Binance Square


6,765 vistas
4 están debatiendo
22 jul 2024
14 mar 2024
Floki at the time of writing this post is #51 with market cap 2.61B while later today it was #49 with market cap 2.87B which is insane ! I even lost some $$$ since the price went down but i'm n't giving up on this Starting from tmw floki price will rise so as the market cap and mark my words it might even jump to #49 and market cap might reach to 3B it's going to be a bumby ride so buckle up.. #HotTrends #FlokiTeam @RealFlokiInu
Floki at the time of writing this post
is #51 with market cap 2.61B
while later today it was #49 with market cap 2.87B
which is insane !
I even lost some $$$ since the price went down but i'm n't giving up on this
Starting from tmw floki price will rise so as the market cap and mark my words it might even jump to #49 and market cap might reach to 3B
it's going to be a bumby ride so buckle up..
#HotTrends #FlokiTeam
29 may 2024
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