• Success Factory• SuperDraft Pro (SuperSports Global)• Swag (Swag Mining, Swag Network)• SwapIT • SwissCoin •Tapestri• Team Travel MVP• TechVision• Telepreneur Corp• Teqra• The $100 System• The Happy Co• The Perfect System• The PLR System  The Prosperity Grid • The Token Network• TheClub.Travel• TelexFree• Toga Limited (reboot to Eostre Berhad)• Torque Trading (TORQ)• Touchstone Success• Torexo Finance• TRVL• Tradera• Trading Insight• Traffic Monsoon• TriumphFX• TronBase• TronCarry• TronCase• TronChain • Tronconomy• TronPlus• TronThunder• Trujivan• Trunited• Trust Investing• Tulian Investment• Turbo Crypto• Twindax• Twin TurboTRX• Unaico • Universal Abundance • Up2Give (U2G Network) • UpMoney• Upnomix• UR Worth It• Ushare• Uulala• Unity Line Builders• Upistic•Vantel Pearls• Vida Divina• Viral Compensation• Visalus Sciences• Viseming• Vitae• Viv• Vollara• VR Tron500• VRDa1•Wakaya Perfection (sold to LaCore Enterprises) WantageOne • WaterMine• Wazzub• We Share Abundance• Weter• Wiseling • Wiseming• Workxon• World Crypto Life• World Enhanced Wealth Ecosystem Global (WeWe Global) • WorldVentures (acquired by Verona International Holdings, rebooted as DreamTrips)• World Wealth Club •Xellis (former Natura4Ever)• XEMXLink• Xifra LifeStyle• Xtreme Pro System•YEP• Youngevity•Zax• Zeek Rewards• Zeniq Coin • Zeonis• ZetBull• Zomoney• Zukul Gold• Zukul Trading#BTC #Ponzi #ponzischeme #scammers. #Cryptoscam


Below you'll find both active, inactive, dormant, rebooted, rebranded and collapsed businesses (503):(majority of these lists has either rug pull or rebranded their names & company websites altogether but by their same tales you shall know them 😆😅)• 1044Pro• 5 Billion Sales• 50/50 Crowdfunding (reboot to CoopCrowd)• 4QLife• 8 Figure Dream Lifestyle• ABA Marketing (rebooted to 7 Flags Club) • ACN• Affluence Network• AI Marketing (reboot to CashBackPro)• Alliance In Motion Global (AIM Global)• AirBit Club• Alcor Trade (former Antares Trade)• Algotech (rebooted as WinWheel)• Allied Wallet• Alluyssian Sciences• Alovea• Aluva• Antares Trade (reboot to Alcor Trade)• AmpLIFEi• Antis Capital• AntUSD• Apex Financial• Aplex VA  (part of Throne Legacy Capital)• Appi Travels• Arctic Nutrition• Areons• Artery Network• Assure For Life• Atteva• AuBit (rebooted as Freeway) • Average Joe Profit System • AuLives (acquired by Validus, merged)• Aura 4 Finance• AutoTrade Gold (Panthera Trade Technologies, LegoMarket LLC, Pansaka)• Auvoria Prime •Baccarat• Bakuhatsu • Belfast Capital Group • Bastion Invest• BE, Be Rules or Be Factor (former Mellius)• Be International• Bedrock Experts• Better Globe (prev Green Planet) • Beurax• Beyond• Bitassets Venture• BitClub Network • BitCoiin• BitcoLoan• BitConnect • Bitflow Asset• Bitles• BitLocity• BitPayProfits• BitPlam• BitRobot• BitWings• Bixo Money (former BixoTrade)• BlackOxygen Organics• Blessings In No Time (BINT)• Blockchain Capital• Blockchain Global (ACX)• Block Consult• BloxTec• BNB33 Club• BNBBusiness • BNB Profit• BNB Stake• BoldGains International• Bomb Party• BotTronic• Bruxis Trading• Bulavita• Juuva (former Wakaya Perfection)• BullRun• Cannerald• CashBack Marketing• CashBackPro (former AI Marketing)• Calerie• Carcoin• Cash Forex Group (CashFX)• CBI Global (reboot from Uhuru Tribe)• Centurion Global (former Ducatus Network)• CHY Mall• ClearUnited• CoinChain Digital• CoinOption• Cloud Horizon • Cloud Token• ClubShop• Commodum• Common Sense Wellnes Worldwide• Conligus (sold to OneCoin)• CTCoin (Control Traders)• Control Finance• Coop5050 (former CoopCrowd and 50/50 Crowdfunding• Cooperative Crowdfunding• CopyProTraders• Corsair Group (Cloud Horizon) • Crowd 1 (Planet IX) • Crowdbridge Global • Crunchi• CrypArena• Crypto Advice (Mended Minds, Secugenius, QuickX)• Cryptoberg• CryptobestFX247• Cryptolon• CryptoSook• CryptoSpot• CubeBit (reboot to CubeBit 2.0)• CVC Funding• CyberChain • DagCoin • Daisy AI • Daxio• DDKoin• DeFiNatics• DigiCoin• Digital Income Systems• Digital Money Markets• Digital Profit• Direct Cellars• Divine Prosperity Blossom• doTerra• Driven Properties• Ducatus Network (reboot to Centurion Global)• DuoLife•Eclipcity Global• Eaconomy (partnered with Beyond Wealth)• Easy1Up• EclipCity Global • EcoTrade• eComelize • Edain (EAI token)• Elamant• Elevate Pass• Elixoo• Elon Musk scam• Elysium Capital• Elysium Network • EndoTech• EmpiresX • Empowered Consumerism (AIM Global)• Enigro Group (rebooted to The Opportunity Network)• eOracle (reboot to Espian Global)• Epika Global• Espian Global (former eOracle) • EtherScan • EtherConnect• Evo Binary• Evolution Gifting Community• EvoRich (Skywaay Capital / NEEW) • Exove Investment• Exp Realty• Expo R&M• F2S Fund• Family First Life• EzyTRX (reboot to EzyTRX II)• Finalmente Global • Finance & Business Consulting (FBC)• Financial Education Services• Finiko• Flexkom (rebooted to Weeconomy)• Fola Global (FamilyMart)• FomoEx• Forsage BUSD  (former Forsage, Fortron, Forsage Tron, Forsage XGold)• Freebay (former G999) • Freedom Group• FirstCoin Club • FutureNet• Future Maker Life Care• Futurion Finance•Gameas• Ganancias Deportivas• G999 (GSPartners, in partnership with Driven Properties)• GainBTT• GetOn Global • Gifting Community• Gift Of Legacy• Global I Gold Online (GIG-OS) (former EmGoldex and Global InterGold)• GladiaCoin• Globalytics Tech Research (rebooted from Jubilee Ace) • Global I Gold Online • Global Investment Trading (dba Liyeplimal)• Global Sponsorship Network (GSN) reboot from OneLink• Global Technology & Innovation • Global Trading Club• Go9Tro• GoFounders• GreenChoyce• GreenGold• GriddyPro•Headway Capital (clone of Ax Trader)• Hulsa• Hustle With Us• HybridTech Global • HyperFund (former HyperCapital)• HyperMining (HyperTech)• Hyperverse/ HyperVerse Ecosystem, short VerseEco, consists of Nebula, Galaxy Decentralized Capital and VerseDAO, HyperCash, HU, MOF, HVT, HDAO, partnership Genaro Network (GNX token)•IAM Worldwide• iBG Finance• iBuumerang/Ellev8 (former Countdown4Freedom)• IDentityUSA• i-Fern• iGenius• iHub Global• Ilgamos (reboot to ILGON)• Impero Solutions• (reboot from EurekaCoin)• INB Network (CashBackPro, former AI Marketing)• InCruises• Indusviva• Infinity Global (Bitex)• Infinity2Global• InnerQuest Global • IM Mastery Academy• Impero Solutions• Incomatrix• Innov8tive Nutrion• Intelligence Prime Capital (IPC Trade,  IPCapital)• Intense Live• International TEFL Organization• Investrix• Investview (reboot as Kuvera Global, brand iGenius)• Infinity Loops• iPro Network (ProCurrency, PROC)• IQ Chain (rebranded to IQ Legacy) • IQ 5050 • iQuandex• Isagenix• iX Global• IX Inversors•Jaa LifeStyle• JetCoin• Jeuness• JN Jewelry• Jonny Blockchain• Jubilee Ace • Just Been Paid 2020• Karatbars International (LifeBase, G999, Freebay)• Kevlar Gifting Communities (reboot to Gifting Communities)• Kindred Hearts• King Finance• KOK Play• Kripto Future• Kryptogenex• Lifestyle Marketing Group• Kuailian Eco-system• Kynect Energy (acquired by ACN)• Laetitude• Learn Build Lead (LBL)• LeoTrade• Level Up 247• LifeBase • Lion's Share• Liv Labs• Liyeplimal Crypto MLM System• Lobto• Longrich• Lucky Dozens• Lueur Lauren International• LuLaRoe• Lyconet• Lyoness• Mag Markets• Majesty Hash pro• MarfinFX• Maskcara (rebranded as Seint) Matt Bot AI• Matic Business• Matrix Pro• Matrix Pro Leads• MBI International• Medical Marketing Project (MMP)• Mfinity Global (former Bulavita)• Mido Finance• Mindset 24 Global• Mined• Mined Capital• Minerva Trading Bot (CMC Invest)• Mining City• MineRift• Mint Builder• Mirollex• Mirror Trading International • MMM Global• MOBE (QualPay)• Model Farming• Monat• Monetize 911• MoneyTime• Monk Trading Investment• MultiplyWESA• MVR Life• My Blockchain Life• MyCOM• MyCryptoWorld• My Daily Choice• My Freedom in 365• MyGBit Mining• My Passive Trades• myWorld  (Lyoness)•Nacometa• Namiro • Nano Club • Nano Crowd • Navan Global (sold to Ariix)• NBH Finance (NBH Group)• Ncrease• Neora (formerly Nerium International) • NewChoyce• New Economic Evolution of the World (NEEW)• NextLevelX• Nexyiu• Nimbus Platform• Nominex• NortheStar• Nowsite Marketing• NRGY GO• NuSkin• Nussentials• Nu Xtrax• Nutonic•Omega Digital• Omegapro Forex • OneCoin • One Eco System (rebranded to OneLife Network) OneDealer AS Norway • OneLife Network • OneLink (Global Sponsorship Network) • OnPassive • Onward Capital• Oola Global• Open Alexa• Opportunity Network (sold to OneCoin)• Orientum • OrbiXVictus (AIM Global) • Orion Finance• Ormeus Global • Oro One• OSM Software Solutions• O'Snap• OXO Worldwide•PandaTron• Paparazzi Accessories• PartyLite• Passive Tron Profits• Paytron BTC• PBX Trading (former Premium Business)• PetronPay• Phenomenal Club• PIE 24/7• Pipz• Post 2 Profits• Praetorian Global International (PGI)• PlusToken (World Blockchain Forum)• PowerPost Profits• Powur• Primary the Ruling Class • Premium Business • Prime International Club• PrivaFund• Prizm• ProCash• Profit Connect• Project Lantern•QNet (rebranded from GoldQuest) • Qtrex• Quaestor Solutions (Quaestor Coin)• QubitLife (rebranded from QubitTech)• Questra World•R Network• RE247365• Recylix• Redwood Scientific Technologies• RengaLife• Riseoo• Riway• Robot22 Trade• Rostek Global• Royal Returns• Roy Club• Royal Q (Sec gov ph)• Safir International • Salvia• SamKoin• Scentsy• Scout & Cellar• SDK Meta• SeedChange• Senexa• SHA-256• ShynXL• Silver Icing• Silver Partners for Profits• SilverStar Live (renamed AI Global, and then again to Ai Expert Advisor)• Silwana Global• Sincere Systems (rebooted as S-Group)• SiteTalk • Six Sigma Trade• SkyWay Capital, CryptoUnits (rebooted to Unitsky String Technologies) • SmartHashes• SmashFund• SnapBots• Snap Delivered• SofTrade AI• Solar Group• Solar Oil Project• Solmax Global• Solvasa• Speed Finance Club• Success By Health• Success Factory• SuperDraft Pro (SuperSports Global)• Swag (Swag Mining, Swag Network)• SwapIT • SwissCoin •Tapestri• Team Travel MVP• TechVision• Telepreneur Corp• Teqra• The $100 System• The Happy Co• The Perfect System• The PLR System  The Prosperity Grid • The Token Network• TheClub.Travel• TelexFree• Toga Limited (reboot to Eostre Berhad)• Torque Trading (TORQ)• Touchstone Success• Torexo Finance• TRVL• Tradera• Trading Insight• Traffic Monsoon• TriumphFX• TronBase• TronCarry• TronCase• TronChain • Tronconomy• TronPlus• TronThunder• Trujivan• Trunited• Trust Investing• Tulian Investment• Turbo Crypto• Twindax• Twin TurboTRX• Unaico • Universal Abundance • Up2Give (U2G Network) • UpMoney• Upnomix• UR Worth It• Ushare• Uulala• Unity Line Builders• Upistic•Vantel Pearls• Vida Divina• Viral Compensation• Visalus Sciences• Viseming• Vitae• Viv• Vollara• VR Tron500• VRDa1•Wakaya Perfection (sold to LaCore Enterprises) WantageOne • WaterMine• Wazzub• We Share Abundance• Weter• Wiseling • Wiseming• Workxon• World Crypto Life• World Enhanced Wealth Ecosystem Global (WeWe Global) • WorldVentures (acquired by Verona International Holdings, rebooted as DreamTrips)• World Wealth Club •Xellis (former Natura4Ever)• XEMXLink• Xifra LifeStyle• Xtreme Pro System•YEP• Youngevity•Zax• Zeek Rewards• Zeniq Coin • Zeonis• ZetBull• Zomoney• Zukul Gold• Zukul Trading#BTC #Ponzi #ponzischeme #scammers. #Cryptoscam
Аргентина vs. Crypto Ponzi: $3,5 млн в USDT заморожены! 💥 В криптомире очередной громкий скандал! 🌐 Аргентина провела масштабную операцию, заморозив $3,5 млн в USDT, связанных с платформой Rainbowex. 💸 В результате расследования арестованы 10 человек, обвиняемых в создании предполагаемой схемы Понци. 🕵️‍♂️ Власти заявляют, что платформа привлекала инвесторов обещаниями «невероятной доходности», а в итоге деньги просто перераспределялись. Интересно, что подобные случаи становятся всё более частыми. 🤔 Это сигнал для криптосообщества: инвестируйте с умом, проверяйте проекты и не доверяйте тем, кто обещает «золотые горы» без риска. 🚩 Делитесь своими мыслями! Нужно ли усилить контроль над криптовалютными платформами или такие действия только тормозят развитие индустрии? 💬 #CryptoNews #PonziScheme #Argentina #USDT
Аргентина vs. Crypto Ponzi: $3,5 млн в USDT заморожены! 💥

В криптомире очередной громкий скандал! 🌐 Аргентина провела масштабную операцию, заморозив $3,5 млн в USDT, связанных с платформой Rainbowex. 💸

В результате расследования арестованы 10 человек, обвиняемых в создании предполагаемой схемы Понци. 🕵️‍♂️ Власти заявляют, что платформа привлекала инвесторов обещаниями «невероятной доходности», а в итоге деньги просто перераспределялись.

Интересно, что подобные случаи становятся всё более частыми. 🤔 Это сигнал для криптосообщества: инвестируйте с умом, проверяйте проекты и не доверяйте тем, кто обещает «золотые горы» без риска. 🚩

Делитесь своими мыслями! Нужно ли усилить контроль над криптовалютными платформами или такие действия только тормозят развитие индустрии? 💬

#CryptoNews #PonziScheme #Argentina #USDT
EvoRich’s Andrey Khovratov Sentenced to 5years In PrisonEvorich Ponzi founder Andrey Khovratov has been sentenced to five years in prison. Prosecutors had asked the court for a six year sentence.Following his arrest attempting to flee Russia in early 2022, Khovratov was charged with five counts of participating in fraud via organized crime.As per a January 23rd press-release from the Presnesnky Prosecutor’s Office, the Moscow court based Khovratov’s guilty verdict on EvoRich being a Ponzi scheme. Khovratov, being the general director of Academy of Private Investor LLC, together with an accomplice who is on the wanted list and other unidentified persons, created a website accessible to an unlimited number of people, informing that anyone can become a co-owner, shareholder, shareholder, shareholder of the global an investment fund operating in all segments and sectors of the investment market.The accomplices misled users of the Internet resource by providing deliberately false information that the investments would make it possible to implement the program of the New Economic Evolution of the World, created by Khovratov, and to receive high investment income.In order to make a profit, the misled victims purchased cryptocurrency from the defendants, transferring funds to accounts controlled by them.The members of the organized group distributed the funds received from the victims among themselves, evading their obligations to pay dividend income from investing in cryptocurrency, as well as to return the funds.An unnamed accomplice of Khovratov’s remains wanted by Russian authorities.#Evorich #ponzischeme #mlm #pyramidscheme #CryptoScamExposed

EvoRich’s Andrey Khovratov Sentenced to 5years In Prison

Evorich Ponzi founder Andrey Khovratov has been sentenced to five years in prison. Prosecutors had asked the court for a six year sentence.Following his arrest attempting to flee Russia in early 2022, Khovratov was charged with five counts of participating in fraud via organized crime.As per a January 23rd press-release from the Presnesnky Prosecutor’s Office, the Moscow court based Khovratov’s guilty verdict on EvoRich being a Ponzi scheme. Khovratov, being the general director of Academy of Private Investor LLC, together with an accomplice who is on the wanted list and other unidentified persons, created a website accessible to an unlimited number of people, informing that anyone can become a co-owner, shareholder, shareholder, shareholder of the global an investment fund operating in all segments and sectors of the investment market.The accomplices misled users of the Internet resource by providing deliberately false information that the investments would make it possible to implement the program of the New Economic Evolution of the World, created by Khovratov, and to receive high investment income.In order to make a profit, the misled victims purchased cryptocurrency from the defendants, transferring funds to accounts controlled by them.The members of the organized group distributed the funds received from the victims among themselves, evading their obligations to pay dividend income from investing in cryptocurrency, as well as to return the funds.An unnamed accomplice of Khovratov’s remains wanted by Russian authorities.#Evorich #ponzischeme #mlm #pyramidscheme #CryptoScamExposed
Les autorités chinoises répriment un système de Ponzi de crypto-monnaie de 280 millions de dollars. 🇨🇳👮🏻‍♂️ Dans le cadre d'une avancée majeure, la succursale de Yuanbao du bureau de sécurité intérieure de la ville de Chifeng, en Mongolie intérieure, en Chine, a réussi à démanteler un important système de Ponzi en cryptomonnaie. Opérant depuis Pékin, la plateforme non divulguée utilisait des structures organisationnelles sophistiquées et des tactiques de marketing innovantes, élevant des soupçons d'activités criminelles impliquant des crypto-monnaies. Avec des opérations couvrant 13 provinces et villes, la plateforme comptait plus de 18 000 membres enregistrés. Le flux total de transactions a dépassé les 2 milliards de yuans (280 millions de dollars), révélant l'ampleur des activités illicites. L’objectif principal du projet était une structure de Ponzi classique. Les forces de l’ordre chinoises ont rapidement réagi, arrêtant 30 suspects associés à la plateforme de cryptomonnaie. En outre, ils ont gelé près de 10 millions de yuans liés à cette affaire. Des enquêtes sont en cours, et deux principaux suspects se sont rendus volontairement aux autorités. Cette affaire se déroule dans le contexte de l’interdiction actuelle des actifs de crypto-monnaie par la Chine. Malgré l’interdiction, l’attrait des actifs virtuels persiste, conduisant de nombreux citoyens chinois à accéder aux plateformes de cryptographie via des VPN. La répression de cette importante chaîne de Ponzi met en évidence l'engagement des autorités à lutter contre les activités illégales dans le domaine des cryptomonnaies. Au fur et à mesure que l’enquête se déroule, elle nous rappelle brutalement les défis posés par l’intersection de la technologie financière et des entreprises criminelles. #China #cryptocurrency #VPN #ponzischeme #Ponzi
Les autorités chinoises répriment un système de Ponzi de crypto-monnaie de 280 millions de dollars. 🇨🇳👮🏻‍♂️

Dans le cadre d'une avancée majeure, la succursale de Yuanbao du bureau de sécurité intérieure de la ville de Chifeng, en Mongolie intérieure, en Chine, a réussi à démanteler un important système de Ponzi en cryptomonnaie. Opérant depuis Pékin, la plateforme non divulguée utilisait des structures organisationnelles sophistiquées et des tactiques de marketing innovantes, élevant des soupçons d'activités criminelles impliquant des crypto-monnaies.

Avec des opérations couvrant 13 provinces et villes, la plateforme comptait plus de 18 000 membres enregistrés. Le flux total de transactions a dépassé les 2 milliards de yuans (280 millions de dollars), révélant l'ampleur des activités illicites. L’objectif principal du projet était une structure de Ponzi classique.

Les forces de l’ordre chinoises ont rapidement réagi, arrêtant 30 suspects associés à la plateforme de cryptomonnaie. En outre, ils ont gelé près de 10 millions de yuans liés à cette affaire. Des enquêtes sont en cours, et deux principaux suspects se sont rendus volontairement aux autorités.

Cette affaire se déroule dans le contexte de l’interdiction actuelle des actifs de crypto-monnaie par la Chine. Malgré l’interdiction, l’attrait des actifs virtuels persiste, conduisant de nombreux citoyens chinois à accéder aux plateformes de cryptographie via des VPN.

La répression de cette importante chaîne de Ponzi met en évidence l'engagement des autorités à lutter contre les activités illégales dans le domaine des cryptomonnaies. Au fur et à mesure que l’enquête se déroule, elle nous rappelle brutalement les défis posés par l’intersection de la technologie financière et des entreprises criminelles.

#China #cryptocurrency #VPN #ponzischeme #Ponzi
MTFE: Nigeria's Billion-Dollar Crypto Ponzi Scheme Exposes the Urgency of Knowledge in Crypto Space In a harrowing turn of events, Nigeria has been rocked by what is now known as the MTFE Ponzi scheme, an audacious crypto fraud that duped unsuspecting investors out of a staggering $1 billion. Most tragically, the majority of victims hail from the northern regions of the country, serving as a grim reminder of the critical role that knowledge plays in safeguarding oneself against Ponzi schemes and fraudulent crypto projects. The MTFE Ponzi Scheme Unveiled The MTFE saga, which has left a trail of financial ruin and heartache, showcased the dark side of the cryptocurrency world. Luring in eager investors with the promise of unparalleled returns, the orchestrators of the scheme capitalized on the prevailing curiosity surrounding cryptocurrencies. Operating under a veneer of legitimacy, the Ponzi scheme exploited the lack of awareness and financial education among its victims. A Regional Tragedy and a Global Wake-Up Call What sets the MTFE Ponzi scheme apart is the alarming number of victims from Nigeria's northern states. In these areas, access to reliable information and financial literacy resources is limited, rendering people vulnerable to exploitation. This grim reality underscores the urgent need to equip individuals with the knowledge necessary to navigate the treacherous waters of cryptocurrency investments. The Lessons of MTFE: Knowledge is the Ultimate Defense Discerning the Genuine from the Fraudulent: In the chaotic crypto landscape, knowledge is the beacon that guides investors away from fraudulent projects. A sound understanding of blockchain technology, market dynamics, and due diligence empowers individuals to identify red flags and steer clear of Ponzi schemes. Mitigating Risks: Armed with knowledge, investors can accurately assess risk levels and make informed decisions. Understanding the volatile nature of the crypto market helps individuals protect their assets and avoid falling victim to the allure of get-rich-quick schemes. Emotional Resilience: The MTFE Ponzi scheme's aftermath serves as a stark reminder of the emotional toll such scams exact on victims. Knowledge equips investors with the mental fortitude to make rational decisions, shielding them from falling prey to fear, greed, and FOMO. Empowering Vulnerable Regions: By disseminating knowledge and promoting financial literacy, we can empower individuals in underprivileged regions to make informed choices. Education is the ultimate antidote to exploitation, as it equips individuals with the tools to discern credible opportunities from deceitful schemes. A Roadmap to a Safer Crypto Future The MTFE Ponzi scheme is an unfortunate chapter in Nigeria's crypto history, but it serves as a rallying cry for change. Aspiring crypto investors must recognize the dire importance of knowledge in navigating this complex arena. By actively seeking education, staying vigilant, and relying on trusted sources of information, individuals can protect themselves and their investments. In the aftermath of the MTFE debacle, we have a collective responsibility to fortify ourselves against future Ponzi schemes. Knowledge is not just a key—it's a shield that guards against deception, safeguards financial stability, and paves the way for responsible and informed crypto investing. Let us learn from the lessons of MTFE and propel ourselves toward a brighter, more secure crypto future. #crypto2023 #Ponzischeme

MTFE: Nigeria's Billion-Dollar Crypto Ponzi Scheme Exposes the Urgency of Knowledge in Crypto Space

In a harrowing turn of events, Nigeria has been rocked by what is now known as the MTFE Ponzi scheme, an audacious crypto fraud that duped unsuspecting investors out of a staggering $1 billion. Most tragically, the majority of victims hail from the northern regions of the country, serving as a grim reminder of the critical role that knowledge plays in safeguarding oneself against Ponzi schemes and fraudulent crypto projects.

The MTFE Ponzi Scheme Unveiled

The MTFE saga, which has left a trail of financial ruin and heartache, showcased the dark side of the cryptocurrency world. Luring in eager investors with the promise of unparalleled returns, the orchestrators of the scheme capitalized on the prevailing curiosity surrounding cryptocurrencies. Operating under a veneer of legitimacy, the Ponzi scheme exploited the lack of awareness and financial education among its victims.

A Regional Tragedy and a Global Wake-Up Call

What sets the MTFE Ponzi scheme apart is the alarming number of victims from Nigeria's northern states. In these areas, access to reliable information and financial literacy resources is limited, rendering people vulnerable to exploitation. This grim reality underscores the urgent need to equip individuals with the knowledge necessary to navigate the treacherous waters of cryptocurrency investments.

The Lessons of MTFE: Knowledge is the Ultimate Defense

Discerning the Genuine from the Fraudulent: In the chaotic crypto landscape, knowledge is the beacon that guides investors away from fraudulent projects. A sound understanding of blockchain technology, market dynamics, and due diligence empowers individuals to identify red flags and steer clear of Ponzi schemes.

Mitigating Risks: Armed with knowledge, investors can accurately assess risk levels and make informed decisions. Understanding the volatile nature of the crypto market helps individuals protect their assets and avoid falling victim to the allure of get-rich-quick schemes.

Emotional Resilience: The MTFE Ponzi scheme's aftermath serves as a stark reminder of the emotional toll such scams exact on victims. Knowledge equips investors with the mental fortitude to make rational decisions, shielding them from falling prey to fear, greed, and FOMO.

Empowering Vulnerable Regions: By disseminating knowledge and promoting financial literacy, we can empower individuals in underprivileged regions to make informed choices. Education is the ultimate antidote to exploitation, as it equips individuals with the tools to discern credible opportunities from deceitful schemes.

A Roadmap to a Safer Crypto Future

The MTFE Ponzi scheme is an unfortunate chapter in Nigeria's crypto history, but it serves as a rallying cry for change. Aspiring crypto investors must recognize the dire importance of knowledge in navigating this complex arena. By actively seeking education, staying vigilant, and relying on trusted sources of information, individuals can protect themselves and their investments.

In the aftermath of the MTFE debacle, we have a collective responsibility to fortify ourselves against future Ponzi schemes. Knowledge is not just a key—it's a shield that guards against deception, safeguards financial stability, and paves the way for responsible and informed crypto investing. Let us learn from the lessons of MTFE and propel ourselves toward a brighter, more secure crypto future.

#crypto2023 #Ponzischeme
Chinese Authorities Crack Down on $280 Million Cryptocurrency Ponzi Scheme. 🇨🇳👮🏻‍♂️ In a significant breakthrough, the Yuanbao Branch of Chifeng City Domestic Security Bureau in Inner Mongolia, China, has successfully dismantled a major cryptocurrency Ponzi scheme. Operating from Beijing, the undisclosed platform employed sophisticated organizational structures and innovative marketing tactics, raising suspicions of criminal activities involving cryptocurrencies. With operations spanning 13 provinces and cities, the platform boasted over 18,000 registered members. The total transaction flow surpassed 2 billion yuan ($280 million), revealing the scale of the illicit activities. The primary focus of the scheme was a classic Ponzi structure. Chinese law enforcement swiftly responded, arresting 30 suspects associated with the cryptocurrency platform. Additionally, they froze nearly 10 million yuan linked to the case. Ongoing investigations are in progress, with two main suspects voluntarily surrendering to authorities. This case unfolds against the backdrop of China's existing ban on cryptocurrency assets. Despite the ban, the allure of virtual assets persists, leading many Chinese citizens to access crypto platforms through VPNs. The crackdown on this sizable Ponzi scheme highlights the authorities' commitment to combating illegal activities within the cryptocurrency space. As the investigation unfolds, it serves as a stark reminder of the challenges posed by the intersection of financial technology and criminal enterprises. #China #cryptocurrency #VPN #ponzischeme #Ponzi
Chinese Authorities Crack Down on $280 Million Cryptocurrency Ponzi Scheme. 🇨🇳👮🏻‍♂️

In a significant breakthrough, the Yuanbao Branch of Chifeng City Domestic Security Bureau in Inner Mongolia, China, has successfully dismantled a major cryptocurrency Ponzi scheme. Operating from Beijing, the undisclosed platform employed sophisticated organizational structures and innovative marketing tactics, raising suspicions of criminal activities involving cryptocurrencies.

With operations spanning 13 provinces and cities, the platform boasted over 18,000 registered members. The total transaction flow surpassed 2 billion yuan ($280 million), revealing the scale of the illicit activities. The primary focus of the scheme was a classic Ponzi structure.

Chinese law enforcement swiftly responded, arresting 30 suspects associated with the cryptocurrency platform. Additionally, they froze nearly 10 million yuan linked to the case. Ongoing investigations are in progress, with two main suspects voluntarily surrendering to authorities.

This case unfolds against the backdrop of China's existing ban on cryptocurrency assets. Despite the ban, the allure of virtual assets persists, leading many Chinese citizens to access crypto platforms through VPNs.

The crackdown on this sizable Ponzi scheme highlights the authorities' commitment to combating illegal activities within the cryptocurrency space. As the investigation unfolds, it serves as a stark reminder of the challenges posed by the intersection of financial technology and criminal enterprises.

#China #cryptocurrency #VPN #ponzischeme #Ponzi
Title: know your #scam Navigating the Crypto Landscape: Beware of Scams on Binance and Beyond Cryptocurrencies have gained immense popularity, offering new and exciting opportunities for investors. However, with the rise in popularity comes an increase in scams and fraudulent activities. Binance, being a leading cryptocurrency exchange, is not immune to these challenges. Let's explore some common scams, misleading information, and ways to protect yourself in the ever-evolving world of crypto. 1. #PhishingScams : Phishing remains a prevalent threat in the crypto space. Scammers often create fake websites that mimic legitimate platforms like Binance to trick users into providing their login credentials. Always double-check the website's URL and enable two-factor authentication (2FA) to enhance security. 2. Impersonation and Social Engineering: Scammers may impersonate Binance support or influential figures in the crypto community, reaching out to users through social media or email. Be cautious of unsolicited messages and always verify the identity of the person or entity before sharing sensitive information. 3. #pumpanddump Schemes: In pump and dump schemes, organizers artificially inflate the price of a cryptocurrency through false or misleading information, only to sell off their holdings at the peak, leaving other investors with losses. Exercise caution and thoroughly research any investment opportunities. 4. Fake #ICOSCAM and Token Sales: Some scammers create fake Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) or token sales, enticing investors with promises of high returns. Always research the legitimacy of a project, review the whitepaper, and verify the credentials of the team behind it. 5. #ponzischeme : Ponzi schemes promise high returns to initial investors using the capital from new investors. These schemes are unsustainable and often collapse, resulting in significant losses. Be wary of investment opportunities that seem too good to be true.
Title: know your #scam
Navigating the Crypto Landscape: Beware of Scams on Binance and Beyond

Cryptocurrencies have gained immense popularity, offering new and exciting opportunities for investors. However, with the rise in popularity comes an increase in scams and fraudulent activities. Binance, being a leading cryptocurrency exchange, is not immune to these challenges. Let's explore some common scams, misleading information, and ways to protect yourself in the ever-evolving world of crypto.

1. #PhishingScams :
Phishing remains a prevalent threat in the crypto space. Scammers often create fake websites that mimic legitimate platforms like Binance to trick users into providing their login credentials. Always double-check the website's URL and enable two-factor authentication (2FA) to enhance security.

2. Impersonation and Social Engineering:

Scammers may impersonate Binance support or influential figures in the crypto community, reaching out to users through social media or email. Be cautious of unsolicited messages and always verify the identity of the person or entity before sharing sensitive information.

3. #pumpanddump Schemes:

In pump and dump schemes, organizers artificially inflate the price of a cryptocurrency through false or misleading information, only to sell off their holdings at the peak, leaving other investors with losses. Exercise caution and thoroughly research any investment opportunities.

4. Fake #ICOSCAM and Token Sales:
Some scammers create fake Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) or token sales, enticing investors with promises of high returns. Always research the legitimacy of a project, review the whitepaper, and verify the credentials of the team behind it.
5. #ponzischeme :
Ponzi schemes promise high returns to initial investors using the capital from new investors. These schemes are unsustainable and often collapse, resulting in significant losses. Be wary of investment opportunities that seem too good to be true.
🕵️‍♂️ According to Chainalysis in their latest report, the average lifespan of crypto scams in 2024 has dropped to 42 days, compared to 271 days in 2020. 🥷 Scammers frequently use the “pig butchering” scheme, where they initially lure victims with small gains to build trust and confidence, only to later exploit them for a significant loss. 🐖🔪 beware of this scam project.. specially pakistani and indian community. #scammeralert #ponzischeme
🕵️‍♂️ According to Chainalysis in their latest report, the average lifespan of crypto scams in 2024 has dropped to 42 days, compared to 271 days in 2020.

🥷 Scammers frequently use the “pig butchering” scheme, where they initially lure victims with small gains to build trust and confidence, only to later exploit them for a significant loss. 🐖🔪

beware of this scam project..

specially pakistani and indian community.

OmegaPro.IN Review: Same Name, Different Ponzi Scheme; OmegaPro.IN, not to be confused with the notorious Dubai-based OmegaPro Ponzi, fails to provide ownership or executive information on its website. OmegaPro.IN’s website domain (“omegapro. in”), was privately registered on May 11th, 2023. In the footer of its website, OmegaPro.IN provides a PO Box address in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. For what should be obvious reasons, this is meaningless. Further attempts to appear legitimate by OmegaPro.IN include: a Polish shell company certificate (this is backdated to 2020 and appears to be doctored). an insurance document provided by Renaissance Insurance (this is backdated to 2015 and is obviously doctored) and a UK shell company certificate for Omega-Pro LTD. Due to the ease with which scammers are able to incorporate shell companies with bogus details, for the purpose of MLM due-diligence these certificates are meaningless. Furthermore, OmegaPro.IN markets itself as an MLM cryptocurrency investment scheme. The UK’s FCA outright banned MLM cryptocurrency investment schemes on October 8th, 2023. Further to OmegaPro.IN’s regulatory problems, France’s AMF added OmegaPro.IN to its investment blacklist on December 5th, 2023. OmegaPro.IN Conclusion: OmegaPro.IN appears to be an attempt to cash in the collapsed OmegaPro Ponzi scheme. With OmegaPro suspected of being a multi-billion dollar Ponzi and its owners in hiding pending arrest, it’s unlikely they have anything to do with OmegaPro.IN. This is opportunistic scammers at work, hoping to make a quick buck. As with all MLM Ponzi schemes, once affiliate recruitment dries up so too will new investment. #ponzischeme #mlm #omengapro #OmegaNetwork
OmegaPro.IN Review: Same Name, Different Ponzi Scheme;

OmegaPro.IN, not to be confused with the notorious Dubai-based OmegaPro Ponzi, fails to provide ownership or executive information on its website.

OmegaPro.IN’s website domain (“omegapro. in”), was privately registered on May 11th, 2023.

In the footer of its website, OmegaPro.IN provides a PO Box address in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. For what should be obvious reasons, this is meaningless.

Further attempts to appear legitimate by OmegaPro.IN include: a Polish shell company certificate (this is backdated to 2020 and appears to be doctored). an insurance document provided by Renaissance Insurance (this is backdated to 2015 and is obviously doctored) and a UK shell company certificate for Omega-Pro LTD.
Due to the ease with which scammers are able to incorporate shell companies with bogus details, for the purpose of MLM due-diligence these certificates are meaningless.

Furthermore, OmegaPro.IN markets itself as an MLM cryptocurrency investment scheme. The UK’s FCA outright banned MLM cryptocurrency investment schemes on October 8th, 2023.

Further to OmegaPro.IN’s regulatory problems, France’s AMF added OmegaPro.IN to its investment blacklist on December 5th, 2023.

OmegaPro.IN Conclusion:
OmegaPro.IN appears to be an attempt to cash in the collapsed OmegaPro Ponzi scheme. With OmegaPro suspected of being a multi-billion dollar Ponzi and its owners in hiding pending arrest, it’s unlikely they have anything to do with OmegaPro.IN.

This is opportunistic scammers at work, hoping to make a quick buck.

As with all MLM Ponzi schemes, once affiliate recruitment dries up so too will new investment.

#ponzischeme #mlm #omengapro #OmegaNetwork
$NEIRO check the official website. It looks like the Scam. people have invested millions on this coin and many got liquidated with their hard earned money . its a manipulative shit coin. be aware it can be rugged pull anytime . #ponzischeme #Ponzi #questionable
check the official website. It looks like the Scam.
people have invested millions on this coin and many got liquidated with their hard earned money .

its a manipulative shit coin. be aware it can be rugged pull anytime .

#ponzischeme #Ponzi #questionable
🚨 In Crypto History Top 10 Biggest Scams 🚨 Delve into the murky world of crypto fraud with these notorious scams that rocked the industry and cost investors billions. 1️⃣ BitConnect (2016-2018) BitConnect promised high returns through a lending program but was revealed as a Ponzi scheme. It collapsed, causing billions in losses. 2️⃣ OneCoin (2014-2017) OneCoin, marketed as a revolutionary crypto, was a multi-billion dollar scam run by Ruja Ignatova, who vanished in 2017. It never had a real blockchain. 3️⃣ MT. Gox (2011-2014) MT. Gox, once the largest Bitcoin exchange, lost 850,000 Bitcoins (worth $450 million at the time) due to hacking and mismanagement, leading to bankruptcy. 4️⃣ PlusToken (2018-2019) PlusToken defrauded investors of over $2 billion with promises of high returns before its operators were arrested. 5️⃣ QuadrigaCX (2013-2019) QuadrigaCX collapsed after its CEO, Gerald Cotten, died, allegedly taking $190 million in crypto to his grave, though foul play is suspected. 6️⃣ BitClub Network (2014-2019) BitClub Network scammed investors out of $722 million with a fraudulent mining pool operation before its founders were arrested. 7️⃣ WoToken (2018-2020) Similar to PlusToken, this Chinese Ponzi scheme defrauded investors of over $1 billion before its operators were caught. 8️⃣ Thodex (2021) The Turkish exchange halted trading abruptly, and its CEO fled with $2 billion of investor funds. 9️⃣ Africrypt (2021) Two South African brothers allegedly stole $3.6 billion in Bitcoin from their platform and disappeared. 🔟 Mirror Trading International (2019-2020) This South African Bitcoin trading platform turned out to be a Ponzi scheme, leading to over $589 million in losses. 📈 #CryptoScams #CryptoFraud #BitcoinScams #ponzischeme #StaySafeCrypto ✅ Like ❤️ | Comment 💬 | Share 🔁 👉 Follow for more updates! @khannamirr
🚨 In Crypto History Top 10 Biggest Scams 🚨

Delve into the murky world of crypto fraud with these notorious scams that rocked the industry and cost investors billions.

1️⃣ BitConnect (2016-2018)

BitConnect promised high returns through a lending program but was revealed as a Ponzi scheme. It collapsed, causing billions in losses.

2️⃣ OneCoin (2014-2017)

OneCoin, marketed as a revolutionary crypto, was a multi-billion dollar scam run by Ruja Ignatova, who vanished in 2017. It never had a real blockchain.

3️⃣ MT. Gox (2011-2014)

MT. Gox, once the largest Bitcoin exchange, lost 850,000 Bitcoins (worth $450 million at the time) due to hacking and mismanagement, leading to bankruptcy.

4️⃣ PlusToken (2018-2019)

PlusToken defrauded investors of over $2 billion with promises of high returns before its operators were arrested.

5️⃣ QuadrigaCX (2013-2019)

QuadrigaCX collapsed after its CEO, Gerald Cotten, died, allegedly taking $190 million in crypto to his grave, though foul play is suspected.

6️⃣ BitClub Network (2014-2019)

BitClub Network scammed investors out of $722 million with a fraudulent mining pool operation before its founders were arrested.

7️⃣ WoToken (2018-2020)

Similar to PlusToken, this Chinese Ponzi scheme defrauded investors of over $1 billion before its operators were caught.

8️⃣ Thodex (2021)

The Turkish exchange halted trading abruptly, and its CEO fled with $2 billion of investor funds.

9️⃣ Africrypt (2021)

Two South African brothers allegedly stole $3.6 billion in Bitcoin from their platform and disappeared.

🔟 Mirror Trading International (2019-2020)

This South African Bitcoin trading platform turned out to be a Ponzi scheme, leading to over $589 million in losses.

📈 #CryptoScams #CryptoFraud #BitcoinScams #ponzischeme #StaySafeCrypto

✅ Like ❤️ | Comment 💬 | Share 🔁

👉 Follow for more updates! @KhannAmirr
😱 A Las Vegas Man Charged for Defrauding 24 Million in Crypto Scheme 💰A *Las Vegas resident*, *Brent Kovar*, has been *charged* by U.S. regulators for allegedly *defrauding over 400 investors* out of *24 million* through a deceptive *AI-driven cryptocurrency mining scheme*. This case is a reminder of the dark side of the crypto world and the importance of staying alert. 🧐 --- *How Did It Happen? 🤔* Kovar's company, *Profit Connect*, claimed to be a high-tech AI firm that was involved in *crypto mining* and *transaction verification*. He *lured investors* with promises of *lucrative returns*, offering *fixed annual returns of 15% to 30%* and a *100% money-back guarantee*. On top of that, he misled investors into believing that their money was *secure* and backed by the *Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)*. 😳 However, it turns out these promises were *false*. Kovar used the investors' funds to live an *extravagant lifestyle*, purchasing gifts for employees, buying a *house*, and *repaying investors* to keep the scheme going – all under the guise of crypto profits. 💸💎 --- *Charges and Consequences 🚔* Now, Kovar is facing *12 counts of wire fraud*, *3 counts of mail fraud*, and *3 counts of money laundering*. If convicted, he could be looking at a *maximum of 330 years in prison* and a *4.5 million fine*. 😳 This case is just one of many in a *broader crackdown* on *crypto-related Ponzi schemes*. Just recently, another promoter of a crypto Ponzi scheme, *Antonia Perez Hernandez*, was sentenced to *over two years in prison* for *conspiracy to commit wire fraud*. ⚖️ — *A Wider Problem: Crypto Fraud 🕵️‍♂️* This case is part of an ongoing effort to fight crypto fraud. The *FBI’s “Operation Level Up”* saved *285 million* in potential fraud losses between January 2024 and January 2025. 🚨 It’s clear that regulators are ramping up their efforts to hold scammers accountable and protect investors. --- *Why Is This Important? 🚨* - *Do your research*: Before investing in any crypto opportunity, always look for *verified information* and *avoid promises of “too good to be true” returns*. - *Understand the risks*: Crypto is volatile, and *scams are unfortunately part of the landscape*. Make sure you only invest in *reputable projects*. - *Stay vigilant*: If something feels off, trust your instincts and *walk away*. --- *Final Thoughts 🤯* While crypto offers great opportunities, it’s essential to stay cautious and avoid falling for schemes like Kovar’s. Let’s learn from this case, stay informed, and keep our investments safe. 💡 $BTC {spot}(BTCUSDT) $ETH {spot}(ETHUSDT) $BNB {spot}(BNBUSDT) #CryptoFraud #ponzischeme #CryptoScams #CryptoNews #FBI

😱 A Las Vegas Man Charged for Defrauding 24 Million in Crypto Scheme 💰

A *Las Vegas resident*, *Brent Kovar*, has been *charged* by U.S. regulators for allegedly *defrauding over 400 investors* out of *24 million* through a deceptive *AI-driven cryptocurrency mining scheme*. This case is a reminder of the dark side of the crypto world and the importance of staying alert. 🧐


*How Did It Happen? 🤔*

Kovar's company, *Profit Connect*, claimed to be a high-tech AI firm that was involved in *crypto mining* and *transaction verification*. He *lured investors* with promises of *lucrative returns*, offering *fixed annual returns of 15% to 30%* and a *100% money-back guarantee*. On top of that, he misled investors into believing that their money was *secure* and backed by the *Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)*. 😳

However, it turns out these promises were *false*. Kovar used the investors' funds to live an *extravagant lifestyle*, purchasing gifts for employees, buying a *house*, and *repaying investors* to keep the scheme going – all under the guise of crypto profits. 💸💎


*Charges and Consequences 🚔*
Now, Kovar is facing *12 counts of wire fraud*, *3 counts of mail fraud*, and *3 counts of money laundering*. If convicted, he could be looking at a *maximum of 330 years in prison* and a *4.5 million fine*. 😳

This case is just one of many in a *broader crackdown* on *crypto-related Ponzi schemes*. Just recently, another promoter of a crypto Ponzi scheme, *Antonia Perez Hernandez*, was sentenced to *over two years in prison* for *conspiracy to commit wire fraud*. ⚖️

*A Wider Problem: Crypto Fraud 🕵️‍♂️*

This case is part of an ongoing effort to fight crypto fraud. The *FBI’s “Operation Level Up”* saved *285 million* in potential fraud losses between January 2024 and January 2025. 🚨 It’s clear that regulators are ramping up their efforts to hold scammers accountable and protect investors.


*Why Is This Important? 🚨*

- *Do your research*: Before investing in any crypto opportunity, always look for *verified information* and *avoid promises of “too good to be true” returns*.
- *Understand the risks*: Crypto is volatile, and *scams are unfortunately part of the landscape*. Make sure you only invest in *reputable projects*.
- *Stay vigilant*: If something feels off, trust your instincts and *walk away*.


*Final Thoughts 🤯*
While crypto offers great opportunities, it’s essential to stay cautious and avoid falling for schemes like Kovar’s. Let’s learn from this case, stay informed, and keep our investments safe. 💡


#CryptoFraud #ponzischeme #CryptoScams #CryptoNews #FBI
🚨 SEC CRACKS DOWN ON ALLEGED CRYPTO PONZI SCHEME: A COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS 🚨 The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has taken bold action against crypto trading bot operators, freezing their assets in response to allegations of a massive Ponzi scheme. 🌐💥 Here’s what you need to know: - **Ponzi Scheme Allegations**: The SEC accuses the operators of orchestrating a classic Ponzi scheme, using new investors’ funds to pay earlier ones while promising unrealistic returns. This unsustainable model relies on a never-ending influx of new capital. 🌀💸 - **Crypto Trading Bot Scam**: Promising high returns through automated crypto trading, the operators misled investors with false claims about their trading bots. The SEC alleges these claims were pure deception. 🤖🚫 - **Frozen Assets**: The SEC’s asset freeze aims to halt fraudulent activities and protect potential victims, preserving assets for possible recovery. 🛑🔒 - **Investor Warning**: This case highlights the need for extreme caution when encountering unusually high returns. Thorough research and skepticism are crucial to avoid falling prey to scams. 📉🔍 - **Regulatory Action**: The SEC’s decisive action underscores its commitment to investor protection and market integrity, sending a strong message to fraudsters and emphasizing the importance of regulatory compliance. ⚖️🚀 - **Ongoing Investigation**: The SEC’s investigation continues, with potential for further actions and restitution for affected investors. Stay alert and informed to steer clear of fraudulent schemes! Stay vigilant and safeguard your investments! 🚨🔎 #SECCryptoRegulation #CryptoNewss #ponzischeme #TelegramCEO #DOGSONBINANCE

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has taken bold action against crypto trading bot operators, freezing their assets in response to allegations of a massive Ponzi scheme. 🌐💥

Here’s what you need to know:

- **Ponzi Scheme Allegations**: The SEC accuses the operators of orchestrating a classic Ponzi scheme, using new investors’ funds to pay earlier ones while promising unrealistic returns. This unsustainable model relies on a never-ending influx of new capital. 🌀💸

- **Crypto Trading Bot Scam**: Promising high returns through automated crypto trading, the operators misled investors with false claims about their trading bots. The SEC alleges these claims were pure deception. 🤖🚫

- **Frozen Assets**: The SEC’s asset freeze aims to halt fraudulent activities and protect potential victims, preserving assets for possible recovery. 🛑🔒

- **Investor Warning**: This case highlights the need for extreme caution when encountering unusually high returns. Thorough research and skepticism are crucial to avoid falling prey to scams. 📉🔍

- **Regulatory Action**: The SEC’s decisive action underscores its commitment to investor protection and market integrity, sending a strong message to fraudsters and emphasizing the importance of regulatory compliance. ⚖️🚀

- **Ongoing Investigation**: The SEC’s investigation continues, with potential for further actions and restitution for affected investors. Stay alert and informed to steer clear of fraudulent schemes!

Stay vigilant and safeguard your investments! 🚨🔎

#SECCryptoRegulation #CryptoNewss #ponzischeme #TelegramCEO #DOGSONBINANCE
According to Cointelegraph, the co-founders of the cryptocurrency mining service HashFlare have agreed to plead guilty to a single count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud. This decision comes as part of a plea agreement with U.S. authorities. During hearings on February 12 in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington, Sergei Potapenko and Ivan Turogin admitted guilt to one felony charge out of the 18 they faced from U.S. prosecutors. The Estonian nationals were accused of operating HashFlare as a Ponzi scheme, defrauding users of more than $550 million between 2015 and 2019. Additionally, they raised $25 million from investors in 2017 with promises to establish a digital bank named Polybius, which was never created. Reed Smith partner and defense counsel Mark Bini, speaking to Cointelegraph after the hearings, stated that both defendants have "agreed to forfeit their interests in assets that the Government froze in 2022" and will provide assistance to ensure "zero financial harm to anyone." According to Bini, Potapenko, Turogin, and HashFlare returned $350 million in cryptocurrency payments to users between 2015 and 2022. HashFlare ceased operations in 2019, and Estonian authorities arrested Potapenko and Turogin in 2022 as part of the 18-count indictment. Following legal challenges, they were extradited to the United States in May 2024. Both have been free on bail since July 2024 but could face up to 20 years in prison each after a sentencing hearing scheduled for May 8. This case remains under development, and further updates will be provided as new information becomes available. #CryptoScandal #HashFlare #BitcoinFraud #CryptoNews #ponzischeme
According to Cointelegraph, the co-founders of the cryptocurrency mining service HashFlare have agreed to plead guilty to a single count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud. This decision comes as part of a plea agreement with U.S. authorities. During hearings on February 12 in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington, Sergei Potapenko and Ivan Turogin admitted guilt to one felony charge out of the 18 they faced from U.S. prosecutors. The Estonian nationals were accused of operating HashFlare as a Ponzi scheme, defrauding users of more than $550 million between 2015 and 2019. Additionally, they raised $25 million from investors in 2017 with promises to establish a digital bank named Polybius, which was never created.

Reed Smith partner and defense counsel Mark Bini, speaking to Cointelegraph after the hearings, stated that both defendants have "agreed to forfeit their interests in assets that the Government froze in 2022" and will provide assistance to ensure "zero financial harm to anyone." According to Bini, Potapenko, Turogin, and HashFlare returned $350 million in cryptocurrency payments to users between 2015 and 2022. HashFlare ceased operations in 2019, and Estonian authorities arrested Potapenko and Turogin in 2022 as part of the 18-count indictment. Following legal challenges, they were extradited to the United States in May 2024. Both have been free on bail since July 2024 but could face up to 20 years in prison each after a sentencing hearing scheduled for May 8.

This case remains under development, and further updates will be provided as new information becomes available.

#CryptoScandal #HashFlare #BitcoinFraud #CryptoNews #ponzischeme
Has anybody out there invested in any coin/token that turned out to be a ponzi scheme? Mcoin is one such Ponzi scheme and i will post about it in detail soon. beware as crypto grows These scams will also gradually grow stay safe #scamriskwarning #ponzischeme
Has anybody out there invested in any coin/token that turned out to be a ponzi scheme?

Mcoin is one such Ponzi scheme and i will post about it in detail soon.

beware as crypto grows These scams will also gradually grow stay safe

#scamriskwarning #ponzischeme
Is a ponzi scheme a domino effect? Incredible but true - a Ponzi scheme can be likened to a domino effect. Take care and only invest into projects you can trust. Always #DYOR 1. Early Investors Paid by New Investors: Early investors receive returns not from profit but from the investments of new participants. 2. Constant Need for New Investors: To maintain the appearance of profitability and continue paying returns, the scheme requires a continuous influx of new investors. 3. Inevitability of Collapse: When new investments slow down or stop, the scheme collapses because it can't fulfill the promised returns to earlier investors. 4. Chain Reaction of Losses: As soon as the inflow of new money stops, the lack of funds creates a domino effect where the scheme collapses rapidly, leading to significant losses for most participants. This chain reaction, similar to a falling line of dominos, highlights the unsustainable nature of Ponzi schemes and the inevitable downfall when the recruitment of new investors halts. #CryptoTradingGuide #MicroStrategy #ponzischeme
Is a ponzi scheme a domino effect?

Incredible but true - a Ponzi scheme can be likened to a domino effect. Take care and only invest into projects you can trust. Always #DYOR

1. Early Investors Paid by New Investors: Early investors receive returns not from profit but from the investments of new participants.
2. Constant Need for New Investors: To maintain the appearance of profitability and continue paying returns, the scheme requires a continuous influx of new investors.
3. Inevitability of Collapse: When new investments slow down or stop, the scheme collapses because it can't fulfill the promised returns to earlier investors.
4. Chain Reaction of Losses: As soon as the inflow of new money stops, the lack of funds creates a domino effect where the scheme collapses rapidly, leading to significant losses for most participants.

This chain reaction, similar to a falling line of dominos, highlights the unsustainable nature of Ponzi schemes and the inevitable downfall when the recruitment of new investors halts.

#CryptoTradingGuide #MicroStrategy #ponzischeme
😱 Крипто-Понци в церковных стенах? Скандал разгорается! CFTC подала иск против пастора Франсье Обандо Пинильо из Вашингтона, который обманул 1515 прихожан, заманив их в мошенническую криптосхему. 💰 Как всё выглядело: 🔹 Пинильо представлял себя директором компаний Solanofi и Solano Capital Investments. 🔹 Обещал до 35% прибыли в месяц и бонусы за рефералов (15% от каждого приглашённого). 🔹 Привлек почти $6 миллионов, но на самом деле... ни одной сделки не было. Все деньги ушли в карманы пастора. 📉 Урок для всех нас: 1️⃣ Если что-то звучит слишком хорошо, чтобы быть правдой, скорее всего, это обман. 2️⃣ Всегда проверяйте лицензии компаний и репутацию их основателей. 3️⃣ Не инвестируйте через эмоции — изучайте рынок. Берегите свои деньги и остерегайтесь ложных пророков! 🙏💸 #CryptoFraud #PonziScheme #FinancialAwareness
😱 Крипто-Понци в церковных стенах? Скандал разгорается!

CFTC подала иск против пастора Франсье Обандо Пинильо из Вашингтона, который обманул 1515 прихожан, заманив их в мошенническую криптосхему.

💰 Как всё выглядело:
🔹 Пинильо представлял себя директором компаний Solanofi и Solano Capital Investments.
🔹 Обещал до 35% прибыли в месяц и бонусы за рефералов (15% от каждого приглашённого).
🔹 Привлек почти $6 миллионов, но на самом деле... ни одной сделки не было. Все деньги ушли в карманы пастора.

📉 Урок для всех нас:
1️⃣ Если что-то звучит слишком хорошо, чтобы быть правдой, скорее всего, это обман.
2️⃣ Всегда проверяйте лицензии компаний и репутацию их основателей.
3️⃣ Не инвестируйте через эмоции — изучайте рынок.

Берегите свои деньги и остерегайтесь ложных пророков! 🙏💸
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