🤑🚀 Interesting facts abour crypto 📈

1. Cryptocurrency has over 420 million users around the globe 🌎

2. There are nearly over 600 crypto exchanes over the world ( Btw what’s your fav one )

3. Binance is the #1 crypto exchange by market share.

4. The first commercial crypto transaction was for a pizza .

5. Dogecoin came way before Ethereum.

6. There are more then 18k Cryptocurrency at present.

7. The founders of bitcoin stay anonymous to this date .

8. out of total supply of BTC , 3 mn are lost in hacks , losing key phrases etc.

9. Onecoin is one of the biggest scam that looted over 4 Billion from investors.

10. over 15000 companies worldwide accept btc as a payment method.

#Facts #Educational

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