Binance Square
NFT expert Sam Gellman, known for his valuable insights into the volatile market, has joined the team at Memeland after their recent acquisition of Proof and Moonbirds. Gellman, who previously worked for Goldman Sachs and Uber, started his journey into NFTs in 2021 with CryptoPunks. Now, as Chief Chart Officer at Memeland, Gellman aims to increase the company's global appeal and bring organization to their various projects. With a keen eye on the ever-changing trends in the NFT space, Gellman likens NFTs to nightclubs, emphasizing the importance of staying aware of the attention economy.

NFT expert Sam Gellman, known for his valuable insights into the volatile market, has joined the team at Memeland after their recent acquisition of Proof and Moonbirds. Gellman, who previously worked for Goldman Sachs and Uber, started his journey into NFTs in 2021 with CryptoPunks. Now, as Chief Chart Officer at Memeland, Gellman aims to increase the company's global appeal and bring organization to their various projects. With a keen eye on the ever-changing trends in the NFT space, Gellman likens NFTs to nightclubs, emphasizing the importance of staying aware of the attention economy.

Aviso legal: Se incluyen opiniones de terceros. Esto no respresenta una asesoría financiera. Puede haber contenido patrocinado. Lee los TyC.
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