$OPBNB hello....have mistakenly sent some $ BNB to $OpBNB contract address on binance web3 wallet. what should I do to get it back. is it possible to do it. plz guide
$OPBNB hello....have mistakenly send some BNB to $OpBNB contract address on binance web3 wallet. what should do to get it back. is it possible to do it. plz guide
$OP hello....have mistakenly send some BNB to $OpBNB contract address on binance web3 wallet. what should do to get it back. is it possible to do it. plz guide
I am facing problem in transferring my slisBNB Ethereum to slisbnb Bsc on lista bridge. What should I do? Please help. don't know what to do every time get msg " unable to transfer "
#CryptoTradingGuide Patience is the key.... and it is very difficult to be patient...once you get over it and Ur decision are taken with patience .....sky is the limit
#help hello there....I need to know about the small left overs in the wallet like .0003fdusd, and other small amounts which don't even convert to any other . plz some one advise or help