I'm sad I won't be able to participate in the AEVO launch
I will give a brief account of my story
I recently needed to sell all my cryptos (which weren't many) for a bigger reason. I suffered an accident at work, which caused an open fracture in the distal phalanx and I had to be removed by the INSS.
And like every body in our government that provides that wonderful service, there is a certain queue and it takes a few days, and in my case it took 15 days. As I didn't have an emergency fund and the bills kept coming, I also have a small child and couldn't bear to see the need and decided to literally sell my dream (the beginning at least, because I had little).
Guys, I'm writing about what happened to me recently and I want to emphasize that you need to set up an emergency fund. If I had the cost of living for at least 1 and a half months, I wouldn't need to have sold the cryptocurrencies. Emergencies happen, there is no time and it is better to be prepared.
I leave this reflection to everyone, it's better to have it and use it when you need it than to need it and have to get it from where you couldn't.
I'm sorry, this week has been difficult for me.
If you've read this far, I ask for your help and follow me!!!
In recent days, the Billionaire made some publications on X, against Minister Alexandre de Moraes, of the STF (Supreme Federal Court). According to experts, these accusations unite Bozo's interests with Elon.
It turns out that the Minister is extremely in favor of the fake news censorship law and Uncle Bozo and the Billionaire are not. In the comments published on his social network, he even suggested the impeachment of Alexandre de Moraes, claiming that these laws violate the Brazilian constitution.
One point to note is that the Minister has demanded some explanations about X and Elon said that he will soon make these demands very clear publicly.
And the bozo only watches from his box eating popcorn...
NerdMiner is an open source project that allows anyone to participate in Bitcoin mining in a simple, economical way and without much programming knowledge. And the best thing about this project is that you will mine solo and track hash rate, mining time, difficulty, among other information
With it, anyone could supposedly mine Bitcoin.
I would like to know if you have already used it and if it works.
Today my 5 year old son said that his friends have already received a chocolate egg, I could see the sparkle in his eyes when he asked if I would give him one.
But I don't even have money for a simple bar. I'm away from my job and my salary has decreased a lot and I'm out of money.
For the vast majority of people, reaching 7 figures in their account is a dream. In a way, it represents financial freedom, having more peace of mind and providing a little more comfort for the family. I hope you can get through this and can help more people around you. I hope you can change many lives for the better.
And we have many stories where the high volatility of cryptocurrencies made this change. This is incredible and real. Several lives changed with something digital. This is a dream that is becoming more and more present. I hope it comes true for you.
Why is Lula trying to take back Eletrobras, interfering a lot in Petrobras and Vale?
I even understand his head...
In the last meetings Lula traveled a lot, in fact he traveled more than he stayed here and during these trips he has contact and friendship with many presidents like Xi Jinping who does what he wants in China. Let's imagine a conversation between Lula and the president of China; Xi Jinping speaks; "this week I made this decision, I did this, I did that" and Lula asked; - "damn and you can do all this?" -"I can", says Xi Jinping. and Lula; -" and no one was against it?" Xi Jinping spoke; -" ha, there were two or three guys but they disappeared...no one else saw them"
And then Lula went to talk to Putin in Russia. Lula asked; -" Hey Putin, what are you doing in the oil sector?" Putin responded; -" I made this and that decision" Lula asked; -"But can you do it alone?" -"Of course I can", says Putin. -" and no one is against it?" asked Lula Putin responded; -" There were about five guys but they fell from the hotel balcony, in fact one of them died of a heart attack while swimming."
Hey, he's going to Venezuela to talk to Maduro. -" ha, I decide everything here, next month we will have elections" says Maduro -" and you are worried" asks Lula -"of course not" says Maduro -" and the opposition?" asks Lula -" what opposition? are you talking about MarĆa Corina? I found out that she was saying things I didn't like and I ordered her to be removed" Maduro retorts.
Lulinha's Club
So Lula went to China, Xi Jinping does what he wants, it was in Russia that people fall out of the hotel, there are people taking their own lives by stabbing them in the back, he goes to Venezuela and they take out the opposition... and then Lula says; -"damn, that's what I want" -" But in Brazil I can't make the guy fall out of the hotel room or disappear with other people or even get Bozo off my back.
Asked by the Thai community why I adopted 3 as a symbol. Reasons below:
It represents my commitment to three main groups of stakeholders: (i) users; (ii) regulators; (iii) partners. 3 is a lucky number in numerology and among the Chinese ā associated with luck, success, abundance. There are 3 letters in the hand symbol - W, V and L - which represent Victory, Victory and Love.
Also, a lot of good things in crypto have 3 syllables ā BTC, BNB, ATH, To The Moonā¦ Now you know. š
Hey guys The USA wants to ban TikTok in its territory, claiming that China (Tiktok came from there) is manipulating/monitoring the data of North American users. China claims that it is a democratic country and should not ban its applications. This statement from China is not entirely true because the population there has restricted access to the media in general. Leaving this topic aside, I want to make a reflection: We are all euphoric about the world of cryptocurrencies, with the wonders it can do, with little investment you could become rich.
In 2023, the second year in a row with a strong influx of foreign capital, this public had invested R$45 billion in the stock market
Foreign investors withdrew R$191.2 million in resources in the secondary segment of B3 (shares already listed) on Tuesday, March 12, the day the Ibovespa rose 1.22%. Thus, the category started to have a monthly deficit of R$5.84 billion, while the annual deficit was R$23.19 billion.
In 2023, the second year in a row with a strong influx of foreign capital, this public had invested R$45 billion in the stock market. The high volume helped to raise the Ibovespa to its 22% gains in 2023 and flooded the dollar market which, among other factors, contributed to reducing the currency's value against the real.
Petrobras and Vale lose R$104 billion in market value. Guess who's to blame...?
After Lula's harassment at the helm of Vale, the company has lost R$48.3 billion in value since January. Petrobras melted almost R$56 billion.
Default: clearly defines what Lula did with shareholders and also in the government's interference negotiations with Vale. With this kindness from our dear government, the two companies together lost R$104 billion. And yet they have the audacity to say that shareholders are greedy. And they don't even realize that they "put their hand" in everything and harmed investors twice; Loss of extraordinary dividends and meltdown of shares and thus equity also falls.
Our president can understand many things but managing companies is not his strong point and he ends up losing several billions and thus foreign investors stay away from Brazil, causing huge losses just because the government wants to manipulate companies.
You can write it down, it's just the beginning.
(source diary of power and Uol) #missDilmaš„°š„°š¤£š¤£š¤£
Hey guys First of all, I want to make it clear that I don't care what the current government is, or whether it is left or right. In my opinion, what matters are the attitudes he takes honestly and if he is dishonest he should be unmasked. Insider information is suspected, that is, acting with privileged information and using it to obtain profits in financial operations. This is a crime and the CVM is investigating.
Once again someone knew that our current and beloved president Lula was going to ask "politely and without any pressure" to the directors of PetrobrƔs not to pay extraordinary dividends as I already explained in my other post. And with this very privileged information he sold his shares through options in a very suspicious way, just hours before the company announced the dividend cut.
And those of you who are angry with Lula about income tax, did you also see that he ordered Petrobras to stop paying extraordinary dividends to shareholders? The decision not to pay came from our friend Lula
In recent years, Petrobras has become one of the companies that pays the most dividends and Lula has always said he was against it, claiming that the money would be better to reinvest in the company itself or to raise cash.
Do you think it is right for the president of the country to make administrative decisions for companies?
And whether you know it or not, Petrobras recently announced an investment of R$250 million for Culture. And there are sources that link this investment as a way of making payments to high-ranking people and that could benefit some certain politicians when it comes to elections.
Remembering that in the recent history of Petrobras it was the target of several corruption scandals.
The new Federal Revenue rules regarding the declaration and payment of income tax on transactions with cryptocurrencies have come into force in 2024. The Federal Revenue has intensified inspection of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies, identifying more than 25 thousand taxpayers in an irregular situation. The new rules distinguish between investors who operate through national and foreign exchanges.
For investors who trade through national exchanges, the rules remain basically the same, with the obligation to declare income tax for those who have more than 5 thousand reais in cryptocurrencies on the last day of the current year. There is tax exemption on the sale of up to 35 thousand reais in the same month on national exchanges, but there is no compensation for losses.
For investors operating through foreign exchanges, the tax exemption does not apply, with profits from any amount sold being taxed at 15%. However, there is the advantage of offsetting losses in profits, making it possible to reduce the tax to be paid.
In general, investing through national exchanges is more advantageous for those who intend to hold cryptocurrency in the long term and for those with less capital, due to the tax exemption on sales of up to 35 thousand reais per month. Foreign exchanges are more beneficial for traders and large investors, as they allow the compensation of losses in profits and the maintenance of a single rate of 15% regardless of the value traded.
Once again I was defeated Beaten by life Overcome by circumstances Overcome by problems Defeated and devastated
Whenever I had money left over I bought cryptocurrencies, I only had a year on the market but I was completely in love with the strong growth performance. I wish I could have more money to buy more. But I'm away from my job and yesterday I had to sell my cryptos to pay the rent for the house I live in. This always happens, something always comes up that I have to do. I'm tired and sad. It's sad to let go of something you want so much.