The significance of 1 #Bitcoin        in relation to time and how the upcoming Halving will impact this remarkable symbiosis - a tread adorned with astonishing figures:

First of all, I am aware that a significant amount of the Bitcoin ever available will probably never be in circulation again, but I'll calculate with 21,000,000 below. We simply don't know how much Bitcoin is truly in actual circulation at any given time.

To begin, it is essential to know how much 1 Bitcoin represents in percentage terms measured against the total amount of Bitcoin ever available.

1/21,000,000 equals ~0.0000048%, truly minuscule. However, Bitcoin has something ingenious embedded in it. With the Halving epochs, time takes on an exceptional role for Bitcoin:

During the first epoch, 50 Bitcoin have been 'created' every 10 minutes on average, 600 seconds, or 1 Bitcoin every 12 seconds. So, every 12 seconds 0.0000048% of the total supply.

Today in 2024, there are 6.25 new Bitcoin every 600 seconds, or 1 Bitcoin per 96 seconds. Every 96 seconds 0.0000048% of the total. When the fourth Halving occurs in a few days, it will take 192 seconds - 3 minutes and 12 seconds - on average for each new Bitcoin.

So the upcoming Halving will double the amount of precious time in order to have the same percentage like one epoch before. The time doubles and in addition the general interest is increasing globally as well.

When will the time come that 1 year must pass before 1 new Bitcoin is available?

Let's jump to 2096: the block subsidy is 0.0001192 Bitcoin. It'll take more than a year to make one Bitcoin usable: 1/0.0001192 = 83,893 blocks ≈ 838,930 minutes ≈ 1.6 years. Just over 2 Bitcoin are issued in this Halving period.

The same amount of new value that is created today in just 96 seconds, will ~72 years later take over a year and a half to be accessible for mankind.

But Bitcoin in relation to time shows its full potential of the inflation time table the closer we get to the total amount: if only 0.0000048% - i.e. the last Bitcoin - is missing, it will take about 35 years until this last Bitcoin becomes usable for mankind. I've posted about this in the past and I find this example truly fascinating.

What started with 12 seconds in 2009 will reach its zenith in 2140, when from the years 2104/2106 on, ~35 years of time are needed to create the last full Bitcoin.

With each Halving, the period until a new Bitcoin is obtainable doubles. It will become increasingly difficult, unimaginably difficult for anyone to obtain fresh Bitcoin as time progresses.

Horrible things like man made devastating wars will hardly be feasible and affordable anymore, since Bitcoin is simply too rare and valuable for states to be able and willing to wage war with it.

I believe in the long run it needs mathematics and a hard capped money to create more harmony, as man alone will probably never be able to do it.

Modern man: finally embrace the beauty of mathematics. The beauty of Bitcoin.