May God honor the whales too, and in their hands everything raises the price and lowers the price, and they earn 2 million dollars and more. You came to me, and I, my family, and my children have 460 dollars that were their income because of circumstances. I weaken my money 5 times or 10 times because of the circumstances I have. May God not write it down to you, whale 200549237 This is what I know, Pence. I am not greedy or avaricious, but I remember that God is great and He will not be pleased. O oppress me, because of my children. God has power over everything. Oh God, I entrust my command to God Almighty.
TAO Asaan will drop at $30. Its real price today or tomorrow is pence. Sir, you want to pay profit in ENA currencies, so expect the rest of the currencies. Because you are afraid and sell, and I sell at a loss. There is no final gain in pence. It motivates you, and you buy for the expensive and sell for the cheap. SAGA There is no other question, why do the coins not pay me the rest? Why do I play here? He signs the coin and it comes back again. It is sold at a loss. He wins. They are pence and the whales are the pence of their employer, and they know everything every day. Why don't they work on the basis of success? Why is our business built on lies and deceit and injustice?
Advice for God's sake, take off your penny coins. Don't understand anything. It's a loss. Expect all the currencies and take the gain from the currencies and collect in one currency, ENA, in order to make a revolution of just money and lose people in the rest of the currencies. Fear God.
He arranged 5 months in the company for us. How many months did he charge for us? My two children. I spend well on them. I pay $350 for them and lose half of them. Why do you do that, Pence? I bought SAGA for what it was expensive. Why is it according to God, and He is the best disposer of affairs in all financial and racial injustice. May God avenge those who are the workers of SAGA.
Some people talk, I get sad about people, I don't know how to do profitable things, and then you get upset and say, "Why did you do that? You made a profit, take it off." ENA0.80 The largest companies bought quantities at the price when it was lowered at 0.77 and then rose at 1.225
The market has not returned to zero because people have placed huge purchase orders amounting to 2 billion around the world. Enter the link to your purchase order so that the market returns purchase orders that it fulfills. Buy now with you. 0.93 W 0.85 ENA Good luck to everyone, Lord of the worlds