Currency #Manta , like #Wifi and #Ckb , are well below the value they had just 2 weeks ago, they are below 50%, which represents a good time to invest in them, especially because the market shows small signs of recovery, #Bitcoin is around the corner. around 66 thousand dollars and a few days ago it was at 59 thousand dollars
Even so, we must always be attentive to market fluctuations and invest convinced that it is the right time, always study and investigate before investing your money.
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#Ckb is right now at a fairly low price like 30% less than what it was worth last week and now that the market shows signs of recovery with #Bitcoin and #Ethereum rising in price, it would be a good opportunity to invest in #Ckb which at any time can also skyrocket its price
Yesterday I told you that#Pepewas at a good price and has already gone up almost 10% of its cost, I hope you bought because I think it will continue to go up
Always do your research before investing your money and remember that you buy low and sell high
Good morning, the truth is that this is the great dilemma when to buy and when to sell These days I have read several articles from people who say they lost their entire investment by buying a currency when it was at its highest value and then it fell to its historical minimum and the loss was terrible if they did not use leverage they still have hope of recovering their investment Yes there is a rise, but if they used leverage there if everything is lost
when to buy well it is best to buy when the coins are at their lowest right now #Pepe it is at quite low values compared to its historical highs it would be good to buy them but you have to observe the market trend
When to sell: sell whenever you obtain profits above 15 to 20%, many times by coveting more a sudden drop comes and you end up losing
The market has recovered a little and the dilemma arises: will it continue to rise or will it fall again? Well, intuition leads us to take risks or wait for the outcome.
#Bitcoin Bitcoin yesterday had a rise of around 8%, reaching a value around $68,000 and today it fell to $66,500 and that keeps everyone watching where Bitcoin is going, because Bitcoin is the guide of the market, if it goes up, the market goes up. and if the market goes down, so be careful with Bitcoin
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disclaimer this article is for information only in no way do I intend to influence people to invest their money
the currency #Floki , after having a drop and reaching a cost of only 0.00017500, since yesterday it has had a recovery and reached a maximum of 0.00023800. Today, however, it is trading at 0.00022800 and 0.00023200, we must observe its trend if it manages to overcome the 0.00023500 can reach 0.00025000 or more, but if it does not exceed 0.00023500 it can fall to less than 0.00022000, the market at the moment is level, no bullish jumps, no bearish jumps, you have to be attentive to be able to invest, because you have to wait and see what trend will the market take
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#Pepe #Floki #BNB terrible fall in the market after several days on the rise, the market gave a drop or setback that caused the vast majority of Cryptocurrencies to fall by up to 20% of their value, this caused losses to many investors, but there were also many who left to benefit from that fall or setback in the market and those who are going to benefit are those who know that everything that goes up must come down and that what goes down must go up those geniuses who changed their Cryptocurrencies or #altcoin to a stable currency #USDT will surely reinvest those Usdt in #Bitcoin, or in Pepe, or in Bnb or in any Cryptocurrency waiting for the rise of the market to collect even more profits
This setback or decline in the market should leave us with a lesson: When the market rises a lot, it is most likely that a decline or setback will occur and at that moment of rise or euphoria we should change our altcoins to USDT to protect our investment from the decline that will surely occur.
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Binance's flagship Crypto Currency #BNB yesterday rose a lot and reached above $640, then dropped to less than $600 $ and is currently at $604, which demonstrates the volatility of the market, Cryptocurrencies are rising rapidly but also falling from moment to moment, but as long as the Cryptocurrencies are at a low price it is the right time to buy, because if you want to make money you must buy at a low price and sell at a high price, which is rule number 1, unfortunately many times we buy when the currencies are on the rise and we sell when they go down because we do not have the patience to wait for it to rise again
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#Floki At this moment #Floki is at a price of 0.0002345 $ which is a low and quite attractive price for purchase, since yesterday it was at 0.0003345 $ and 2 days ago it reached 0.00038 $. This currency is being highly publicized and has many investors will surely have a rise very soon and remember you buy down and sell up
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disclaimer this article is for information only in no way do I intend to influence people to invest their money
el valor actual de #Pepe " data-hashtag="#Pepe " class="tag">#Pepe es de 0,00000822, lo cual20 384764755representa un excelente precio para comprar, pues hace 220384764 755 days se cotizó en su máximo histórico que creo ron daba los 0.00001074 o algo así y teniendo en cuenta la cantidad inmensa de inversores que tiene #Pepe,203847647 55en cualquier momento, despega y quizás hasta logré un precio superior a su máximo histórico newevamente, recuerden se com pra a la baja y se vende al alza
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descargo de responsabilidad este artículo es solo para información203847647 55de ninguna manera pretendo influir para que las personas inviertan2038 4764755su dinero
#floki It is already going up #Floki This morning I bought $60 of the Crypto Currency #Floki when it was below 0.00024 and it is already above 0.00025 which is already generating a small profit for me, I hope it reaches 0.00030 and thus earn me a few dollars, it is also going back to #Bnb , which has already exceeded 600 dollars, as he always told you, when the market is down, it is the best time to invest, as I always say, you buy down and sell up.
disclaimer this article is for information only, if you want to invest do your own research and studies
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Ahora que hubo una caída en la mayoría de las Criptomonedas ya sea el #Bitcoin y las demás #Altcoins, hay que ser prudentes y no vender a pérdidas las Criptomonedas, lo más sensato es mantener sus Criptomonedas y esperar una subida de precios, y el que tenga dinero para invertir que aproveche la baja de precios
descarga de responsabilidad este artículo es solo para información sobre lo que observo, estudio e investigo, en momento se quiere influir en las personas para que inviertan su dinero
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Fuerte caída de precios del #Bitcoin que causa un efecto018293 58928Dominó y también bajan de precio la mayoría de las0 1829358928Criptomonedas entre ellas: #BNB, #Ethereum, etc. también bajaron de precio: muchas0182935892#Altcoin populares como es el caso de: #pepe, #Floki, #Aevo, #Pixel, #Manta, etc y aunque parezca mentira está baja de precio presenta una01829 358928gran oportunidad de inversión ya que generalmente después de01829358 928una caída de precios, se produce una subida y ahora01829 358928que los precios están bajos es la mejor oportunidad para invertir
descarga de responsabilidad este artículo es solo para información,01829358 928de ninguna manera pretendo influir en la manera de invertir0182 9358928de las demás personas, haga sus propios estudios e investigaciones
si el artículo es de tu agrado regálame un like018293 58928y sigueme para seguir dándote informacion, Buenos días y0182935 8928muchas Suerte
#BNB " data-hashtag="#BNB " class="tag">#BNB ayer #BNB, experimento una subida vertiginosa y alcanzó un49340 230153valor de 630$, sin embargo hoy ha estado bajando4934023015 3y llegó hasta los 580$, sin embargo se ha recuperado49 340230153y ahora está cerca de los 600$, lo cual da una idea de que está recuperando su valor y493402301 53seguramente alcanze newevamente los 630$ y hasta más, y4934023015 3recuerda se compra a la baja y se vende al493402301 53alza
descarga de responsabilidad este artículo solo es información de493402301 53lo que observo, investigo y estudio, en ningún momento493 40230153pretendo influir en la gente para que invierta su dine ro
si te gusto el artículo regálame un like que no4934023 0153cuesta nada
#Floki Yesterday#Flokihad a rise and reached 0.00040859 today it is trading at 0.00027150 which could be a good opportunity to make quick profits, if there is a rise
disclaimer: this publication is only for information about what I study, investigate and observe, at no time do I intend to influence people to invest their money
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#AMP yesterday #AMP reached an increase of more than 200% and reached a value of 0.024097 usdt, today it is trading at just 0.011350, it lost more than half of the value achieved, perhaps this currency will have a rise again at any time, you have to watch it and be attentive to their behavior, remember you sell up and you buy down
disclaimer, this article is for information only, at no time is it intended to influence anyone to invest their money
Yesterday many Altcoins experienced great increases including #Pepe and #Wif they exceeded their historical maximum value, also #Bitcoin exceeded their historical maximum value, which shows us that there is a lot of interest in the Cryptocurrency market, those currencies today will surely have a drop, because they will always Many sell with good reason to obtain profits on their invested capital, even so you have to be alert for when these currencies take off again, as the popular adage says, sell up and buy down.
Today we have to follow #Aevo and be alert in case it makes a jump. Until now it remains hovering between 2.90 and 3.50, if it breaks the resistance line of 3.50 it can give a rise, but if it falls below the 2.90 can plummet
disclaimer, I only publish information about what I observe, study and research, at no time do I intend to influence anyone to invest their money, do their own research and observations
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#BNB BNB yesterday had an impressive rise from $538 to $630, then it went down to $608, because many sold to make a profit, but today it is already at $612 and will surely continue to rise
disclaimer, this article is only information that I obtain from the observations, studies and research that I do, it is not intended to influence another person to invest, always do your own research and make your decisions, Good luck
#wif The altcoins Wif has just surpassed its all-time high, it is impressive how the currency is, it is rising like foam, apparently they have publicized it in Las Vegas and this is giving good results.
#Pepe There are also altcoins that surpassed their all-time high, they were stagnant for days but they took the leap and achieved a rise
#floki This altcoin also had a significant increase and is giving good results, it is said that it will be advertised in new York
disclaimer, I only give information, according to what I observe, I investigate and study, I do not intend to influence other people's way of investing
#BTC Bitcoin has just surpassed its all-time high, it exceeded 72 thousand dollars and just less than 2 months ago it was trading at 39 thousand dollars. Definitely, everyone who invested in bitcoin has made a lot of money, how much will bitcoin be at the end of March 80 thousand, 90 thousand, 100 thousand or more
bitcoin is definitely exceeding expectations
Always do your studies, observations and research before investing
#BNB BNB continues to rise, what will be the top of this Crypto Currency, which is the flagship of Binance, today it reached 600 USD and although it then had a drop, it is already recovering
If you are looking for a Crypto Currency to invest in, there is BNB
I think at the end of March it should be close to 700 usdt
I only make comments according to what I observe and study, before investing, do your own research and studies, Good luck