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🔮 Prepare to have your mind blown! 🔮 The iconic show, The Simpsons, has a knack for foreseeing the future, and guess what? Cryptocurrency is no exception! 💥 In "Lisa's Wedding," they hinted at Bitcoin's potential by equating it to infinity. 🚀 Then, in "Kiss Kiss, Bang Bangalore," a Shiba Inu dog and the words "Crypto Coin" popped up, possibly foreshadowing the rise of Dogecoin! 🐕💰 And let's not forget "Treehouse of Horror XXVII," where a "Crypto-Currency" sign hinted at the explosion of alternative cryptocurrencies! 🌟 Coincidence or clairvoyance? You decide! While The Simpsons has been around for ages, these "predictions" are simply too uncanny to dismiss! 💡 So, as you dive into the world of crypto and blockchain, remember: The Simpsons might have been ahead of the curve all along... #ETFvsBTC #TheSimpsons #Predictions #BTC

🔮 Prepare to have your mind blown! 🔮 The iconic show, The Simpsons, has a knack for foreseeing the future, and guess what? Cryptocurrency is no exception! 💥 In "Lisa's Wedding," they hinted at Bitcoin's potential by equating it to infinity. 🚀 Then, in "Kiss Kiss, Bang Bangalore," a Shiba Inu dog and the words "Crypto Coin" popped up, possibly foreshadowing the rise of Dogecoin! 🐕💰 And let's not forget "Treehouse of Horror XXVII," where a "Crypto-Currency" sign hinted at the explosion of alternative cryptocurrencies! 🌟 Coincidence or clairvoyance? You decide! While The Simpsons has been around for ages, these "predictions" are simply too uncanny to dismiss! 💡 So, as you dive into the world of crypto and blockchain, remember: The Simpsons might have been ahead of the curve all along... #ETFvsBTC #TheSimpsons #Predictions #BTC

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