Binance Square
Indian Crypto
A whale exchanged his $ETH & $ARB positions for WBTC & $MKR in the past 2 hours. The whale sold 1.7M ARB for 906 #ETH ($1.48M) and exchanged $1,901 for $3.11M of stablecoins. Then spent $1.87M to buy 68 #WBTC and $1.24M to buy 872 #MKR

A whale exchanged his $ETH & $ARB positions for WBTC & $MKR in the past 2 hours.

The whale sold 1.7M ARB for 906 #ETH ($1.48M) and exchanged $1,901 for $3.11M of stablecoins.

Then spent $1.87M to buy 68 #WBTC and $1.24M to buy 872 #MKR

Aviso legal: Se incluyen opiniones de terceros. Esto no respresenta una asesoría financiera. Puede haber contenido patrocinado. Lee los TyC.
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