One aspect that SSV 2.0 introduces is the Risk Expressive Model––a novel mechanism that allows dynamic risk allocation without detracting from new or existing apps—incentivizing fairness and adoption while managing risk.
Listen to @AmMuroch at the ETHDenver @Primev_xyz Preconf.erence event alongside @gwyneth_taiko @tokkalabs @interstatefdn @t1protocol––discussing a more sustainable and robust shared security environment.
Catch a snippet from the recent @LidoFinance Node Operator Community Call 26 featuring @AmMuroch of SSV Labs describing the proposed SSV Lido Module—which will provide fault tolerance, node operator diversification and a more attractive bond mechanism.
The SSV DAO is excited to see Clusterform, a independent subsidiary of SSV Labs, proposing a 'SSV Lido Module' to streamline DVT Node Operations in @LidoFinance, adding fault tolerance, operator diversity and more.
Learn more and join the discussion:
This proposal aims to increase the validator limit that operators can manage by 100%, allowing operators to manage up to 1,000 validators up from 500, resulting in more efficient operations overall.
Vote at
The SSV DAO is excited to see further delegation in the SSV Governance.
A total of ~200,000 SSV Tokens were delegated to various cohorts in the community to foster a diverse governance environment, including participants from @sigp_io, @P2Pvalidator, @Kiln_finance, @Allnodes.
Tune in tomorrow, Feb 5th, at 2:30 PM UTC for an exciting AMA session with SSV contributors to learn all about SSV 2.0, how it takes validators to the next level, and what's ahead.
As per DIP-26, the SSV Network DAO Multi-Sig Committee has batched transactions to withdraw and burn SSV from the CDT to SSV conversion contract and the SSV testnet contract.
This is your last chance to claim SSV from the relevant contracts before the burn is executed.
The end game of secure Ethereum applications will be Based (alongside SSV 👀)
Learn what Based Applications are, their advantages, and why its important for every service to go Based — from Oracles, Layer 2s, Bridges and more 👇