Binance Square
Do you like $SOL meme tokens? Here is an idea for #popcat ➡️Marked W fvg will be like a target for correction and from that level we can wait bounce  ➡️Under marked green main support block   ➡️On D timeframe got Sell signal from TradeOn indicator, no new buy signals  ➡️After bounce first will be buy side liquidity sweep  ➡️Money Power indicator no new money inflow, only fixation profit  ➡️Market Mood indicator, the same story, coin still overbought.   ➡️ Top for this one at least for middle term I can see around 1.25 B market cap  #MemeWatch2024 #MemesCoins2024 #Write&Earn

Do you like $SOL meme tokens? Here is an idea for #popcat

➡️Marked W fvg will be like a target for correction and from that level we can wait bounce 
➡️Under marked green main support block  
➡️On D timeframe got Sell signal from TradeOn indicator, no new buy signals 
➡️After bounce first will be buy side liquidity sweep 
➡️Money Power indicator no new money inflow, only fixation profit 
➡️Market Mood indicator, the same story, coin still overbought.  
➡️ Top for this one at least for middle term I can see around 1.25 B market cap 

#MemeWatch2024 #MemesCoins2024 #Write&Earn

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