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币圈心得币圈9年一直盈利!总结出9条铁律,字字珠玑 1资金10万以内,只持仓一个币种,20万-30万买两只,50万以内买3-4只,资金再多持仓不要超过5只,很多人说鸡蛋要放在多个篮子里,那我告诉你,当市场颠簸的时候,放的篮子越多,鸡蛋烂的越多经历多牛熊的人才知道,牛市集中资金狠狠赚,行情不好,数量少止损也可以及时。我见过30万资金买满的,可能亏不多,但是肯定也赚不了 经历多牛熊的人才知道,牛市集中资金狠狠赚,行情不好,数量少止损也可以及时。我见过30万资金买满的,可能亏不多,但是肯定也赚不了 2看新闻学技术,唯一的目的就是提高胜率就是两个字:顺势。下跌趋势中的反弹大多是诱多,上涨趋势中的下跌大多是挖坑!当你还不是大师的时候,就不要去想着抄底了,也不要去猜测主力怎么想的。主力不是你想猜就能猜得到的,实力有限的时候不要耍太多花招 3只在市场活跃的时候操作 4亏损状态下固定止损位置,千万不要下移,抱有侥幸心理的人有多少短线变长线,长线变贡献!盈利状态下,出局点位不断提高,不要让盈利吐回去了,盈利50%,回撤5%无条件卖出,盈利30%,跌回10%无条件卖出 5达到自己买入的条件,进的时候要果断,卖的时候要坚决币圈就要执行力雷厉风行,不拖泥带水优柔寡断的人,必然踏空或者坐过山车 6加仓前问一下自己,如果之前没进,现在这情况你还会买入吗?如果会,就可以,如果不会,那就出!一般我会把K线图倒着看,这样顶底就发生了转变,这样效果更好 7不要太沉迷于日内短期交易,你不得不承认,越小的波动,越让人心智紊乱越难抓住有一句名言:小利靠炒,大钱靠势 8可以因为价位涨太高不去追,但不要因为跌得多就去抄底,市场永远只有20%的人赚钱。永远不要把自己置身在红利归零的阶段 币圈就是人性的博弈,会有难受的时候,要学会释放。不要赌气


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Who are the people who have millions of USDT, and what is their life like? There is a dumbest way to trade in cryptocurrencies, which allows you to keep "earning forever" and make 30 million! In early 2017, I unexpectedly encountered cryptocurrency In the bull market of 2017-2018, I invested 60,000 yuan and finally made more than 1 million yuan In the bull market of 2020-2021, I relied on almost 10 million yuan, and the maximum floating profit was more than 20 million yuan Now I am still making money with coins. Once I have an epiphany in trading coins, it's like turning on a cheat. At the end of last year, I took 200,000 yuan to play, and now I have 20 million yuan, which is a hundred times profit (suitable for everyone) A new round of bull market in cryptocurrencies is ready to go, and the goal of this round is to achieve true financial freedom. My method of trading cryptocurrencies is very simple and practical. It took only one year to trade to 8 figures. I only do one form, and I will enter the market when I see the opportunity. I will not trade without a form. I have maintained a winning rate of more than 90% for five years! I spend more time fishing and keeping fit. If you also want to use cryptocurrency trading as a second source of income, want to get a share of the cryptocurrency circle, and are willing to spend time to grow and learn, then don't miss this article. Read it carefully, every point is the essence of the cryptocurrency circle. I have been a professional cryptocurrency trader for more than 10 years, from 8,000 yuan to a huge loss of 8 million yuan, to the current wealth freedom and class transition. I have summarized the following iron laws of cryptocurrency trading to make you feel at ease in the cryptocurrency circle! Share with those who are destined 1 Divide your funds into 5 parts, only enter one-fifth each time, control the stop loss of 10 points, and only lose 2% of the total funds if you make a mistake once, and only lose 10% of the total funds if you make 5 mistakes. 2 Go with the trend, every rebound in the downward trend is tempting to increase, and every decline in the upward trend creates a golden pit. 3 Don't touch individual coins that have soared rapidly in the short term, and high-level stagflation will naturally fall. 4 Use MACD to determine the entry and exit points. The steady entry signal is that the DIF line and DEA form a golden cross below the 0 axis and break through the 0 axis. The signal for reducing positions is that MACD forms a dead cross above the 0 axis and runs downward. 5 Never cover your position when you are losing money, but add positions when you are profitable. Volume and price indicators are also very important. Pay attention to the large-volume breakthrough of the currency price at the low level of consolidation, and exit decisively when the high level has a large-volume stagnation. Only do currencies with an upward trend. The 3-day line, 30-day line, 84-day line, and 120-day moving average turn upward, representing short-term, medium-term, main rising waves, and long-term rises, respectively.#比特币政策 #炒币心得
Who are the people who have millions of USDT, and what is their life like?
There is a dumbest way to trade in cryptocurrencies, which allows you to keep "earning forever" and make 30 million!
In early 2017, I unexpectedly encountered cryptocurrency
In the bull market of 2017-2018, I invested 60,000 yuan and finally made more than 1 million yuan
In the bull market of 2020-2021, I relied on almost 10 million yuan, and the maximum floating profit was more than 20 million yuan
Now I am still making money with coins. Once I have an epiphany in trading coins, it's like turning on a cheat.
At the end of last year, I took 200,000 yuan to play, and now I have 20 million yuan, which is a hundred times profit (suitable for everyone)
A new round of bull market in cryptocurrencies is ready to go, and the goal of this round is to achieve true financial freedom.
My method of trading cryptocurrencies is very simple and practical. It took only one year to trade to 8 figures. I only do one form, and I will enter the market when I see the opportunity. I will not trade without a form. I have maintained a winning rate of more than 90% for five years!
I spend more time fishing and keeping fit.
If you also want to use cryptocurrency trading as a second source of income, want to get a share of the cryptocurrency circle, and are willing to spend time to grow and learn, then don't miss this article. Read it carefully, every point is the essence of the cryptocurrency circle.
I have been a professional cryptocurrency trader for more than 10 years, from 8,000 yuan to a huge loss of 8 million yuan, to the current wealth freedom and class transition. I have summarized the following iron laws of cryptocurrency trading to make you feel at ease in the cryptocurrency circle! Share with those who are destined
1 Divide your funds into 5 parts, only enter one-fifth each time, control the stop loss of 10 points, and only lose 2% of the total funds if you make a mistake once, and only lose 10% of the total funds if you make 5 mistakes.
2 Go with the trend, every rebound in the downward trend is tempting to increase, and every decline in the upward trend creates a golden pit.
3 Don't touch individual coins that have soared rapidly in the short term, and high-level stagflation will naturally fall.
4 Use MACD to determine the entry and exit points. The steady entry signal is that the DIF line and DEA form a golden cross below the 0 axis and break through the 0 axis. The signal for reducing positions is that MACD forms a dead cross above the 0 axis and runs downward.
5 Never cover your position when you are losing money, but add positions when you are profitable. Volume and price indicators are also very important. Pay attention to the large-volume breakthrough of the currency price at the low level of consolidation, and exit decisively when the high level has a large-volume stagnation. Only do currencies with an upward trend. The 3-day line, 30-day line, 84-day line, and 120-day moving average turn upward, representing short-term, medium-term, main rising waves, and long-term rises, respectively.#比特币政策 #炒币心得
炒币10年的心德,全部是干活干货 1、如果你的资金盘不是很大,比如20万以内,每年抓到一次主升浪行情就够了,千万不要时时刻刻满仓。 2、一个人永远赚不到认知以外的财富,先模拟盘把自己的真实心态和胆识练出来,模拟盘可以无限次的失败,但是真实的操作你失败一次也许就是你的全部,甚至会从此远离市场。#比特币 3、碰到重大利好,当天不出货的话,记住第二天高开一定卖出,利好兑现往往就是利空 #炒币 4、遇到重大节日,提前一周减仓乃至空仓,根据以往来看,节假日必跌 5、中长线的策略就是手里留足现金,拉高出货, 杀跌买回,滚动操作方为上策。#干货分享 6、短线交易主要看成交量和图形,图形大起大落活跃的做,不活跃的不要碰。 7、下跌趋于缓慢,反弹也会很缓慢;下跌加速,反弹也会很快。 8、买错了要认,及时止损,保住本金,才是市场生存之根本。 9、做短线15分钟的K线图一定要看,根据KDJ指标可以找到比较好的买卖点。 10、炒币的技术和方法千千万,你只要精通和掌握少数几种就够了,不要贪多。#比特币行情分析
3、碰到重大利好,当天不出货的话,记住第二天高开一定卖出,利好兑现往往就是利空 #炒币
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The number of people speculating in cryptocurrencies has reached 560 million worldwide, of which my country has more than 59 million, ranking second in the world, second only to India. This is still done secretly. If the mainland lifts the ban on Bitcoin, I believe that the number of people speculating in cryptocurrencies in my country will soar, surpassing India in one fell swoop and becoming the country with the largest number of people speculating in cryptocurrencies in the world #美国8月核心CPI超预期 #比特币政策 #比特币
The number of people speculating in cryptocurrencies has reached 560 million worldwide, of which my country has more than 59 million, ranking second in the world, second only to India. This is still done secretly. If the mainland lifts the ban on Bitcoin, I believe that the number of people speculating in cryptocurrencies in my country will soar, surpassing India in one fell swoop and becoming the country with the largest number of people speculating in cryptocurrencies in the world
#美国8月核心CPI超预期 #比特币政策 #比特币
从币圈新手成长为大佬,千万身价的达成之路为你揭秘! 1. 对于强势币,只要其从高位连续下跌 3 天,就必须要及时跟进。 2. 不管是哪个币种,只要连续上涨两天,就要及时进行减仓操作。 3. 任何一个币种在拉升幅度超过 7%后,第二天往往还有冲高的可能性,可以继续观察。 4. 强势的大牛币一定要等到回调结束之后再进入市场。 5. 对于任何一个币种,如果其连续三天波动都不明显,那就再观察三天,要是还没有变化就可以考虑更换币种了。 6. 任何一个币种如果在第二天不能把前一天的成本价赚回来,就应该及时卖出。 7. 在涨幅榜上,如果有连续涨三天的,就可能会连续涨五天,有连续涨五天的,就可能会连续涨七天。对于连续涨了两天的币种可以选择在价格低的时候进场,而通常第五天是一个比较好的卖出时机。#美降息25个基点预期升温 #比特币行情

1. 对于强势币,只要其从高位连续下跌 3 天,就必须要及时跟进。
2. 不管是哪个币种,只要连续上涨两天,就要及时进行减仓操作。
3. 任何一个币种在拉升幅度超过 7%后,第二天往往还有冲高的可能性,可以继续观察。
4. 强势的大牛币一定要等到回调结束之后再进入市场。
5. 对于任何一个币种,如果其连续三天波动都不明显,那就再观察三天,要是还没有变化就可以考虑更换币种了。
6. 任何一个币种如果在第二天不能把前一天的成本价赚回来,就应该及时卖出。
7. 在涨幅榜上,如果有连续涨三天的,就可能会连续涨五天,有连续涨五天的,就可能会连续涨七天。对于连续涨了两天的币种可以选择在价格低的时候进场,而通常第五天是一个比较好的卖出时机。#美降息25个基点预期升温 #比特币行情
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Market analysis on Friday, September 13 From the current daily trend, the short-selling sentiment was strong in the early stage, and the market showed a downward trend of three consecutive negative lines. After the decline, the currency price continued to fluctuate in the low range, and the short-term bulls and bears frequently clashed, and the trend lacked obvious continuity. At present, the daily line closed with a fine negative line, and the overall rhythm was still dominated by the short-selling sentiment. From the 4H chart, the market showed a volatile downward trend, and the rebound was covered by the decline, and the main rhythm was obviously short. In terms of operation, we should follow the trend and adopt the idea of ​​shorting. Operational suggestions: Bitcoin is shorted near 58000-58500, with a target of 56800; Ethereum is shorted near 2370-2390, with a target of 2250. Radicals can short at the current price, with Bitcoin defense set to 600 and Ethereum defense set to 50 #美降息25个基点预期升温 #比特币政策
Market analysis on Friday, September 13

From the current daily trend, the short-selling sentiment was strong in the early stage, and the market showed a downward trend of three consecutive negative lines. After the decline, the currency price continued to fluctuate in the low range, and the short-term bulls and bears frequently clashed, and the trend lacked obvious continuity. At present, the daily line closed with a fine negative line, and the overall rhythm was still dominated by the short-selling sentiment.

From the 4H chart, the market showed a volatile downward trend, and the rebound was covered by the decline, and the main rhythm was obviously short. In terms of operation, we should follow the trend and adopt the idea of ​​shorting.

Operational suggestions: Bitcoin is shorted near 58000-58500, with a target of 56800;
Ethereum is shorted near 2370-2390, with a target of 2250.

Radicals can short at the current price, with Bitcoin defense set to 600 and Ethereum defense set to 50
#美降息25个基点预期升温 #比特币政策
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Fan submission: I have a financial manager who has only one client with assets of more than 6 million yuan since 2016. It is amazing! Some of these clients use the money to buy houses, some invest in the stock market, some buy funds, and some invest in real estate. Only that person is determined to buy only principal-guaranteed products. This investor in her 60s is extremely conservative and has a very firm stance. This is her outstanding feature. When others make money, she always only takes regular interest. It is difficult for most people to do this, right? Interestingly, in today's economic downturn and extremely bleak stock market, her operational advantage is highlighted. She can be said to stand out from the crowd and is very lucky. #Telegram创始人被捕 #美国CPI数据连续第4个月回落
Fan submission:

I have a financial manager who has only one client with assets of more than 6 million yuan since 2016. It is amazing! Some of these clients use the money to buy houses, some invest in the stock market, some buy funds, and some invest in real estate.

Only that person is determined to buy only principal-guaranteed products. This investor in her 60s is extremely conservative and has a very firm stance. This is her outstanding feature. When others make money, she always only takes regular interest. It is difficult for most people to do this, right? Interestingly, in today's economic downturn and extremely bleak stock market, her operational advantage is highlighted. She can be said to stand out from the crowd and is very lucky.
#Telegram创始人被捕 #美国CPI数据连续第4个月回落
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The morning thoughts are gradually being confirmed! As long as the general direction is right, there are always more solutions than difficulties🎉🎉 Enter the market at 59250 for Dabing and win 3860 oil; enter the market at 2472 for Yitai and win 2489 oil, a total of 6349 oil✔ What if there are few bullets? Shaoqing treats everyone equally. Take one step at a time, and slowly turn over the warehouse is not a dream! 🚗🚗 #Telegram创始人被捕 #美联储何时降息?
The morning thoughts are gradually being confirmed! As long as the general direction is right, there are always more solutions than difficulties🎉🎉

Enter the market at 59250 for Dabing and win 3860 oil; enter the market at 2472 for Yitai and win 2489 oil, a total of 6349 oil✔

What if there are few bullets? Shaoqing treats everyone equally. Take one step at a time, and slowly turn over the warehouse is not a dream! 🚗🚗
#Telegram创始人被捕 #美联储何时降息?
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Why is it getting harder and harder to make money? Shaoqing analyzed from the following aspects: 1. The United States caused a cliff-like decline in foreign trade orders. 2. Domestic market competition is becoming increasingly fierce, and corporate profit margins are constantly being compressed, which in turn affects employee income and employment stability. 3. With the rapid development of science and technology, some traditional industries are facing the pressure of transformation and upgrading. In this process, some practitioners find it difficult to adapt to new work requirements, resulting in reduced income. 4. The economic growth rate has slowed down, the expansion of enterprises has slowed down, and new employment opportunities and income channels have been relatively reduced. 5. The demand in the consumer market changes rapidly, and it is difficult for enterprises to accurately grasp market trends. It is easy to have unsalable products, etc., which affects corporate benefits and employee income. 6. Labor costs continue to rise, and the burden on enterprises is increasing, which may reduce the number of employees or lower salary levels. 7. Industry supervision has been strengthened, some irregular business behaviors have been restricted, and some enterprises need to adjust their business models, which may have an impact on income. 8. The global economic situation is unstable, and there are more uncertainties, which affect the domestic economic development and employment environment, making it more difficult to make money. #新币挖矿DOGS #美国CPI数据连续第4个月回落
Why is it getting harder and harder to make money? Shaoqing analyzed from the following aspects:

1. The United States caused a cliff-like decline in foreign trade orders.

2. Domestic market competition is becoming increasingly fierce, and corporate profit margins are constantly being compressed, which in turn affects employee income and employment stability.

3. With the rapid development of science and technology, some traditional industries are facing the pressure of transformation and upgrading. In this process, some practitioners find it difficult to adapt to new work requirements, resulting in reduced income.

4. The economic growth rate has slowed down, the expansion of enterprises has slowed down, and new employment opportunities and income channels have been relatively reduced.

5. The demand in the consumer market changes rapidly, and it is difficult for enterprises to accurately grasp market trends. It is easy to have unsalable products, etc., which affects corporate benefits and employee income.

6. Labor costs continue to rise, and the burden on enterprises is increasing, which may reduce the number of employees or lower salary levels.

7. Industry supervision has been strengthened, some irregular business behaviors have been restricted, and some enterprises need to adjust their business models, which may have an impact on income.

8. The global economic situation is unstable, and there are more uncertainties, which affect the domestic economic development and employment environment, making it more difficult to make money. #新币挖矿DOGS #美国CPI数据连续第4个月回落
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Continuing the idea of ​​short selling yesterday, if students have something to do, they will leave the market early and put it into their pockets for safety🤙🤙 Bitcoin entered the market at 61550 and scored 2208 points; Ethereum entered the market at 2583 and scored 1069 points, earning a total of 66066 oil ✔ (This number is really auspicious hahahaha!!) The slowest pace is not a step, but a wandering; the fastest pace is not a step. It’s a sprint, it’s a perseverance🚗🚗 #新币挖矿DOGS #MtGox钱包动态
Continuing the idea of ​​short selling yesterday, if students have something to do, they will leave the market early and put it into their pockets for safety🤙🤙

Bitcoin entered the market at 61550 and scored 2208 points; Ethereum entered the market at 2583 and scored 1069 points, earning a total of 66066 oil ✔ (This number is really auspicious hahahaha!!)

The slowest pace is not a step, but a wandering; the fastest pace is not a step.
It’s a sprint, it’s a perseverance🚗🚗
#新币挖矿DOGS #MtGox钱包动态
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When Duo Jun woke up, the sky seemed to have fallen...
When Duo Jun woke up, the sky seemed to have fallen...
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Didn't catch up today? It doesn't matter. There is still a chance today. The last chance, the bull market is over? Where is the chance to get on board? Understand these 10 points. 1. Money is not obtained by deliberately pursuing, but by pursuing the wind that brings wealth. 2. The total amount of wealth you can have seems to be arranged by God, and it is not obtained by hard work alone. There is no need to worry about temporary gains and losses. If the direction is right, even if you invest little and make a move too early, you can still reap a lot. 3. The bull market of new assets is the biggest opportunity outlet. 4. The outlet may not be completely new. Those most profitable winds are often the second wave (such as inscriptions in October, games in November 21, and NFTs in July 21). 5. Buy leading assets and develop the habit of buying leading assets, so that they can continue to grow and become stronger, and their upward space is always broad. 6. Increase positions and reduce the number of moves. Research is for screening, and cognition is for identification. 7. The higher the price goes, the safer it is. 8. The core point is that life is to constantly jump from one high-speed compound growth track to another, always standing at the forefront of the times and moving forward with the waves. Only in places where adventures are frequent can you become an extraordinary person, and the main thing is to look for those adventures. 9. The more wealth you have, the greater the volatility, and you must adapt to this volatility. Changing the concept of making money means that making money is not a linear accumulation over time, but an exponential "one-time success". 10. The second half of the bull market is about to start, and the recent returns of the currencies we have deployed are all above 50%. Selecting coins is our strength, and making money is just a result that follows. #美联储何时降息? #美国CPI数据连续第4个月回落
Didn't catch up today? It doesn't matter. There is still a chance today. The last chance, the bull market is over? Where is the chance to get on board? Understand these 10 points.

1. Money is not obtained by deliberately pursuing, but by pursuing the wind that brings wealth.
2. The total amount of wealth you can have seems to be arranged by God, and it is not obtained by hard work alone. There is no need to worry about temporary gains and losses. If the direction is right, even if you invest little and make a move too early, you can still reap a lot.
3. The bull market of new assets is the biggest opportunity outlet.
4. The outlet may not be completely new. Those most profitable winds are often the second wave (such as inscriptions in October, games in November 21, and NFTs in July 21).
5. Buy leading assets and develop the habit of buying leading assets, so that they can continue to grow and become stronger, and their upward space is always broad.
6. Increase positions and reduce the number of moves. Research is for screening, and cognition is for identification.
7. The higher the price goes, the safer it is.
8. The core point is that life is to constantly jump from one high-speed compound growth track to another, always standing at the forefront of the times and moving forward with the waves. Only in places where adventures are frequent can you become an extraordinary person, and the main thing is to look for those adventures.
9. The more wealth you have, the greater the volatility, and you must adapt to this volatility. Changing the concept of making money means that making money is not a linear accumulation over time, but an exponential "one-time success".
10. The second half of the bull market is about to start, and the recent returns of the currencies we have deployed are all above 50%. Selecting coins is our strength, and making money is just a result that follows.
#美联储何时降息? #美国CPI数据连续第4个月回落
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8.28 market analysis Judging from the current market situation, the daily line retraced with the Dayin K line and fell below the middle track in one fell swoop. The overall market is too inclined to bearish callback trends. The main reason for this situation is to pave the way for the subsequent interest rate cut in September. After the market touched around 58,000, it rebounded to 59,300. Although there was a rebound, it was obviously not strong enough. The market has dropped several times during the day to test the bottom space. Under such a structure, it seems inappropriate to choose to go long. Combined with the current hourly line, after the currency price fell below the lower track, the K-line operating range came below the lower track. Judging from the retracement pattern on the market, the situation is not too good for the bulls. However, there will still be a slight stretch when the market corrects. Therefore, in the morning operation, it is recommended to continue to follow the trend and rebound to catch up. Operation suggestions: The pie can be shorted in the 59800-59400 range, with the target looking below 58000. Auntie can go short in the 2470-2500 range, with a target around 2380. Last night, 61584/2582 entered the market, continue to hold, and look below 57500/2400 #美联储何时降息? #MtGox钱包动态
8.28 market analysis

Judging from the current market situation, the daily line retraced with the Dayin K line and fell below the middle track in one fell swoop. The overall market is too inclined to bearish callback trends. The main reason for this situation is to pave the way for the subsequent interest rate cut in September. After the market touched around 58,000, it rebounded to 59,300. Although there was a rebound, it was obviously not strong enough. The market has dropped several times during the day to test the bottom space. Under such a structure, it seems inappropriate to choose to go long.

Combined with the current hourly line, after the currency price fell below the lower track, the K-line operating range came below the lower track. Judging from the retracement pattern on the market, the situation is not too good for the bulls. However, there will still be a slight stretch when the market corrects. Therefore, in the morning operation, it is recommended to continue to follow the trend and rebound to catch up.

Operation suggestions:
The pie can be shorted in the 59800-59400 range, with the target looking below 58000.
Auntie can go short in the 2470-2500 range, with a target around 2380.

Last night, 61584/2582 entered the market, continue to hold, and look below 57500/2400
#美联储何时降息? #MtGox钱包动态
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!!! Report!!! The latest battle situation in the front, good news is coming in frequently🎉🎉 As I said before, the morning thoughts are open to the whole network, follow them and you will get the meat. Shaoqing seeks truth from facts, the right thoughts are right, refuse to be a hindsighter! When you are still hesitating, other young models have already hugged two!! #美联储何时降息? #美国CPI数据连续第4个月回落
!!! Report!!! The latest battle situation in the front, good news is coming in frequently🎉🎉

As I said before, the morning thoughts are open to the whole network, follow them and you will get the meat. Shaoqing seeks truth from facts, the right thoughts are right, refuse to be a hindsighter!

When you are still hesitating, other young models have already hugged two!! #美联储何时降息? #美国CPI数据连续第4个月回落
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Morning thoughts and evening market trends, perfectly reaching the target range🍺🍺 The first order: Bitcoin entered the market at 62679, gaining 554 points; Ethereum entered the market at 2674, gaining 70 points, and gained a total of 23081 oil✔ Second order: Bitcoin entered the market at 62689, gaining 574 points; Ethereum entered the market at 2677, gaining 73 points. A total of 7831 oil was obtained✔ The ideas are made public all over the Internet and given in advance. To keep up is to eat meat. There are always people complaining that the market is difficult to trade, but there are people who eat meat. Why can't that person be you! ?🤩🤩 #美国CPI数据连续第4个月回落 #美国7月PPI低于预期
Morning thoughts and evening market trends, perfectly reaching the target range🍺🍺

The first order: Bitcoin entered the market at 62679, gaining 554 points; Ethereum entered the market at 2674, gaining 70 points, and gained a total of 23081 oil✔

Second order: Bitcoin entered the market at 62689, gaining 574 points; Ethereum entered the market at 2677, gaining 73 points. A total of 7831 oil was obtained✔

The ideas are made public all over the Internet and given in advance. To keep up is to eat meat. There are always people complaining that the market is difficult to trade, but there are people who eat meat. Why can't that person be you! ?🤩🤩
#美国CPI数据连续第4个月回落 #美国7月PPI低于预期
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1. The charm of the cryptocurrency circle seems to be to win big with a small investment. The myths of wealth creation make people easily ignore the hidden risks. 2. It is a fantasy for gamblers to fight against casinos and try to win over the dealers. Nine out of ten bets often lose. 3. As long as you are in the secondary market, there must be risks. As long as gambling is involved, the outcome must be a loss. Even if you win occasionally, it is just luck. 4. There is no right or wrong in long-term investment. The key lies in whether you can see the growth dividends of the entire track for five to ten years. If you don’t have long-term goals and beliefs, you will feel fear or even anger when the market falls sharply. 5. For large funds, frequent trading has always been a taboo. We should focus on low-risk arbitrage, low-risk positions and low-risk transactions. 6. Energy is always conserved. If you enjoy the growth dividends of the industry, you must endure the torture brought by the wash. 7. The essence of investment is the realization of cognition. If you lose money, it can only prove that your cognition is insufficient. The money you lose is the tuition paid to the market. 8. There is no best strategy, only the strategy that suits you best. Generally speaking, it is to replace space with time. 9. In this noisy market, what we need to do is to quietly observe its changes, sit back and enjoy the results, and achieve the state of winning without fighting. 10. The way is simple, knowing and doing must be combined into one #美联储何时降息? #比特币政策
1. The charm of the cryptocurrency circle seems to be to win big with a small investment. The myths of wealth creation make people easily ignore the hidden risks.
2. It is a fantasy for gamblers to fight against casinos and try to win over the dealers. Nine out of ten bets often lose.
3. As long as you are in the secondary market, there must be risks. As long as gambling is involved, the outcome must be a loss. Even if you win occasionally, it is just luck.
4. There is no right or wrong in long-term investment. The key lies in whether you can see the growth dividends of the entire track for five to ten years. If you don’t have long-term goals and beliefs, you will feel fear or even anger when the market falls sharply.
5. For large funds, frequent trading has always been a taboo. We should focus on low-risk arbitrage, low-risk positions and low-risk transactions.
6. Energy is always conserved. If you enjoy the growth dividends of the industry, you must endure the torture brought by the wash.
7. The essence of investment is the realization of cognition. If you lose money, it can only prove that your cognition is insufficient. The money you lose is the tuition paid to the market.
8. There is no best strategy, only the strategy that suits you best. Generally speaking, it is to replace space with time.
9. In this noisy market, what we need to do is to quietly observe its changes, sit back and enjoy the results, and achieve the state of winning without fighting.
10. The way is simple, knowing and doing must be combined into one
#美联储何时降息? #比特币政策
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In this round of bull market, the price of ETH is very likely to fail to break through the upper resistance area of ​​this rising channel. Will Ethereum break through 5,000? 6,000? Or 7,000? Don't speculate, and there is no need to guess. However, where it will eventually go, we don't have to rush to guess, just wait for the answer to be revealed slowly as time goes by. #美联储何时降息? #比特币政策
In this round of bull market, the price of ETH is very likely to fail to break through the upper resistance area of ​​this rising channel.

Will Ethereum break through 5,000? 6,000? Or 7,000? Don't speculate, and there is no need to guess.

However, where it will eventually go, we don't have to rush to guess, just wait for the answer to be revealed slowly as time goes by. #美联储何时降息? #比特币政策
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