$ENA over all the binance lunch pad tokens are shit coins have been manipulating by cruel whales. Don't invest in these coins anymore, i lost 10k just in a few months. Bye cryptobye binance, i will say to every single person know about crypto that to not buy this ENA coin forever. The enemy of small traders
$ENA oh my god, how i am unlucky, just sold a few minutes before. And now see what is going on, i thinki should leave crypto and just do any thing else
$ENA what a shit coin is this, when BTC goes up, ENA sleeps but when BTC goes down, ENA falls 3x, it's going to bemy last time investing at ENA even if it goes up to 5$. Whales are cruel guys.
$ENA I am losing almost my 90% portfolio with ENA Cz i have a habit to not use stop lose that's why I am just stuck in game of whales but let me tell you one thing that hold it as much as you can and tight your positions, the sellers are going to sleep and the buyers are waking up according to different time zones of whales. Take your responsibility and there is noway to blame others, this is just the game of whales.
$ERN i have been trading in binance since last two months, just open the long and short positions according to my mindset nothing else, most my positions were in the right price but when i am close yo take profit just suddenly my my mind changes and close the position at lost like this coin, i don't know what to do just lost my 60% portfolio. Any one here to direct mr to the channel or anywhere else to learn price action
$HBAR I have been losing my money since last two months Cz i was a beginner and didn't know how to trade, one day i made 200$ with 20x. Later i thought that just look at the candlestick if it goes up or down just invest with full levarage and earn money even i was talking about buying a car in my village but suddenly everything disappeared and i lost my all money cz my position was cross and i didn't know what does it mean. But the point is that today i almost covered my losses with borrowed money with this coin. Tbx god,