Binance Square
Ethereum layer 2 Base experiences an 18-fold increase in funds stolen from phishing scams in March, with $3.35 million lost, according to Scam Sniffer. This marks a 334% month-on-month increase from February and a 1,880% spike compared to January. Binance's BNB Chain also saw a surge in phishing scams. In total, $71.5 million was lost to phishing scammers across all chains from 77,529 victims. Despite the rise in phishing scams, crypto hack thefts fell 48% to $187.2 million in March, according to PeckShield.

Ethereum layer 2 Base experiences an 18-fold increase in funds stolen from phishing scams in March, with $3.35 million lost, according to Scam Sniffer. This marks a 334% month-on-month increase from February and a 1,880% spike compared to January. Binance's BNB Chain also saw a surge in phishing scams. In total, $71.5 million was lost to phishing scammers across all chains from 77,529 victims. Despite the rise in phishing scams, crypto hack thefts fell 48% to $187.2 million in March, according to PeckShield.

Aviso legal: Se incluyen opiniones de terceros. Esto no respresenta una asesoría financiera. Puede haber contenido patrocinado. Lee los TyC.
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