Simple Tap is a new project from the Telegram miners segment, which allows you to farm SMPL using two methods: directly by taps (the closest example is NotCoin) and by time farming (the closest example is HOT). It should also be noted that this bot was created by the team at Simple, an EU-regulated crypto-neobank that allows users to easily buy cryptocurrency from a card and store it in one space.
What to do?
- Go to the bot >>> <span and launch the application; - click Start Farming; - click (the more clicks, the more SMPL), or simply wait for the end of mining. Additional activities: - on the Quest tab there are tasks for which you can get additional SMPL; - we also receive bonuses for inviting friends; - they promise to add various boost mechanics soon. In the official channel, the team reported that at this stage the application has only 1000 users, so we will definitely enter the Early circle. Note: if you use financial tools from Simple, don't forget about DYOR.