Praise be to God, the rise has so far reached 22% of the drawn area 😍🚀 $PIXEL $BTC $BOME
Ahmed Yasser
The drop was made to the specified area with a drop of 24%, and as God Almighty said (And when your Lord declared, “If you are grateful, I will certainly give you more”), praise and thanks are due to God Almighty. $PIXEL $BTC $ETH
I found a currency that I see is still 5% down, but I see a 600% rise in it and it is now in the buying phase. Is there anyone interested? $BTC $ETH $ETHFI
Praise be to God, it fell by 21% at the time of updating the currency. I also see that it will fall further to the drawn area, and God knows best. $PHB $BTC $ETHFI
Every time I see a decline in the market, I return again to that artistic painting 😍😇
(And had it not been for the grace of God upon you and His mercy, a group of them would have intended to lead you astray, but they would not lead astray except themselves, and they would not harm you in any way. And God has sent down to you the Book. Father and wisdom and taught you what you did not know, and the grace of God upon you was great.)
Ahmed Yasser
An artistic painting of the entire cryptocurrency market 1- The rise of USDT.D is a negative signal for digital currencies 2- The decline in the market value of digital currencies is a negative signal for digital currencies 3- The decline of BTC.D is a negative signal for digital currencies (now at weekly resistance) 4- BTC’s decline is a negative signal for digital currencies (now at weekly resistance) The sign in front of you confirms that the market is falling. Do you agree with me or not? $BTC $ETH $FDUSD
The drop was made to the specified area with a drop of 24%, and as God Almighty said (And when your Lord declared, “If you are grateful, I will certainly give you more”), praise and thanks are due to God Almighty. $PIXEL $BTC $ETH
Ahmed Yasser
Waiting for PIXEL coin to come to this area $PIXEL
(And the grace of God upon you was great) Praise be to God, the decline that I was told about occurred four days ago, and this is from the grace of God upon me. $AI $BTC $ETH
To the moon with an ascent of more than 70% The deal did not work for me on a 1.3% drop difference. God willing, he will be compensated in other deals But the question is, after that I determine areas with a higher stop loss and do I continue with a lower stop loss? Knowing that a lower stop loss causes us to lose many trades. $REI $BTC $BOME
Ahmed Yasser
My view on REI coin, if it reaches this area it will be a good opportunity to buy, but analyze it and make your decision. $REI
I told you two days ago that there was an upcoming decline, but unfortunately no one paid attention to my words, even though I explained to you all the reasons that indicate an upcoming decline. If you want to understand what is happening in the market, read this post carefully, and you will understand where the market is going. May you be well. . $BTC $ETH $BOME
Ahmed Yasser
An artistic painting of the entire cryptocurrency market 1- The rise of USDT.D is a negative signal for digital currencies 2- The decline in the market value of digital currencies is a negative signal for digital currencies 3- The decline of BTC.D is a negative signal for digital currencies (now at weekly resistance) 4- BTC’s decline is a negative signal for digital currencies (now at weekly resistance) The sign in front of you confirms that the market is falling. Do you agree with me or not? $BTC $ETH $FDUSD
Before and after, I did not enter it, nor did I publish it, and this is because its legal ruling is forbidden, but in reality it was one of the best charts I analyzed.