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Ethfi detailed introduction and price estimate (estimated 30u)
Ethfi price estimate, does not constitute investment advice, the lowest price is 1.092, calculated at 30 times, the highest is 30u, currently 2.813u, there is about 11 times profit, the market value reaches 6.3 billion u In line with the principle of not taking advantage of the last wave of the market, it is recommended to clear the position around 25u, at the latest in November 25th. You are welcome to come back and dig up the graves then.
Token Introduction: ETHFI is the native utility and governance token of the Ether.Fi protocol. Ether.fi is a decentralized, non-custodial delegated staking protocol. Ether.Fi is a brand new infrastructure staking protocol on Ethereum. Ether.Fi allows participants to retain control of their keys when staking on behalf of others, and deposits to Ether.Fi will automatically re-stake with Eigenlayer. Eigenlayer uses staked ETH to support external systems (such as rollups, oracles) to build an economic security layer, which increases the returns of ETH stakers in the process.
Buy theta at cmp 2.467 for short term Targets 2.6080 - 2.7320 - 2.8560 - 2.98 Swing tps : 3.2290 - 3.3530 - 3.4770 Hold patiently for tps. AI narrative will gain momentum soon $THETA #ETHETFS #btc70k #altcoins #BinanceLaunchpool